NB: this series is still a work in progress.

This is the third part in our series on healthcare AI infrastructure. We’ve already covered the general healthcare IT landscape and the infrastructure pertaining to healthcare AI development.

Healthcare AI Implementation Infrastructure

We now turn our attention to connecting models into care processes, which is known as implementation. I’d argue that healthcare AI implementation tools and processes are often under-discussed and under-studied compared to how important and complicated they are. Hopefully, this post will help to remedy that mismatch a little bit.

A couple notes before we start. Although this might not seem that important to the engineers who are on the AI research and development side of things I would argue that understanding the downstream will not only increase your success of projects eventually making a clinical impact but also that there are interesting and cool research ideas that can come out of thinking about development. I discussed in the implementation goes beyond the technology, however, the primary focus of this section will be on the implementation step of technical integration, the nuts-and-bolts of connecting AI models to existing HIT systems.

Two Approaches to Implementation

There are two primary ways to integrate a model into existing HIT systems and they are delineated by the relationship to the EMR: internal and external.

Internal integration of models means that developers rely exclusively on the tooling provided by the EMR vendor to do the hosting of the model along with all of the logic around running it and filling the results.

Implementation overview using Epic.
Implementation overview using Epic.

External integration of models means that developers choose to own some of parts of the hosting, running, or filing (usually its the hosting piece).

Implementation overview using self-hosting.
Implementation overview using self-hosting.

In both scenarios data ends up flowing from the EMR database to the model, however the path that these data take can be drastically different and significant thought should be put into security of the data and the match between the infrastructure and model’s capabilities.

It is important to note that these approaches delegate the display of model results to the EMR system. They do this by passing model results to the EMR and using EMR tools to display the results to users.

Internal Integration

The infrastructure choices of internal integration are fairly straightforward, as its all dictated by the EMR vendor so you may not have many options. In the past this would have meant re-programming your model so that it could be called by code in the EMR (e.g., for Epic you would need to have it be a custom MUMPS routine). Luckily now EMR vendors are building out tools that enable (relatively) easy integration of models.

Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.


However, there are some major restrictions, because these are not servers that are totally under your control. Instead they are platforms that are designed to be safe and effective for a variety of use cases. Thus, they tend to have a couple attributes that may be problematic.

The first is sandboxing, the model code runs in a special environment that has a pre-specified library of code available. As long as you only use code from that library your model code should function fine, however if you have an additional dependence outside that library you may run into significant issues.

The second is conforming to existing software architectures. Expanding enterprise software often means grafting existing components together in order to create new functionality. For example, existing reporting functionality may be used as the starting point for an AI hosting application. While this makes sense (reporting gets you the input data for your model), it means that you maybe stuck with a framework that wasn’t explicitly designed for AI.

The sandboxing and working with existing design patterns means that square pegs (AI models) may need to be hammered into round holes (vendor infrastructure). Together this means that you seed a significant amount of control and flexibility. While this could be viewed as procrustean, it may actually be a good thing as it does force AI models to adhere to certain standards and ensures that there’s a uniform data security floor.

External Integration

External integration is the other side of the coin. Model developers can pick out exactly how they want their model to be hosted and run as well as how they would like it to interface with the EMR. This additional flexibility is great if you are working on cutting edge research, but it carries a significant burden in terms of guaranteeing that data are handled in a safe and secure manner.

External integration offers a path where innovation can meet clinical applications, allowing for a bespoke approach to deploying AI models. This flexibility, however, comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, particularly in the realms of security, interoperability, and sustainability of the AI solutions.

Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.


Below are key considerations and strategies for effective external integration of AI in healthcare:

  • Security and Compliance When hosting AI models externally, ensuring the security of patient data and compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA in the United States is paramount. It is essential to employ robust encryption methods for data in transit and at rest, implement strict access controls, and regularly conduct security audits and vulnerability assessments. Utilizing cloud services that are compliant with healthcare standards can mitigate some of these concerns, but it requires diligent vendor assessment and continuous monitoring.
  • Interoperability and Data Standards The AI model must interact with the EMR system to receive input data and return predictions. Adopting interoperability standards such as HL7 FHIR can facilitate this communication, enabling the AI system to parse and understand data from diverse EMR systems and ensuring that the AI-generated outputs are usable within the clinical workflow. An alternative is to use a data integration service, like Redox.
  • Scalability and Performance External AI solutions must be designed to scale efficiently with usage demands of a healthcare organization. This includes considerations (that some may consider boring) for load balancing, high availability, and the ability to update the AI models without disrupting the clinical workflow. Performance metrics such as response time and accuracy under load should be continuously monitored to ensure that the AI integration does not negatively impact clinical operations.
  • Support and Maintenance External AI solutions require a commitment to ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues, update models based on new data or clinical guidelines, and adapt to changes in the IT infrastructure. Establishing clear service level agreements (SLAs) with vendors or internal teams responsible for the AI solution is crucial to ensure timely support and updates.

Bonus: Another Approach to External “Integration”

A great deal of the effort involved in external integration is assuring that the data travels between the EMR and your hosted AI model in a safe and secure manner. Setting up all the plumbing between the EMR and your system can take the vast majority of your development time.

Let’s say you didn’t want to go through the hassle, but still wanted to enable clinical users to interact with your model. Well you could provide them with a (secure) way to access your model online and have them be the information intermediaries.

Implementation overview using self-hosting.
Implementation overview using self-hosting with the user as the intermediary.

This is exactly what MDCalc does. They have lots of models that physicians can go and input data directly into. They are super useful clinically, but they’re not integrated into the EMR.

If the amount of data that your model uses is small (a handful of simple data elements), then this could be a viable approach. And if you don’t collect PHI/PII then you could set up your own MDCalc like interface to your hosted model.

We won’t talk about this architecture in depth, but I think its a potentially interesting way to make tools directly for clinicians.

Parting Thoughts

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