File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “I-PrACTISE” categories:


excerpt: “Improving Primary Care Through Industrial and Systems Engineering”

Helped to create Improving Primary Care Through Industrial and Systems Engineering (I-PrACTISE) collaborative. I-PrACTISE is an educational and research collaborative focused on connecting problems in Primary Care with solutions from Industrial Engineering.

It is a formal partnership between the University of Wisconsin Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and the Departments of Family Medicine and Community Health, Medicine and Pediatrics of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health.

I-PrACTISE focuses on applying industrial engineering methods and systems thinking to primary care healthcare settings, aimed at improving patient outcomes while reducing costs and minimizing waste. By doing so, they seek to address some of the challenges facing modern healthcare delivery, which includes rising healthcare costs, limited resources, and burnout.

The goal of I-PrACTISE is to develop a home for cross-disciplinary research to foster development of innovative solutions that involve re-engineering existing clinical workflows and tools.


The care of patients will be improved and the practice of primary care medicine will become more efficient through new knowledge and techniques created by the collaboration between Industrial Engineering and the primary care specialties.


Create a home for scholars and clinicians with interest and expertise in industrial engineering and/or primary care to conduct funded projects directed at improving the quality of primary care for patients, clinicians and staff.


The membership consists of interested UW Faculty from the School of Medicine and Public Health and the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering as well as interested scholars from other professions and institutions.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “I-PrACTISE White Paper” categories:

The first Improving PrimAry Care Through Industrial and Systems Engineering (I-PraCTISE) conference was held at Union South at the University of Wisconsin - Madison in April of 2013. It was funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and co-sponsored by the UW - Madison Departments of Family Medicine and Industrial and Systems Engineering. A key objective of the first I-PrACTISE conference was to develop a cross-disciplinary research agenda, bringing together engineers and physicians.

I helped to organize themes from across the conference and created this paper to summarize our findings.


Primary healthcare is in critical condition with too few students selecting careers, multiple competing demands stressing clinicians, and increasing numbers of elderly patients with multiple health problems. The potential for transdisciplinary research using Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) approaches and methods to study and improve the quality and efficiency of primary care is increasingly recognized. To accelerate the development and application of this research, the National Collaborative to Improve Primary Care through Industrial and Systems Engineering (I-PrACTISE) sponsored an invitational conference in April, 2013 which brought together experts in primary care and ISyE. Seven workgroups were formed, organized around the principles of the Patient Centered Medical Home: Team-Based Care, Coordination and Integration, Health Information Technology (HIT) – Registries and Exchanges, HIT – Clinical Decision Support and Electronic Health Records, Patient Engagement, Access and Scheduling, and Addressing All Health Needs. These groups: (A) Explored critical issues from a primary care perspective and ISyE tools and methods that could address these issues; (B) Generated potential research questions; and (C) Described methods and resources, including other collaborations, needed to conduct this research.

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excerpt: “Developed a custom text message gateway for businesses to reach their customers.”

In the days prior to wide smartphone adoption it was hard to find deals on meals and drinks as broke college students on the go.

SMS bottlecap logo
SMS bottlecap logo

In order to enable restaurants and bars to reach out to college age customers Adam Maus and I created a custom text message gateway integrated with an application and website. These businesses could upload information about their menus and weekly specials and then share them with interested customers by sending out a text message blast.

SMS bottlecap logo
SMS welcome screen

SMS gateway services existed at the time, but they were very expensive (i.e., you had to pay for each text). To avoid paying per text we got an android smartphone and had it serve as the text message router. We had a webservice that would pass information to an app on the smartphone which would then send text messages using its unlimited data and text plan.

SMS bottlecap logo
SMS messaging screen

Ultimately, while we were technically successful this project didn’t really go anywhere. We were not addressing a pain point that businesses in Madison were experiencing. Students would have benefited, but they weren’t our “customers”. Cautionary tale on doing good customer discovery and working hard to achieve product-market fit. That’s more important than cool technology.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “2015 FlexSim - SHS ED Modeling Competition” categories:

I led the University of Wisconsin team to victory in the inaugural FlexSim - SHS Emergency Department Modeling Competition in 2015. This international competition was sponsored by Flexsim Healthcare and took place at the 2015 Orlando Society for Health Systems conference. The team consisted of Samuel Schmitt, April Sell, Michael Russo and myself. We were advised by Dr. Brian Patterson and Dr. Laura Albert.

This case competition involved optimizing the operations of an emergency department (ED) using discrete event simulation and operations research tools. The goal was to analyze the Susquehanna Health ED’s current operations and determine the best care delivery model to meet productivity requirements while satisfying staffing and care constraints.

We used a combination of discrete event simulation (FlexSim healthcare software), design of experiments, and mathematical programming to determine the ideal care delivery model. See below for a copy of our winning presentation.

Executive Summary

Susquehanna Health, a four‐hospital, not‐for‐profit health system, has deployed an Emergency Department (ED) Leadership Team to reduce expenses and optimize operations at their flagship hospital, Williamsport Regional Medical Center (WRMC). The Emergency Department has been experiencing pressure from a recently enacted marketing campaign that ensures patients are seen by a provider in 30 minutes or less at two competitor hospitals in the region. This campaign concerns Susquehanna Health because their current average door to provider time is 42.7 minutes with peak times as long as 140 minutes. As a result, 2.8% of their patients are leaving without being seen.

The Susquehanna Health System needs to be competitive in order to face today’s healthcare trends of declining reimbursement, increasingly high debt, and greater focus on outpatient services. The Emergency Department Leadership Team reached out to UW‐Madison’s Industrial & Systems Engineering students to assist them in creating a simulation that will help them improve patient safety, staff productivity, and overall efficiency.

The UW‐Madison Industrial & Systems Engineering students developed a discrete‐event simulation of WRMC Emergency Department’s traditional triage and bed process using FlexSim HC simulation software. Input data consisted of processing time distributions and probabilities supplied from the Emergency Department Leadership Team. To enhance the accuracy of the model, the team also collaborated with physicians at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics (UWHC) to gather information on average processing times. Based on best practices in other institutions, simulation models were created to represent the two additional delivery methods: PITT and PITT/Super Fast Track.

After the modeling process was completed the team ran a series of experiments to determine the optimal delivery method and staffing levels. Super Fast Track appeared to be the best delivery system, however the team recommends that this analysis be redone on a more powerful machine. The machine used for modeling was not powerful enough to run the simulation experiments needed for statistical certainty.

The team views this as the first phase of a longer term project. The team will continue to refine the model and run new experiments once a new machine is procured. Collaborators at the UW – Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health, have asked the team to build a second set of models to be used for the UW Health ED.

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File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Wisconsin Engineer: Optimizing the ER” categories:

April Sell, Samuel Schmitt, and I discussed our win at the Flexsim-SHS Emergency Department Modeling Competition with Kelsey Murphy for an article in the Wisconsin Engineer magazine.

Optimizing the ER, article from the Wisconsins Engineer.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Predicting ED Patient Throughput Times Utilizing Machine Learning” categories:

Annals of Emergency Medicine research forum abstract. Work done in conjunction with Dr. Brian Patterson and Dr. Laura Albert. Link to paper.


Study Objectives

Patient throughput time in the emergency department is a critical metric affecting patient satisfaction and service efficiency. We performed a retrospective analysis of electronic medical record (EMR) derived data to evaluate the effectiveness of multiple modeling techniques in predicting throughput times for patient encounters in an academic emergency department (ED). Analysis was conducted using various modeling techniques and on differing amounts of information about each patient encounter. We hypothesized that more comprehensive and inclusive models would provide greater predictive power.


Retrospective medical record review was performed on consecutive patients at a single, academic, university-based ED. Data were extracted from an EMR derived dataset. All patients who presented from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013 and met inclusion criteria were included in the analysis. The data were then partitioned into two sets: one for developing models (training) and a second for analyzing the predictive power of these models (testing). The Table lists model types used. The primary outcome measured was the ability of the trained models to accurately predict the throughput times of test data, measured in terms of mean absolute error (MAE). Secondary outcomes were R2 and mean squared error (MSE). Model factors included a mix of patient specific factors such as triage vital signs, age, chief complaint; factors representing the state of the ED such as census and running average throughput time; and timing factors such as time of day, day of week, and month. The most comprehensive models included a total of 29 distinct factors.


Of the 134,194 patients that were seen in the 3-year period of the study 128,252 met the inclusion criteria; the mean throughput time was 183.327 min (SD 1⁄4 98.447 min). Compared to using a single average throughput time as a naïve model (MAE 1⁄4 80.801 min), univariate models provided improved predictive abilities. More sophisticated models, using machine learning methods and including all available factors provided greater predictive power with the lowest MAE achieved at 73.184 min.


We have demonstrated that including information about incoming patients and the state of the ED at the time of an arrival can aid in the prediction of individual patients’ throughput times. The Multiple Linear Regression model, including all available factors, had the highest predictive accuracy, reducing mean absolute error by over 9% compared to the naïve model. While this represents an improvement in the current state of the art, we believe there is room for further work to generate high quality individual patient predictions. More sophisticated models based on ED workflows may lead to greater predictive power to prospectively estimate patient throughput times at arrival.

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I developed an online course to introduce the Arena simulation application. Arena is a discrete event simulation tool that is widely used throughout the field of industrial engineering. Despite its frequent use and inclusion in undergraduate curicula it is often not well understood by students. This is due to a lack of high quality training materials.

I taught an in-person simulation lab (ISyE 321) and assisted in teaching a theory of simulation course (ISyE 320) with Dr. Laura Albert in 2015 at the University of Wisconsin. During this time I developed a series of modules to show off the functionality of Arena. I subsequently recorded these modules and developed a free online course that is on youtube.

Here’s the first video in the online Arena course that I developed:

I also developed accompanying presentation slides, exercises, and Arena files. If you are interested in accessing these materials please contact me.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Cherry Picking Patients: Examining the Interval Between Patient Rooming and Resident Self-assignment” categories:

Study titled “Cherry Picking Patients: Examining the Interval Between Patient Rooming and Resident Self-assignment”. We aimed to evaluate the association between patient chief complaint and the time interval between patient rooming and resident physician self-assignment (“pickup time”). The team hypothesized that significant variation in pickup time would exist based on chief complaint, thereby uncovering resident preferences in patient presentations.[^1]

The authorship team consisted of Brian W. Patterson MD, MPH, Robert J. Batt PhD, Morgan D. Wilbanks MD, myself, Mary C. Westergaard MD, and Manish N. Shah MD, MPH.



We aimed to evaluate the association between patient chief complaint and the time interval between patient rooming and resident physician self-assignment (“pickup time”). We hypothesized that significant variation in pickup time would exist based on chief complaint, thereby uncovering resident preferences in patient presentations.


A retrospective medical record review was performed on consecutive patients at a single, academic, university-based emergency department with over 50,000 visits per year. All patients who presented from August 1, 2012, to July 31, 2013, and were initially seen by a resident were included in the analysis. Patients were excluded if not seen primarily by a resident or if registered with a chief complaint associated with trauma team activation. Data were abstracted from the electronic health record (EHR). The outcome measured was “pickup time,” defined as the time interval between room assignment and resident self-assignment. We examined all complaints with >100 visits, with the remaining complaints included in the model in an “other” category. A proportional hazards model was created to control for the following prespecified demographic and clinical factors: age, race, sex, arrival mode, admission vital signs, Emergency Severity Index code, waiting room time before rooming, and waiting room census at time of rooming.


Of the 30,382 patients eligible for the study, the median time to pickup was 6 minutes (interquartile range = 2–15 minutes). After controlling for the above factors, we found systematic and significant variation in the pickup time by chief complaint, with the longest times for patients with complaints of abdominal problems, numbness/tingling, and vaginal bleeding and shortest times for patients with ankle injury, allergic reaction, and wrist injury.


A consistent variation in resident pickup time exists for common chief complaints. We suspect that this reflects residents preferentially choosing patients with simpler workups and less perceived diagnostic ambiguity. This work introduces pickup time as a metric that may be useful in the future to uncover and address potential physician bias. Further work is necessary to establish whether practice patterns in this study are carried beyond residency and persist among attendings in the community and how these patterns are shaped by the information presented via the EHR.

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[^1]: Patterson, B. W., Batt, R. J., Wilbanks, M. D., Otles, E., Westergaard, M. C., & Shah, M. N. (2018). Cherry Picking Patients: Examining the Interval Between Patient Rooming and Resident Self-assignment. Academic Emergency Medicine, 25(7), 742-751.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Forecasting ED Patient Admissions Utilizing ML” categories:

“Forecasting Emergency Department Patient Admissions Utilizing Machine Learning” was a clinical abstract submitted to Academic Emergency Medicine. In this study, we aimed to predict the need for admission at the time of patient triage utilizing data already available in the electronic health record (EHR). We performed a retrospective analysis of EHR-derived data to evaluate the effectiveness of machine learning techniques in predicting the likelihood of admission for patient encounters in an academic emergency department. We hypothesized that more comprehensive & inclusive models would provide greater predictive power.

This work was done in conjunction with Dr. Brian Patterson, Dr. Jillian Gorski, and Dr. Laura Albert.



Multiple studies have identified inpatient bed availability as a key metric for Emergency Department operational performance. Early planning for patient admissions may allow for optimization of hospital resources.


Our study aimed to predict the need for admission at the time of patient triage utilizing data already available in the electronic health record (EHR). We performed a retrospective analysis of EHR derived data to evaluate the effectiveness of machine learning techniques in predicting the likelihood of admission for patient encounters in an academic emergency department. We hypothesized that more comprehensive & inclusive models would provide greater predictive power.


All patients who presented from 1/1/2012 to 12/31/2013 and met inclusion criteria were included in the analysis. The data were then partitioned into two sets for training and testing. The primary outcome measured was the ability of the trained models to discern the future admission status of an encounter, measured in terms of area under the receiver operator curve (ROC AUC). A secondary outcome was accuracy (ACC). Model features included a mix of patient specific factors (demographics, triage vital signs, visit and chief complaint history), the state of the ED (census and other performance metrics); and timing factors (time of day, etc.). The most comprehensive models included 682 variables, encoding 328 features, aggregated into 3 feature groups.


Our final analysis included 91,060 patient encounters. 28,838 (31.7%) of these encounters resulted in an inpatient admission. Compared to using a naïve model, single feature group models provided improved predictive abilities (1.8% - 50.8% improvement in ROC AUC), see figure for details. More sophisticated models, including all available feature groups provided greater predictive power with the greatest achieved at ROC AUC score of 0.756.


We have demonstrated that including information about incoming patients and the state of the ED at the time of triage can aid in the prediction of individual patients’ likelihood of admission. More sophisticated models using claims, weather, and social media data may lead to greater predictive power to prospectively estimate patient admission likelihood at arrival.

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File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “I-PrACTISE Colloquium Primary Care & Predictive Analytics” categories:

I had the opportunity to give a talk titled “Primary Care & Predictive Analytics” as a part of the I-PrACTISE colloquia series. We discussed artificial intelligence/machine learning and their applications in medicine, with a particular focus on primary care. In the presentation, I aimed to demystify machine learning, discuss its potential benefits in healthcare, and address the challenges associated with implementing these cutting-edge techniques.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a discipline that explores the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from data. These algorithms improve their performance at specific tasks as they gain experience, which is often measured in terms of data. In my talk, I explained the concept of machine learning by drawing parallels between training an algorithm and training an undergraduate. Just as we teach undergraduates general concepts and facts that they then synthesize and apply to specific situations, we train algorithms using data to improve their performance at a given task.

Applications in Medicine and Primary Care

Machine learning has the potential to revolutionize the field of medicine, and primary care is no exception. By leveraging vast amounts of data, we can train algorithms to predict patient outcomes, diagnose conditions more accurately, and identify potential treatment options. For example, we could use machine learning to analyze tumor samples and train a model to evaluate new samples, helping doctors make more informed decisions about cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its potential, there are several challenges to integrating machine learning into healthcare, particularly in sensitive areas like primary care. One of the key issues I addressed in my talk is the need for collaboration between engineers, computer scientists, statisticians, and healthcare professionals to ensure that these advanced techniques are applied responsibly and effectively.

Additionally, it is crucial to consider the human factors involved in implementing machine learning in healthcare settings. Understanding how healthcare providers interact with and use these algorithms is essential to ensuring their successful integration into medical practice.

Looking Ahead

As we continue to explore the potential of machine learning in primary care and the broader medical field, it is vital to remain focused on responsible development and implementation. By collaborating across disciplines and considering the human factors involved, we can work towards harnessing the power of machine learning to improve patient outcomes and revolutionize healthcare.


File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “A community pharmacy initiative to decrease hospital readmissions by increasing patient adherence and competency of therapy” categories:

While working as the lead data scientist at MetaStar I helped to analyze the impact of a community pharmacy based intervention to reduce the rate of hospital admissions and readmissions. Patients enrolled in the intervention had the community pharamcy deliver medications to the homes of patients and educate them as well. We found that enrolling patients in the program reduced their rate of admissions.



Direct pharmacist care has been associated with substantial reduction in hospital admission and readmission rates and other positive outcomes, as compared with the absence of such care.


To decrease readmissions for community pharmacy patients through a program of improved medication packaging, delivery and patient education.


Comparison of the number of admissions and readmissions for each patient enrolled in the program, comparing the time elapsed since enrollment with the equivalent period prior to enrollment.


A community pharmacy in Kenosha, Wisconsin.


Medicare beneficiaries served by the community pharmacy conducting the intervention. This includes 263 patients, 167 of which are Medicare beneficiaries, who have been placed in the intervention group as of June 2016.


A voluntary program to package medications according to patient-specific characteristics and physician orders, to deliver medication to patients’ homes, and to educate and follow up with patients regarding problems with adherence.


Hospital admissions and readmissions post-enrollment as compared with the equivalent pre-enrollment period.


An analysis that limits the study period to a year centered on the patient’s enrollment date in the PACT intervention found a highly statistically significant (p < 0.01) reduction in admissions. An analysis that included the entire duration of the patient’s enrollment in PACT also found a statistically significant (p < 0.001) reduction in admissions. However, neither analytic technique found a statistically significant reduction in readmissions (p=0.2 and 0.1 respectively).


That the study was unable to show a decrease in readmissions to accompany the decrease in admissions may be due to the success of the intervention in decreasing the denominator as well as the numerator of the readmissions measure. In addition, the study has not stratified for changes in the intervention over time, and for differences in patient characteristics or outcomes other than admissions and readmissions.

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File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Quoted in INFORMS in the News” categories:

Over the course of the 2015-2016 school year I worked with several other students to start a student chapter of INFORMS at UW - Madison. After putting together bylaws and dealing with red tape we got the new student organization started. Additionally, was quoted in INFORMS in the News regarding setting up the University of Wisconsin student INFORMS chapter.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “The Impact of ED Census on the Decision to Admit” categories:

Academic Emergency Medicine paper studying the impact of ED census on admission decisions: The Impact of Emergency Department Census on the Decision to Admit.

Jillian K. Gorski, Robert J. Batt, PhD, myself, Manish N. Shah, MD MPH, Azita G. Hamedani MD, MPH, MBA, and Brian W. Patterson MD, MPH, studied the impact of emergency department (ED) census on disposition decisions made by ED physicians. Our findings reveal that disposition decisions in the ED are not solely influenced by objective measures of a patient’s condition, but are also affected by workflow-related concerns.

The retrospective analysis involved 18 months of all adult patient encounters in the main ED at an academic tertiary care center. The results demonstrated that both waiting room census and physician load census were significantly associated with an increased likelihood of patient admission. This highlights the need to consider workflow-related factors when making disposition decisions, in order to ensure optimal patient care and resource allocation in emergency departments.



We evaluated the effect of emergency department (ED) census on disposition decisions made by ED physicians.


We performed a retrospective analysis using 18 months of all adult patient encounters seen in the main ED at an academic tertiary care center. Patient census information was calculated at the time of physician assignment for each individual patient and included the number of patients in the waiting room (waiting room census) and number of patients being managed by the patient’s attending (physician load census). A multiple logistic regression model was created to assess the association between these census variables and the disposition decision, controlling for potential confounders including Emergency Severity Index acuity, patient demographics, arrival hour, arrival mode, and chief complaint.


A total of 49,487 patient visits were included in this analysis, of whom 37% were admitted to the hospital. Both census measures were significantly associated with increased chance of admission; the odds ratio (OR) per patient increase for waiting room census was 1.011 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.001 to 1.020), and the OR for physician load census was 1.010 (95% CI = 1.002 to 1.019). To put this in practical terms, this translated to a modeled rise from 35.3% to 40.1% when shifting from an empty waiting room and zero patient load to a 12-patient wait and 16-patient load for a given physician.


Waiting room census and physician load census at time of physician assignment were positively associated with the likelihood that a patient would be admitted, controlling for potential confounders. Our data suggest that disposition decisions in the ED are influenced not only by objective measures of a patient’s disease state, but also by workflow-related concerns.

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File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Cues for PE Diagnosis in the Emergency Department: A Sociotechnical Systems Approach for Clinical Decision Support” categories:

American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium abstract. Work done in conjunction with Dr. Brian Patterson, MD MPH, Ann Schoofs Hundt, MS, Peter Hoonakker, PhD, and Pascale Carayon, PhD.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) diagnosis presents a significant challenge for emergency department (ED) physicians, as both missed or delayed diagnosis and overtesting can have serious consequences for patients. The implementation of health information technology, such as clinical decision support systems, has the potential to mitigate diagnostic errors and enhance the overall diagnostic process. However, to achieve this, the technology must be practical, user-friendly, and seamlessly integrate into clinical workflows. This calls for a sociotechnical systems approach to understand the cues involved in the PE diagnosis process and how they relate to the information available in electronic health records (EHRs).

In this study, we sought to comprehend the cues in the PE diagnosis process within the ED sociotechnical system and compare them to the information found in the EHR. The objective was to establish design requirements for clinical decision support for PE diagnosis in the ED.


Pulmonary embolus (PE) is among the most challenging diagnoses made in the emergency department (ED). While missed or delayed diagnosis of PE is a major problem in the ED1, overtesting, which subjects patients to harm from radiation, overdiagnosis, and increased cost, is also a concern. Health information technology, such as clinical decision support, has the potential to reduce diagnostic errors and support the diagnostic process. However, this requires that the technology be useful and usable, and fit within the clinical workflow, providing justification for a sociotechnical systems approach. The purpose of this study is to understand cues in the PE diagnosis process in the ED sociotechnical system and to compare these cues to the information available in the EHR. This will help in defining design requirements for a clinical decision support for PE diagnosis in the ED. Using the Critical Decision Method, we interviewed 16 attending physicians and residents in three EDs of two academic medical centers and one community hospital. The total duration of the interviews was over 12 hours. Using an iterative qualitative content analysis, we identified 4 categories of cues: (1) patient signs and symptoms (e.g., leg swelling, chest pain), (2) patient risk factors (e.g., immobilization, surgery or trauma, cancer), (3) explicit risk scoring (e.g., PERC), and (4) clinical judgment. We then mapped these cues to information available in the EHR at one of the participating hospitals. About 80-90% of the cues may be available in the EHR; many of them rely on the physical exam and information obtained by talking to the patient. This finding underlines the need to identify the various roles involved in obtaining, documenting and reviewing the information that informs the PE diagnostic process. The PE diagnostic process in the ED is distributed across multiple roles, individuals and technologies in a sometimes chaotic and often busy physical and organizational environment.

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File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “WHO Technical Series on Safer Primary Care: Human Factors” categories:

Tosha Wetterneck, MD MS, Richard Holden, PhD, John Beasley, MD, and myself wrote a technical chapter for the World Health Organization. Link to technical chapter.

Its part of the World Health Organization’s technical series on safer primary care, and has a particular focus on human factors. This report highlights the crucial role that human factors play in ensuring patient safety, improving the quality of care, and optimizing the overall efficiency of primary care systems. By understanding the interaction between humans, systems, and technologies, healthcare organizations can implement more effective strategies to reduce errors, enhance communication, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

This monograph describes what “human factors” are and what relevance this approach has for improving safety in primary care. This section defines human factors. The next sections outline some of the key human factors’ issues in primary care and the final sections explore potential practical solutions for safer primary care.

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I developed an an iMessage Sticker Pack for all those interested in medicine, health, and the human body. Download it from the Apple AppSore.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Immune Genomic Expression Correlates with Discharge Location and Poor Outcomes in Trauma Patients” categories:

Academic Surgical Congress abstract, can be found here.

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File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “AAFP’s Innovation Fellow Studies Tech, Digital Scribes” categories:

Discussed my work studying digital scribes with David Mitchell. Read the interview.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Return to Work After Injury: A Sequential Prediction & Decision Problem” categories:

Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference clinical abstract, can be found here.

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File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “COVID Staffing Project: Three Medical Students’ Contributions” categories:

Kenneth Abbott, Alexandra Highet and I catalogued our contributions to the COVID Staffing project in a Dose of Reality Blog Post.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “COVID-19 Analysis” categories:

Quick exploration of case spread and mortality rates of the novel coronavirus.

Tableau embed code courtesy of San Wang.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Faster than COVID: a computer model that predicts the disease’s next move” categories:

Michigan Engineering News covered our work on the M-CURES COVID deterioration model that I helped to develop and led the implementation of. Read the article here.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Ann Arbor District Library - Friday Night AI: AI and COVID-19” categories:

Virtual panel discussion on how artificial intelligence could guide the response to the coronavirus outbreak. Hosted by the Ann Arbor District Library. Panel included speakers from across the Michigan AI and Michigan Medicine.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “It’s time to bring human factors to primary care policy and practice” categories:

Appeared in Applied Ergonomics. Link

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Primary health care is a complex, highly personal, and non-linear process. Care is often sub-optimal and professional burnout is high. Interventions intended to improve the situation have largely failed. This is due to a lack of a deep understanding of primary health care. Human Factors approaches and methods will aid in understanding the cognitive, social and technical needs of these specialties, and in designing and testing proposed innovations. In 2012, Ben-Tzion Karsh, Ph.D., conceived a transdisciplinary conference to frame the opportunities for research human factors and industrial engineering in primary care. In 2013, this conference brought together experts in primary care and human factors to outline areas where human factors methods can be applied. The results of this expert consensus panel highlighted four major research areas: Cognitive and social needs, patient engagement, care of community, and integration of care. Work in these areas can inform the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovations in Primary Care. We provide descriptions of these research areas, highlight examples and give suggestions for future research. ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “UMich Precision Health Symposium: Prediction & Prevention - Powering Precision Health” categories:

Virtual panel discussion on precison health. A video segment from the 2020 University of Michigan Precision Health Virtual Symposium.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “UMich Precision Health Onboarding Session: Precision Health De-Identified RDW” categories:

Precision Health Data Analytics & IT workgroup held an onboarding session for Engineering students who could use Precision Health tools and resources for their classes and research. I provided a technical demonstration on how to find and query the database through the sql server.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “UMich MSTP Promo Video” categories:

Was featured in the University of Michigan Medical Scientist Training Program recruiting video.

The MSTP at Michigan prepares physician scientists for careers in academic medicine with a focus on biomedical research. More than just an M.D. and Ph.D. spliced together, our program offers comprehensive support and guidance, integrating academic excellence and flexibility to help you reach your career goals.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “External Validation of a Widely Implemented Proprietary Sepsis Prediction Model in Hospitalized Patients” categories:

JAMA Internal Medicine. Can be found here.

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Key Points


How accurately does the Epic Sepsis Model, a proprietary sepsis prediction model implemented at hundreds of US hospitals, predict the onset of sepsis?


In this cohort study of 27 697 patients undergoing 38 455 hospitalizations, sepsis occurred in 7% of the hosptalizations. The Epic Sepsis Model predicted the onset of sepsis with an area under the curve of 0.63, which is substantially worse than the performance reported by its developer.


This study suggests that the Epic Sepsis Model poorly predicts sepsis; its widespread adoption despite poor performance raises fundamental concerns about sepsis management on a national level.



The Epic Sepsis Model (ESM), a proprietary sepsis prediction model, is implemented at hundreds of US hospitals. The ESM’s ability to identify patients with sepsis has not been adequately evaluated despite widespread use.


To externally validate the ESM in the prediction of sepsis and evaluate its potential clinical value compared with usual care.

Design, Setting, and Participants

This retrospective cohort study was conducted among 27 697 patients aged 18 years or older admitted to Michigan Medicine, the academic health system of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, with 38 455 hospitalizations between December 6, 2018, and October 20, 2019.


The ESM score, calculated every 15 minutes.

Main Outcomes and Measures

Sepsis, as defined by a composite of (1) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveillance criteria and (2) International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision diagnostic codes accompanied by 2 systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria and 1 organ dysfunction criterion within 6 hours of one another. Model discrimination was assessed using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve at the hospitalization level and with prediction horizons of 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours. Model calibration was evaluated with calibration plots. The potential clinical benefit associated with the ESM was assessed by evaluating the added benefit of the ESM score compared with contemporary clinical practice (based on timely administration of antibiotics). Alert fatigue was evaluated by comparing the clinical value of different alerting strategies.


We identified 27 697 patients who had 38 455 hospitalizations (21 904 women [57%]; median age, 56 years [interquartile range, 35-69 years]) meeting inclusion criteria, of whom sepsis occurred in 2552 (7%). The ESM had a hospitalization-level area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.63 (95% CI, 0.62-0.64). The ESM identified 183 of 2552 patients with sepsis (7%) who did not receive timely administration of antibiotics, highlighting the low sensitivity of the ESM in comparison with contemporary clinical practice. The ESM also did not identify 1709 patients with sepsis (67%) despite generating alerts for an ESM score of 6 or higher for 6971 of all 38 455 hospitalized patients (18%), thus creating a large burden of alert fatigue.

Conclusions and Relevance

This external validation cohort study suggests that the ESM has poor discrimination and calibration in predicting the onset of sepsis. The widespread adoption of the ESM despite its poor performance raises fundamental concerns about sepsis management on a national level. ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “STAT News: A popular algorithm to predict sepsis misses most cases and sends frequent false alarms, study finds” categories:

Casey Ross of STAT News covered our JAMA IM Epic Sepsis Model evaluation paper. Check out the article.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “WIRED: An Algorithm That Predicts Deadly Infections Is Often Flawed” categories:

Tom Simonite of WIRED covered our JAMA IM Epic Sepsis Model evaluation paper. Check out the article.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “The Verge: A hospital algorithm designed to predict a deadly condition misses most cases” categories:

Nicole Wetsman of The Verge covered our JAMA IM Epic Sepsis Model evaluation paper. Check out the article.

File: 2021-07-26-The-Washington-Post-A-hospital-algorithm-designed-to-predict-a-deadly-condition-misses-most-cases Creation Date: — title: “The Washington Post: Sepsis prediction tool used by hospitals misses many cases, study says. Firm that developed the tool disputes those findings.” categories:

Erin Blakemore of The Washington Post covered our JAMA IM Epic Sepsis Model evaluation paper. Check out the article.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Mind the Performance Gap: Dataset Shift During Prospective Validation” categories:

Our 2021 Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference paper! It discusses a special kind of dataset shift that is particularly pervasive and pernicious when developing and implementing ML/AI models for use in healthcare. Here’s a link to the Mind the Performance Gap paper that I authored with Jeeheh Oh, Benjamin Li, Michelle Bochinski, Hyeon Joo, Justin Ortwine, Erica Shenoy, Laraine Washer, Vincent B. Young, Krishna Rao, and Jenna Wiens.


Once integrated into clinical care, patient risk stratification models may perform worse com- pared to their retrospective performance. To date, it is widely accepted that performance will degrade over time due to changes in care processes and patient populations. However, the extent to which this occurs is poorly understood, in part because few researchers re- port prospective validation performance. In this study, we compare the 2020-2021 (’20-’21) prospective performance of a patient risk stratification model for predicting healthcare- associated infections to a 2019-2020 (’19-’20) retrospective validation of the same model. We define the difference in retrospective and prospective performance as the performance gap. We estimate how i) “temporal shift”, i.e., changes in clinical workflows and patient populations, and ii) “infrastructure shift”, i.e., changes in access, extraction and transfor- mation of data, both contribute to the performance gap. Applied prospectively to 26,864 hospital encounters during a twelve-month period from July 2020 to June 2021, the model achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.767 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.737, 0.801) and a Brier score of 0.189 (95% CI: 0.186, 0.191). Prospective performance decreased slightly compared to ’19-’20 retrospective performance, in which the model achieved an AUROC of 0.778 (95% CI: 0.744, 0.815) and a Brier score of 0.163 (95% CI: 0.161, 0.165). The resulting performance gap was primarily due to in- frastructure shift and not temporal shift. So long as we continue to develop and validate models using data stored in large research data warehouses, we must consider differences in how and when data are accessed, measure how these differences may negatively affect prospective performance, and work to mitigate those differences. ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Evaluating a Widely Implemented Proprietary Deterioration Index Model among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19” categories:

Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Can be found here.

Download paper.



The Epic Deterioration Index (EDI) is a proprietary prediction model implemented in over 100 U.S. hospitals that was widely used to support medical decision-making during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The EDI has not been independently evaluated, and other proprietary models have been shown to be biased against vulnerable populations.


To independently evaluate the EDI in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 overall and in disproportionately affected subgroups.


We studied adult patients admitted with COVID-19 to units other than the intensive care unit at a large academic medical center from March 9 through May 20, 2020. We used the EDI, calculated at 15-minute intervals, to predict a composite outcome of intensive care unit–level care, mechanical ventilation, or in-hospital death. In a subset of patients hospitalized for at least 48 hours, we also evaluated the ability of the EDI to identify patients at low risk of experiencing this composite outcome during their remaining hospitalization.


Among 392 COVID-19 hospitalizations meeting inclusion criteria, 103 (26%) met the composite outcome. The median age of the cohort was 64 (interquartile range, 53–75) with 168 (43%) Black patients and 169 (43%) women. The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve of the EDI was 0.79 (95% confidence interval, 0.74–0.84). EDI predictions did not differ by race or sex. When exploring clinically relevant thresholds of the EDI, we found patients who met or exceeded an EDI of 68.8 made up 14% of the study cohort and had a 74% probability of experiencing the composite outcome during their hospitalization with a sensitivity of 39% and a median lead time of 24 hours from when this threshold was first exceeded. Among the 286 patients hospitalized for at least 48 hours who had not experienced the composite outcome, 14 (13%) never exceeded an EDI of 37.9, with a negative predictive value of 90% and a sensitivity above this threshold of 91%.


We found the EDI identifies small subsets of high-risk and low-risk patients with COVID-19 with good discrimination, although its clinical use as an early warning system is limited by low sensitivity. These findings highlight the importance of independent evaluation of proprietary models before widespread operational use among patients with COVID-19. ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference: Characterizing the Performance Gap” categories:

Jeeheh Oh and I presented our work on dataset shift at the 2021 Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference. This talk briefly summarizes our our conference paper.


Once integrated into clinical care, patient risk stratification models may perform worse com- pared to their retrospective performance. To date, it is widely accepted that performance will degrade over time due to changes in care processes and patient populations. However, the extent to which this occurs is poorly understood, in part because few researchers re- port prospective validation performance. In this study, we compare the 2020-2021 (’20-’21) prospective performance of a patient risk stratification model for predicting healthcare- associated infections to a 2019-2020 (’19-’20) retrospective validation of the same model. We define the difference in retrospective and prospective performance as the performance gap. We estimate how i) “temporal shift”, i.e., changes in clinical workflows and patient populations, and ii) “infrastructure shift”, i.e., changes in access, extraction and transfor- mation of data, both contribute to the performance gap. Applied prospectively to 26,864 hospital encounters during a twelve-month period from July 2020 to June 2021, the model achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.767 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.737, 0.801) and a Brier score of 0.189 (95% CI: 0.186, 0.191). Prospective performance decreased slightly compared to ’19-’20 retrospective performance, in which the model achieved an AUROC of 0.778 (95% CI: 0.744, 0.815) and a Brier score of 0.163 (95% CI: 0.161, 0.165). The resulting performance gap was primarily due to in- frastructure shift and not temporal shift. So long as we continue to develop and validate models using data stored in large research data warehouses, we must consider differences in how and when data are accessed, measure how these differences may negatively affect prospective performance, and work to mitigate those differences. ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “CHEPS Seminar: Engineering Machine Learning for Medicine” categories:

Invited to give a talk for the 2021 University of Michigan Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety (CHEPS) fall seminar series. Discussed engineering machine learning for medicine. Gave an overview of the whole healthcare AI/ML lifecycle and discussed it is chockablock with cool industrial & health systems engineering problems.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Using Natural Language Processing to Automatically Assess Feedback Quality: Findings From 3 Surgical Residencies” categories:

Academic Medicine. Can be found here.

Download paper.



Learning is markedly improved with high-quality feedback, yet assuring the quality of feedback is difficult to achieve at scale. Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms may be useful in this context as they can automatically classify large volumes of narrative data. However, it is unknown if NLP models can accurately evaluate surgical trainee feedback. This study evaluated which NLP techniques best classify the quality of surgical trainee formative feedback recorded as part of a workplace assessment.


During the 2016–2017 academic year, the SIMPL (Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning) app was used to record operative performance narrative feedback for residents at 3 university-based general surgery residency training programs. Feedback comments were collected for a sample of residents representing all 5 postgraduate year levels and coded for quality. In May 2019, the coded comments were then used to train NLP models to automatically classify the quality of feedback across 4 categories (effective, mediocre, ineffective, or other). Models included support vector machines (SVM), logistic regression, gradient boosted trees, naive Bayes, and random forests. The primary outcome was mean classification accuracy.


The authors manually coded the quality of 600 recorded feedback comments. Those data were used to train NLP models to automatically classify the quality of feedback across 4 categories. The NLP model using an SVM algorithm yielded a maximum mean accuracy of 0.64 (standard deviation, 0.01). When the classification task was modified to distinguish only high-quality vs low-quality feedback, maximum mean accuracy was 0.83, again with SVM.


To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to examine the use of NLP for classifying feedback quality. SVM NLP models demonstrated the ability to automatically classify the quality of surgical trainee evaluations. Larger training datasets would likely further increase accuracy. ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “INFORMS: Dynamic Machine Learning for Medical Practice” categories:

INFORMS conference talk focused on dynamic machine learning for medicine. Based on Joint work with Jon Seymour, MD (Peers Health) and Brian Denton PhD (University of Michigan).

Time is a crucial factor of clinical practice. Our work explores the intersection of time and machine learning (ML) in the context of medicine. This presentation will examine the creation, validation, and deployment of dynamic ML models. We discuss dynamic prediction of future work status for patients who have experienced occupational injuries. Methodologically we cover a framework for dynamic prediction health-state prediction that combines a novel data transformation with an appropriate automatically generated deep learning architecture. These projects expand our understanding of how to effectively train and utilize dynamic machine learning models in the service of advancing health.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Forbes: Trust The AI? You Decide” categories:

Arun Shashtri of Forbes covered our JAMA IM Epic Sepsis Model evaluation paper. Check out the article.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Quantification of Sepsis Model Alerts in 24 US Hospitals Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic” categories:

JAMA Network Open. Can be found here.

Download paper.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Natural Language Processing and Assessment of Resident Feedback Quality” categories:

Journal of Surgical Education. Can be found here.

Download paper.



To validate the performance of a natural language processing (NLP) model in characterizing the quality of feedback provided to surgical trainees.


Narrative surgical resident feedback transcripts were collected from a large academic institution and classified for quality by trained coders. 75% of classified transcripts were used to train a logistic regression NLP model and 25% were used for testing the model. The NLP model was trained by uploading classified transcripts and tested using unclassified transcripts. The model then classified those transcripts into dichotomized high- and low- quality ratings. Model performance was primarily assessed in terms of accuracy and secondary performance measures including sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC).


A surgical residency program based in a large academic medical center.


All surgical residents who received feedback via the Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning smartphone application (SIMPL, Boston, MA) in August 2019.


The model classified the quality (high vs. low) of 2,416 narrative feedback transcripts with an accuracy of 0.83 (95% confidence interval: 0.80, 0.86), sensitivity of 0.37 (0.33, 0.45), specificity of 0.97 (0.96, 0.98), and an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.86 (0.83, 0.87).


The NLP model classified the quality of operative performance feedback with high accuracy and specificity. NLP offers residency programs the opportunity to efficiently measure feedback quality. This information can be used for feedback improvement efforts and ultimately, the education of surgical trainees. ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Natural Language Processing to Estimate Clinical Competency Committee Ratings” categories:

Journal of Surgical Education. Can be found here.

Download paper.



Residency program faculty participate in clinical competency committee (CCC) meetings, which are designed to evaluate residents’ performance and aid in the development of individualized learning plans. In preparation for the CCC meetings, faculty members synthesize performance information from a variety of sources. Natural language processing (NLP), a form of artificial intelligence, might facilitate these complex holistic reviews. However, there is little research involving the application of this technology to resident performance assessments. With this study, we examine whether NLP can be used to estimate CCC ratings.


We analyzed end-of-rotation assessments and CCC assessments for all surgical residents who trained at one institution between 2014 and 2018. We created models of end-of-rotation assessment ratings and text to predict dichotomized CCC assessment ratings for 16 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Milestones. We compared the performance of models with and without predictors derived from NLP of end-of-rotation assessment text.


We analyzed 594 end-of-rotation assessments and 97 CCC assessments for 24 general surgery residents. The mean (standard deviation) for area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was 0.84 (0.05) for models with only non-NLP predictors, 0.83 (0.06) for models with only NLP predictors, and 0.87 (0.05) for models with both NLP and non-NLP predictors.


NLP can identify language correlated with specific ACGME Milestone ratings. In preparation for CCC meetings, faculty could use information automatically extracted from text to focus attention on residents who might benefit from additional support and guide the development of educational interventions. ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Comparative Assessment of a Machine Learning Model and Rectal Swab Surveillance to Predict Hospital Onset Clostridioides difficile” categories:

IDWeek Abstract. Can be found here.

Download paper.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “IOE Research Spotlight” categories:

Shared an overview of my research during the 2021 University of Michigan Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering recruiting weekend.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Precision Health Webinar: What Clinicians Need to Know when Using AI” categories:

Panel discussion on what is important for clinicians to know and how confident they can be when using these AI tools. Conversation with Drs. Rada Mihalcea, Max Spadafore, and Cornelius James.

File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Hello, World!” categories:

Hello, World!

Welcome to Ötleş Notes! It’s a blog by me (Erkin Ötleş).

For a little background: I am a Medical Scientist Training Program Fellow at the University of Michigan. What does that mean in English? It means I am a very silly person who decided to go to school forever in order to study medicine (MD) and engineering (PhD in industrial and operations engineering). Generally, I am fascinated by the intersection of engineering and medicine. I strongly believe that both fields have a lot to learn from one another. While working between the two presents challenges, I am genuinely grateful to learn from wonderful mentors and colleagues in both fields.

As I come across interesting topics that pertain to medicine or engineering I’ll try to share them here along with my perspective. I won’t make any guarantees regarding posting frequency or topics. However, I will to make every effort to cite original sources and be as factual as possible.

Ultimately this is a project for myself: 1) to help strengthen my written communication skills and 2) allow me to explore a broader space of ideas. If you happen to get something out of it too in the meantime that’s a wonderful byproduct.

If you have ideas about my ideas feel free to reach out to me on twitter (@eotles) or write me an email.

Go ÖN Home ———————— File: Creation Date: “Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000” — title: “Solving Wordle” categories:

Let’s talk about Wordle. [1] You, like me, might have been drawn into this game recently, courtesy of those yellow and green squares on twitter. The rules are simple, you get 6 attempts to guess the 5 letter word. After every attempt you get feedback in the form of the colored squares around your letters. Grey means this character isn’t used at all. Yellow means that the character is used, but in a different position. Finally, green means you nailed the character to (one of) the right position(s). Here’s an example of a played game:

A valiant wordle attempt by J.B. Cheadle (January 10th 2022)

It’s pretty fun to play, although wracking your brain for 5 letter words can be annoying, especially since you are not allowed to guess words that aren’t real words (e.g., you can’t use AEIOU). Once I got the hang of the game’s mechanics my natural inclination was to not enjoy the once daily word guessing diversion, but was to find a way to “solve wordle”.

Now, what does it mean to “solve wordle”? Maybe you would like to start with a really good guess? Maybe you would like to guarantee that you win the game (i.e., guess the right word by your sixth try)? Or perhaps, you’d like to win the game and get the most amount of greens or yellow on the way? “Solving” is a subjective and probably depends on your preferences.

Due to this subjectivity I think there’s couple valid ways to tackle wordle. If you have a strong preference for one type of solution you might be able to express that directly and then solve the game in order to get the optimal way to play. I’m going to try to avoid the O-word because: 1) I don’t know what you’d like to optimize for and 2) these approaches below don’t solve for the true optimal solution (they are heuristics).

The solution strategies I’ve explored thus far can be broken down into two major categories. The first set of strategies are trying to find really good first words to start with (First Word) and the second set are finding strategies that can be used to pick good words throughout the course of the game in response to responses received from guesses (Gameplay).

Let’s start with the First Words strategies: there are two first word strategies that can be employed based on how you’d like to start your game. First Word - Common Characters: ideal if you’d like to start your game using words that have the most common characters with all the solution words. Think of this as trying to maximize the number of yellow characters that you get on the first try.

  1. First Word - Right Character in Right Position: ideal if you’d like to start the game using words that have the highest likelihood of having the right characters in the right position. This would yield the most number of green characters.

    Rank Solution Words Usable Words
    1st later, alter, alert oater, orate, roate
    2nd sonic, scion lysin
    2nd pudgy chump :)
  2. First Word - Right Character in Right Position: ideal if you’d like to start the game using words that have the highest likelihood of having the right characters in the right position. This would yield the most number of green characters.

    Rank Solution (& Usable) Words
    1st slate
    2nd crony
    2nd build

Note on solution word vs. usable words. Wordle has two sets of words, solution words and other words. Other words are never the correct answer but can be used as a guess. There’s a chance that other words can be used to get a lot of yellows, despite never being the correct answer. So I created a list of usable words that combined the solution words and the other words. Notice that the First Word - Common Characters strategy has two lists. That’s because there are other words like “oater” that are more likely to produce yellows than the best solution word “later”. This isn’t the case for the First Word - Right Character in Right Position, as it produces the same results for both sets of words.

You might also observe that there are several sets of words in terms of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If you wanted you could use these strategies over several rounds to build up your knowledge. However, these strategies don’t take into account the feedback that you get from the game. So there may be better ways to play the game that take into account what kind of results you get after you put in a guess.

These strategies are the Gameplay strategies. I’ll present two potential approaches that use knowledge as it is collected.

  1. Gameplay - Refine List + Common Characters: this one works by sifting through the remaining words that are feasible (e.g., don’t use grey characters and have green characters in the right spot) and then uses the Common Characters approach to rank the potential word choices that remain.
  2. Gameplay - Reinforcement Learning: this one works by learning what is the best word to guess given what you have guessed in the past. [2] It does this learning by playing the Wordle many times (e.g., millions) and then collecting a reward based on how it does (+1 point for winning and 0 points for losing). Over repeated plays of the game we can learn what guesses might lead to winning based on the current state of the game.

Here is an example of the Gameplay - Refine List + Common Characters strategy in action based on the Wordle from January 10th 2022.

Guess # Green Characters Grey Characters Guess Result
1 *****   alert 20220110_solver_results_guess_1
2 **\er* a, l, t fiery 20220110_solver_results_guess_2
3 **\ery* a, f, i, l, t query 20220110_solver_results_guess_3

Here you can see that after every guess we get to update the green characters and the grey characters that we know about. For example after round 1, we know that the word must be **er* (where * represent wildcards) and must not contain the characters: a, l (el) or t. I use regular expressions to search through the list of words, the search expression is really simple, it just replaces * in the green character string with tokens for the remaining viable characters (the set of alphabet characters minus the grey characters).

The reinforcement learning based approach would operate in a similar manner for a user. However, the mechanics under the hood are a bit more complicated. If you are interested in how it (or any of the other strategies) work please see the appendix.

As I mentioned above, solving wordle is subjective. You might not like my approaches or might think there are ways for them to be improved. Luckily I’m not the only one thinking about this problem. [3, 4]

Go ÖN Home


This contains some technical descriptions of the approaches described above.

First Word - Common Characters

This one is pretty simple. I am essentially trying to find the word that has the most unique characters in common with other words (this is a yellow match).

In order to do this I reduce words down to character strings which are just lists of unique characters that the words are made up of. So for an example, the word “savvy” becomes the string list: a,s,v,y. We then use the chapter strings to count the number of words represented by a character. So using the character string from above the characters a, s, v, and y would all have their counts incremented by 1. These counts represent the number of words covered by a character (word coverage).

We then search through all words and calculate their total word coverage. This is done by summing up the counts for every character in the word. We then select the word with the highest amount of other word coverage. In order to find words to be used in subsequent rounds we can remove the characters already covered by previously selected words and repeats the previous step.

Code can be found in the first_word_common_characters.ipynb notebook.

First Word - Right Character in Right Position

This one is a pretty straightforward extension of the First Word - Common Characters approach that has an added constraint, which is position must be tracked along with the characters.

To do this we count a character-position tuples. For every word we loop through the characters and their positions. We keep track of the number of times a character-position is observed. For example, the world “savvy” would increment the counts for the following character-portion tuples: (s, 1), (a, 2), (v, 3), (v, 4), (y, 5). These counts represent the number of words covered by a character-tuple (word coverage).

We then loop through every word and calculate their total word coverage. This is done by breaking the word into character-position tuples and summing up the counts of the observed character-positions.

Code can be found in the first_word_right_character_in_right_position.ipynb notebook.

Both the First Word strategies can be converted from counts to probabilities. I haven’t done this yet, but maybe I’ll update this post in the future to have that information.

The Gameplay strategies are a little more complicated than the First Word strategies because they need to be able to incorporate the state of the game into the suggestion for the next move.

Gameplay - Refine List + Common Characters

This approach is reminds me of an AI TA I had. He would always say “AI is just search”. Which is true. This approach is pretty much searching over the word list with some filtering and using some distributional knowledge. It was surprised at how easily it came together and how effective it is. As a side note, it was probably the easiest application of regex that I’ve had in a while.

There are three components to this approach:

  1. Generate Regex: build the search filter
  2. Get possible solutions: apply filter to the word list
  3. Rank order solutions: apply common character counting on the filtered word list

I will briefly detail some of the intricacies of these components.

Generate Regex: the users need to provide 3 things before a guess 1) a string with the green characters positioned correctly and wildcards (*) elsewhere, 2) a list of the yellow characters found thus far, and finally 3) a list of the gray characters. Using this information we build a regular expression that describes the structure of the word we are looking for. For example let’s say we had **ery as green letters and every character other than q and u were greyed out then we would have a regex search pattern as follows: [qu][qu]ery.

Get possible solutions: after building the regex search string we can loop through the list of solution words and filter all the words that don’t meet the regex search pattern. We can additionally remove any words that do not use characters from the yellow characters list. Finally, we then Rank Order Solutions by finding each words coverage using the approach described in Common Characters above. This produces a list of words ranked by their likelihood of producing yellow characters on the remaining possible words.

Code can be found in the gameplay_refine_list_common_characters.ipynb notebook. There’s also a blogpost with this solver implemented.

There’s also a website with this solver implemented.

Gameplay - Reinforcement Learning

This approach is based on tabular Q-learning. [2, 5] Its a little bit complicated and I’m unsure the training procedure produced ideal results. But I’ll provide a brief overview.

Reinforcement learning seeks to learn the right action to take in a given state. [6] You can use it to learn how to play games if you can formulate that game as a series of states (e.g., representing a board position) and actions (potential moves to take). [5] In order to convert tackle the wordle task with RL we need a way to represent the guesses that we’ve already done (state) and the next guess we should make (action).

The actions are pretty obvious, have one action for each potential solution word we can guess. There’s about 2,000 of these.

The states are where things get hairy. If you wanted to encode all the information that the keyboard contains you would need at least 4^26 states. This is because there are 4 states a character can take {black/un-guessed, yellow, green, grey} each character can be in anyone of these states. This is problematic - way too big! Additionally, this doesn’t encode the guesses we have tied. What I eventually settled on was a state representation that combined the last guessed word along with the results (the colors) for each character. This is a much more manageable 2,000 x 4^5.

I then coded up the wordle game and used tabular Q-learning to learn the value of state action pairs. This was done through rewarding games that resulted in a win with a 1 and losses getting a 0.

I think this also might be solvable using dynamic programming as we know the winning states. These are terminal and then I think you can work backwards to assign values to the intermediary states. It’s been almost a decade since I took my dynamic programming class, so I need a bit of a refresher before I dive into it.

As you can see, there are a lot of interesting questions that arise from formulating this task as an RL problem. I will probably come back to this and explore it further in the future.


  1. Wordle - A daily word game. 2022; Available from:
  2. Q-Learning - An introduction through a simple table based implementation with learning rate, discount factor and exploration - gotensor. 2019.
  3. Solve Wordle. 2022; Available from:
  4. Glaiel, T., The mathematically optimal first guess in Wordle. 2022.
  5. Friedrich, C., Part 3 - Tabular Q Learning, a Tic Tac Toe player that gets better and better. 2018.
  6. Sutton, R.S. and A.G. Barto, Reinforcement learning : an introduction. Adaptive computation and machine learning. 1998, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. xviii, 322 p.

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Wordle Solver by eotles
Green Letters : input green letters, use '*' to denote non-green characters. Example: ***ry <br \> Yellow Letters: input characters directly, no spaces or commas needed. Example: qu <br \> Greyed Letters: input characters directly, no spaces or commas needed. Example: v <br \><br \>

------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "#@!% Flipping Cursor!" categories: - Blog tags: - UI/UX - human factors engineering - healthcare IT - Microsoft Word - mouse cursor --- ecently I came across some interesting behavior in Microsoft Word. While scrolling through a document I noticed that my pointer had flipped. Instead of seeing the classic arrow pointer (pointing to the upper-left) the pointer had flipped horizontally (arrow pointing to the upper-right). [1] Jiggling the pointer on and off the Word application caused the arrow pointer to flip back-and-forth. A video highlighting this behavior is embedded below.
The pointer starts out as a normal arrow pointer then changes to a horizontal I beam pointer once the Word application is brought into focus by clicking. As the pointer travels left the pointer switches to a flipped arrow pointer. Traveling to the right we see the horizontal I beam pointer and eventually the normally expected classic arrow pointer. What the #$@!%? It took me a while to figure this out, because googling “flipped reversed pointer cursor” primarily gives you stuff pertaining to mouse scrolling direction. But I eventually happened across a helpful StackExchange discussion. [2] Apparently, this is meant to be a useful feature for users. If you click when the pointer is in the flipped configuration Word will highlight the corresponding line of text, see example video below:
Once you know about this you might consider it helpful. But really?! It is a buried feature that leads to two outcomes: 1) it doesn’t get noticed by the majority of users or 2) when it does get noticed it causes confusion (🙋🏾‍♂️). Apparently, other MS Office applications do similar things when the pointer goes leftward. [2] However, the Microsoft pointer UI documentation has no mention of why or when a flipped arrow pointer is supposed to be employed. [3] Maybe I’m totally off-base. Maybe the flipped arrow pointer in MS Office applications leads to features that are loved by the masses. Maybe I have just missed this particular train? Probably not. I have a tendency to agree with the JohnGB on StackExchange that: “Consistency matters in UX, even when it is in things that most people will not be able to consciously notice.” I think this is a good parting thought, it is especially salient for those of us that work in healthcare IT. The mental workload in healthcare is taxing, so software user experiences should be as simple as possible. There’s no reason to confuse your users by adding complexity and breaking your own design rules, especially if you aren’t providing substantial value. Erkin
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Note: the discrepancy in verbiage between the title and the text. Mouse cursor and pointer seem to be interchangeable when referring to the “pointy thing”. [4] I use pointer through the text as that’s what Apple’s human interface guidelines call it. [1] But the codebase refers to NSCursor, so 🤷🏾‍♂️. Note 2: below are the versions of the software I was using. MacOS: 12.0.1 (21A559) Word 16.56 (21121100) Pages: 11.2 (7032.0.145) Note 3: it is annoying that you can’t copy the version number from the About Word window of Microsoft Word. ## Bibliography 1. Apple. Human Interface Guidelines: Mouse and Trackpad. 2022; Available from: 2. @StackUX. When to use reversed/mirror arrow cursor? 2022; Available from: 3. hickeys. Mouse and Pointers - Win32 apps. 2022; Available from: 4. Cursor (user interface) - Wikipedia. 2022; Available from: ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Plutonium Pacemakers" categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - heart - cardiac pacemaker - nuclear power - pacemaker - engineering - biomedical devices --- This is a reformatted version of a [twitter thread I had put together nearly a year ago]( In a former life I worked on designing the manufacturing system for cardiac pacemakers. I had done a bit of research on pacemakers at the time, but I had never come across the fact that some early pacemakers were designed and built with plutonium power sources. Begin reformatted thread: Fell down a history hole and came across the fact that we used to implant plutonium (!) powered cardiac pacemakers ❤️⚡️☢️ ![image]( Below is a cutaway schematic - they used the heat generated from radioactive decay to generate electricity using thermocouples [1] ![image]( Why nuclear power? In the early days if you wanted to pace a patient for a long time (i.e. a pediatric patient) you would need to replace the pacing device a lot because the batteries would die 🔋😧 [2] ![image]( In order to sell these in the US you needed sign-off from both @US_FDA and the @NRCgov (nuclear regulatory commission). of course @Medtronic made one, but apparently a bunch other folks got in the game as well - including monsanto! [3] ![image]( As weird as it sounds people were 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕠 the concept of having plutonium powered pacemakers at the time. [2] ![image]( Radiation exposure was a concern, although theoretically the devices were well shielded and risk would be minimal. theory was borne out in practice - after years of study it turned out that patients with these pacemakers did NOT have higher rates of cancer. [4] ![image]( Thousands of these pacemakers were implanted in the 70s and it turns out that they lasted for a very long time. in 2007 a case report was written about a pacemaker that was still firing since its implantation in 1973! 😧 [5] This crazy longevity wasn't necessarily a great thing - replacements = better features (i.e. interrogation and programming). plus end-of-life disposal issues made plutonium pacemakers a poor choice once better batteries came along. On one hand the logic behind why you would design and implant these pacemakers makes total sense and on the other its totally wild because of the current stigma associated with everything nuclear. Erkin
[Go ÖN Home](../../ ## Bibliography 1. Radioisotope thermoelectric generator - Wikipedia. 2022; Available from: 2. Smyth, N.P., T. Hernandez, and A. Johnson, Clinical experience with radioisotopic powered cardiac pacemakers. Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal, 1974. 22(3): p. 113-116. 3. Wayback Machine - Cardiac Pacemaker. 2022; Available from: 4. Parsonnet, V., A.D. Berstein, and G.Y. Perry, The nuclear pacemaker: Is renewed interest warranted? The American Journal of Cardiology, 1990. 66(10): p. 837-842. 5. Parsonnet, V., A lifetime pacemaker revisited. New England Journal of Medicine, 2007. 357(25): p. 2638-2639. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Looking for Data" categories: - Blog tags: - healthcare - medicine - data - data science - machine learning - operations research - nurse call light system --- One of the nice things about being an MD-PhD student at a research institution with a large academic medical center is that you tend to have a lot of support when it comes to working on your biomedical research questions. Despite institutional support, data can be a challenge and finding the right data for your question depends a lot on your connections with the myriad various data systems and data-gate-keepers that exist in your academic environment. Having done this data sleuthing for a decade plus I have bit of experience in ferreting out interesting sources of healthcare data. One of my favorite data finds of all time was from a project I led when I was just starting out as quality improvement engineering for a hospital. I had been tasked with redesigning the inpatient rooms of the academic medical center I was working for. A significant portion of the project was blue-sky/brainstorming type engineering. But there was a portion of the project that involved troubleshooting the layout of an existing unit that had been receiving lots of complaints from nurses and CRNAs. In order to benchmark the current unit and to help inform planned changes we needed to understand the flow of work done by the nursing staff. Our typical approach for this type of data collection was to collect spaghetti diagrams. A spaghetti diagram is a simple, but effective, chart that maps the travel path of a person or an object over a given duration. [1] When complete the travel path looks like a plate of spaghetti has been spilled on a floor plan. Making spaghetti diagrams is a time consuming process, as you need an observer to track the target person (in our case nurses or CRNAs) for long periods of time. After drawing the short-straw I found myself on the night shift shadowing the superb night team of the unit. ![image]( Halfway through my night shift I started wondering if there was a better way to be collecting this information. What we really were after was how often do the nurses need to leave a patient’s room because they are missing supplies and how long does this take them? Was there another way to collect this data without having to sacrifice sleep and (more importantly) not bothering nurses and patients? I noticed that every time the nurse I shadowed entered a patient’s room there was a light above the patient’s room that lit up. When they left the room the light went dark. I inquired about the lights and learned from the nurse that I was shadowing that they were part of the nurse call light system, which is a like a souped up airplane flight attendant call light system. [2] In addition to indicating if a patient had a request it had the capability to show the presence of a nurse in a room. Additionally, I learned that this system was all wired up such that the unit coordinator (front desk of the unit) was the person that received the patient request calls and they also had a light board representing the status of the whole unit so that they could coordinate requests with nursing staff. So, what initially seemed like a simple light switch turned out to be fairly complicated system. I figured that there must be a computer system facilitating this complexity. And if there was a computer involved in exchanging data then there was a chance it might also be storing data. And if I could get access to this data I might be able to answer my unit redesign questions without having to pull too many more night shifts. And I might be able to avoid bothering nurses and patients. After leaving my shift with a stack of scribbles I emailed my supervisor inquiring about the call light system. She did a bit of hunting and found the people responsible for the call light system. After meeting with them we found out that the system did store data and that we could use it for our project, if we agreed to certain (very reasonable) terms of use. We got the data. It was in the form of logs recording every timestamp a staff ID badge entered a different room. I whipped up a java program to analyze the amount of time nursing staff were in a patient’s room and the number of times they had to bounce between patient rooms and the supply rooms. It turns out the unit we were studying did have a problem with staff needing to leave the room frequently and rooms in that unit were slotted to be remodeled with more storage. My big takeaway from this experience is that there’s alway a chance that there’s a good dataset that exists, but you won’t get access to it if you don’t do the work to look for it. And sometimes doing that work is easier than doing the work to collect your own data. :) Erkin
[Go ÖN Home](../../ P.S. I started this post with some notes on gaining access to the typical datastore in academic medical settings. I have some additional thought about these data systems (e.g., discussing how they are typically structured and some of the things to look out for when using them) if you’re interested let me know and I’ll prioritize writing that up for a future post. ## Acknowledgements I’d like to thank [Zoey Chopra]( for catching a redundant paragraph. ## Bibliography 1. What is a Spaghetti Diagram, Chart or Map? | ASQ. 2022; Available from: 2. NaviCare™ Nurse Call | 2022; Available from: ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "What Can Healthcare IT Learn from the B-52?" categories: - Blog tags: - healthcare IT - maintenance - upgrades - aerospace engineering - technical debt - total cost of ownership --- A lot of aviation videos show up on my YouTube feed (thank you, [DarkAero]( team). A video that popped up recently was about the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress (B-52) engine retrofit project. According to wikipedia the B-52 is a “long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber” that has been used by the US Air Force since 1955. [1] Despite being designed and built 6 decades ago, the US Air Force still uses these planes and plans on using them well into the future. This desire to keep using them into the future is where things get interesting and we in healthcare IT can learn some lessons. ![image]( As an aside, my personal belief is machines like this are pretty odious. I like machines, I like making physical things, and I like planes. But when the thing in question is expressly designed to kill people and destroy property, I start to have some problems. Obviously there’s a reason why these exist (and why they’ve been used) but I find their existence troubling and I wish we lived in a world where these types of machines did not have to exist. The upgrading of these planes is covered well by wikipedia, an Air Force Magazine article, and the original YouTube video that sparked my interest in the topic. [1-3] Basically, the last B-52 rolled off the assembly line in 1962 and the Air Force has been refurbishing the original engines as time has gone on. In order to keep the planes flying into the 2040s the US government has decided to order new engines for the existing planes. Note an emerging connection, both the US government and US healthcare organizations are loathe to let old technology die. We gotta squeeze all the usable life out of those faxing systems… New engines old plane, makes sense right? Sure, but take another glance at the B-52 (image above). Look at how many engines there are. Four pairs of small jet engines, for a total of 8 engines! Seems like we have an opportunity to cut down on the number of engines, right? Two turbofan jet engines is the standard for most modern commercial aircraft being delivered by Boeing or Airbus these days. Even if we didn’t go down to two we could go down to four easily. No need to change the number of mounting points! This is very logical, but it’s not truly feasible. Why? Because of design decisions made 69 years ago. This underscores a concept that is not discussed widely enough in healthcare IT circles: > Your choices for tomorrow are ultimately constrained by what you designed yesterday. The jet engine technology of the 1950s ultimately informed how the rest of the B-52 was designed. The references go into more detail, but if you were to re-engine the B-52 with a smaller number of more powerful engines you would have to totally redesign other parts of the plane. For example the rudder, wings, and control systems would have to totally be redesigned. Doing that might mean that you’d have to rethink the fuselage as well. You would be better off designing a new airplane from the ground up. So the choice becomes maintain with significant constraints or totally redo. When thinking about the health IT landscape we can see this concept everywhere. Why do we still put up with aging faxing servers and paging systems that are down more often than not? Because we built a system around them and the costs associated with their wholesale replacement are not tenable. Healthcare IT budgets are not infinite, so more often than not we have to focus on how to keep things going by repeatedly doing smaller upgrades. The best we can do is to try to strike a balance between current capabilities and future-proofing. Even though the B-52 engine retrofit project is significantly constrained, the fact that we are still able to use it at all and will be able to keep it flying till 2040 is a testament to the prowess of the original engineers. And all the engineers who have worked on it since. There is an aspect to this longevity that is inspiring. However, it is important to ask: would it have been better to do a clean sheet design and pay-off the accrued technical debt? [4] This is a question that can be asked of healthcare IT as easily as it can be asked of the US military. Heck, over half of all patient in the US have their electronic health records coded up in a programming language that was originally released in 1966. [5, 6] Both healthcare IT and the US military are ponderous creatures that generally ascribe to “if it ain’t totally broke don’t fix it”. There’s a lot more to discuss on this topic. It closely relates to the concept of total cost of ownership (might dive into in the future). But its important to recognize how the decisions we make today will impact the decisions we can make in the future. Youtube video embedded below:
[Go ÖN Home](../../ ## Bibliography 1. Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - Wikipedia. 2022; Available from: 2. The B-52 is Getting New Engines... Why Does it Still Need 8 of Them? 3. Tirpak, J.A. Re-Engining the B-52. 2019; Available from: 4. Technical debt - Wikipedia. 2022; Available from: 5. MUMPS - Wikipedia. 2022; Available from: 6. JEFF GLAZE, -.-. Epic Systems draws on literature greats for its next expansion. 2022. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Development and Validation of Models to Predict Pathological Outcomes of Radical Prostatectomy in Regional and National Cohorts" categories: - Blog - Research tags: - Blog - Research - urology - radical prostatectomy - prostate cancer - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning --- The Journal of Urology article, read [here]( [Download paper.]( ## Abstract ### Purpose Prediction models are recommended by national guidelines to support clinical decision making in prostate cancer. Existing models to predict pathological outcomes of radical prostatectomy (RP)—the Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) models, Partin tables, and the Briganti nomogram—have been developed using data from tertiary care centers and may not generalize well to other settings. ### Materials and Methods Data from a regional cohort (Michigan Urological Surgery Improvement Collaborative [MUSIC]) were used to develop models to predict extraprostatic extension (EPE), seminal vesicle invasion (SVI), lymph node invasion (LNI), and nonorgan-confined disease (NOCD) in patients undergoing RP. The MUSIC models were compared against the MSK models, Partin tables, and Briganti nomogram (for LNI) using data from a national cohort (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results [SEER] registry). ### Results We identified 7,491 eligible patients in the SEER registry. The MUSIC model had good discrimination (SEER AUC EPE: 0.77; SVI: 0.80; LNI: 0.83; NOCD: 0.77) and was well calibrated. While the MSK models had similar discrimination to the MUSIC models (SEER AUC EPE: 0.76; SVI: 0.80; LNI: 0.84; NOCD: 0.76), they overestimated the risk of EPE, LNI, and NOCD. The Partin tables had inferior discrimination (SEER AUC EPE: 0.67; SVI: 0.76; LNI: 0.69; NOCD: 0.72) as compared to other models. The Briganti LNI nomogram had an AUC of 0.81 in SEER but overestimated the risk. ### Conclusions New models developed using the MUSIC registry outperformed existing models and should be considered as potential replacements for the prediction of pathological outcomes in prostate cancer. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "The Complicated Way You See Patient Data: A Discussion on EHR Front-Ends for Doctors" categories: - Blog tags: - healthcare IT - electronic health records - computer science - software engineering - software architecture - clinical informatics - tech support --- I have a love-hate relationship with electronic health records (EHRs). This relationship first started in the early 2000s at a high school sports physical and has significantly outlasted my high school soccer career. Eventually the relationship turned serious and my first job out of college was for an EHR vendor. My thrilling life as a support engineer at Epic Systems Corporation was cut short by my silly decision to pursue an MD-PhD. After years of being on one side of the software and data-stack I transitioned to being a “user" for the first time. While not totally naive to all of the issues surrounding modern EHRs this transition was still pretty eye opening. I believe a significant subset of these issues actually stem from a general lack of communication between the engineering community making these tools and the medical community using them. One of my goals in pursuing the MD-PhD was to hopefully help bridge this gap a little bit. As such, I’m usually game to play tech support on the wards and I like explaining how the software we use works (or doesn’t). I also like translating what we do in medicine to the engineers that will listen. Basically I’ll talk to any crowd that will listen (maybe this is why I went into academia 🤔).
The complicated way we see patient data.
This post is inspired by a tech support call I fielded from Jacob, one of my med school classmates. Jacob was about to take an overnight call shift and his computer was displaying the EHR in a manner that made the font so small it wasn’t readable. I walked through some potential settings in the EHR that could be affecting what he was seeing, but everything we tried came up short. Eventually Jacob texted his co-resident and they told him to try modifying a Citrix Receiver setting, which worked. My singular focus on the complexity inside of the EHR instead of the complexity AROUND the EHR led to my tech-support failure. The complexity around the EHR will be the focus of this blog post. Concurrently serving an EHR to thousands of physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals across health systems is a big task. This task, like most other software tasks that involve interacting with users, is broken into two big components, with a front-end and a back-end. [1] This is an over simplification, but the front-end is everything that a user interacts with and the back-end is all the other stuff that needs to exist in order to store and transmit data used by the front end. You’ve probably been the beneficiary of this division of labor even if you’ve never written any code. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Gmail all use this approach. Let’s take Gmail. The front-end of Gmail is all the code that needs to run on your laptop (or phone) in order for Gmail to show you your emails. The back-end of Gmail is all of the code that Google needs to run in order to store your emails, send your outgoing emails, and receive your incoming emails. In order for you to see your emails Gmail’s front-end and back-end need to communicate, they do this by passing messages back and forth. A similar setup is employed with EHRs. The front-end of the EHR is what shows you the lab values of a patient. The back-end is what ultimately stores those lab values along with notes and other data. This separation of front-end-back-end makes engineering easier as it decouples the information presentation functions from the functions that actually run the service. This allows engineers to upgrade the look and feel of a website without having to worry about redesigning the way the site interacts with a database. Ultimately this separation enables specialization and efficiency. One set of engineers can focus on making the front-end look good and another set can focus on making the back-end run fast. As long as these engineers trust each another they work efficiently by focusing on their own domains. The software that makes up the front-end is often known as the client. The amalgamation of everything on the back-end is often known as the sever. [2] Its a little facetious to talk about a single client and a single server, because most well-known projects might have multiple clients and many servers. However, its not too far off from the current state that most EHR users are familiar with. For this post we will keep our focus on the front-end/client side of things. ![image]( Let’s stick with Epic’s EHR system. The client most everyone is familiar with is Hyperspace, which can be found in clinics and hospitals all over the US. [3] I don’t know if there’s any data on this but I’d hazard a guess that the Hyperspace client accounts for over 95% of the total time users spend with Epic’s EHR. (That guess is based on my own usage time as a med student.) Although I mainly used Hyperspace, I would occasionally check up on my patients using Haiku or Canto. Haiku is a client designed for smartphones (there are apps for both Android and iOS) and Canto is a client designed for iPads. Additionally as a patient I use MyChart to access my own medical records. All of these clients are designed with different goals in mind and provide differing access to clinical information and workflows. Each one of these clients needs code in order to display information and facilitate user interaction. Usually clients accomplish this by having code that runs on the machine the user is using. For example the code for Canto is downloaded on my iPad. When I click on a patient’s name on Canto code executes (that code was probably written in the Swift language). That Swift code may change what is displayed on the screen and may also send or receive messages from servers. It may do any number of additional things, but the primary user interaction and communication tasks are handled by code that is running on my iPad. This set up is pretty similar for Haiku, the only difference is that its running Swift on my iPhone instead of my iPad. MyChart and Hyperspace are different. There’s a superficial difference, which is that they are clients that don’t run on iOS/iPadOS devices. But there’s a deeper difference, which is how the user’s device gets access to the client code. That’s the tricky part. Its also related to Jacob’s tech issue. Getting access to the Haiku or Canto client is fairly straightforward. They are apps that you can download from the Apple (or Google) App(Play)Store. You download the code, its on your iDevice, if Epic wants to push an update they can upload a new version to the AppStore, and Apple will take care of updating the code on your iDevice. MyChart and Hyperspace are different, very different. One can think of a couple reasons why they might be different. But in my mind primary driver of the differences is time. All of these clients were introduced slowly over time and each one follows the primary client deployment paradigm of the time they were developed in. Walking backward through time in a very simplistic manner: the AppStore was a big deal when it came out in 2008, it upset the web-based paradigm of the early 2000s. The 2000’s web-based paradigm itself had taken over from the locally installed application paradigm of the ‘90s. MyChart follows the web paradigm and Hyperspace follows the locally installed paradigm. The web paradigm is sort of cool because the idea is that client code is sent to the users device just-in-time. It is also how all websites work. When you you tell your browser to go to your favorite website, the browser gets a bunch of code from that website. That code package is made up of HTML, CSS, and Javascript and tells your browser what to show and how to interact with the back-end. Since the client code is requested when you visit the site, front-end developers do not need to worry about pushing updates to multiple devices. They just need to update the server that serves the front-end code. From that point on all users that visit the site will get access to the latest and greatest code. Pretty slick, because you don’t need an Apple-like middle man to keep everyone’s client code up to date. MyChart for the most part works like this. Its not quite as straightforward because MyChart is tied to each health-system that uses it, so the updates from Epic will need to go through them in order to be seen by patients. ![image]( The web paradigm is sort of cool because the idea is that client code is sent to the users device just-in-time. It is also how all websites work. When you you tell your browser to go to your favorite website, the browser gets a bunch of code from that website. That code package is made up of HTML, CSS, and Javascript and tells your browser what to show and how to interact with the back-end. Since the client code is requested when you visit the site, front-end developers do not need to worry about pushing updates to multiple devices. They just need to update the server that serves the front-end code. From that point on all users that visit the site will get access to the latest and greatest code. Pretty slick, because you don’t need an Apple-like middle man to keep everyone’s client code up to date. MyChart for the most part works like this. Its not quite as straightforward because MyChart is tied to each health-system that uses it, so the updates from Epic will need to go through them in order to be seen by patients. Finally we get to Hyperspace. Hyperspace, by nature of being Epic’s most capable client is also its most complicated client. The internal complexity of Hyperspace was what I was thinking about when I was troubleshooting with Jacob. Despite this internal complexity Hyperspace has the potential to be the simplest client to deploy. As mentioned above, it uses the locally installed paradigm. Every child of the 90s should be familiar with this paradigm; you find an a program you want to use from the internet (or get a cd), download the executable, run through then installation process (🧙🏽‍♂️). Then you use the downloaded program to your heart’s content. That’s the paradigm that Hyperspace was designed for. In the early 2000s, at the time of my high school sports physical, that was the paradigm that was used. When my doc launched Hyperspace, he was running code that was installed on computer sitting in the room with us. When a new clinic was to be set up all of the computers going there needed to have Hyperspace installed on them. When Hyperspace was updated all of the computers in all of the clinics and wards needed to have their software updated. Additionally, installing and running hyperspace locally on all these computers meant that all the computers needed to meet all the requirements needed in terms of RAM and compute power. As you can see, installing and using Hyperspace entirely locally is problematic. The deployment management perspective alone is headache inducing. And what if people want to access the EHR from home? Users would need to install Hyperspace on their own machines? And need to keep them up to date? Forget about it! The solution to these headaches is brilliant in a way. Hyperspace needs to run on a windows computer, but that computer doesn’t need to physically exist in the clinic as long as the people in the clinic can virtually access that computer. Enter virtualization. ![image]( Virtualization, specifically desktop virtualization is best described by Wikipedia: “desktop virtualization is a software technology that separates the desktop environment and associated application software from the physical client device that is used to access it.” [4] What it enables is moving all of those individual computers (and the Hyperspace client) to virtual Windows servers. Then all the computers in the clinic need to do is to connect to those servers. Those virtual Windows servers will then present the whole desktop experience to the users. Maintaining virtual Windows computers is a lot easier than maintaining physical Windows computers. Updating software on those virtual computers is a lot easier too. In the late 2000s Citrix released software that enabled businesses to have virtual desktops and for other computers to connect to those virtual desktops (Citrix Receivers, AKA Citrix Workspace App). [5] If packaged properly, you won’t even notice that you’ve launched into another computer, you will just see the application you are interested in using. This is what currently happens with Hyperspace. So Hyperspace went from being installed locally on the computers in clinic to being installed locally on a virtual Windows computer that you access from clinic (or home). The way you access the Hyperspace client is through another client, the Citrix Receiver. This Russian nesting doll setup has added some complexity but greatly also greatly simplified deployment headaches. Using virtualization is pretty cool because it allows locally installed clients to be deployed in a manner analogous to web-based deployment. You end up trading off one type of complexity (managing lots of local installations) with another (maintaining virtualization), but on the whole it’s a good trade for IT departments. What of Jacob’s issue? Well it turns out it was a Citrix Receiver issue. As a client Citrix Receiver takes your mouse and keyboard inputs sends them to the server running Windows and Hyperspace virtually. This virtual computer returns what should be displayed and Citrix Receiver displays it. Some time before Jacob called me, Citrix Receiver had updated and asked if Jacob would like to update his resolution settings, he had inadvertently said yes. This in turn made the fonts on Hyperspace appear really tiny. Reverting that setting helped return the Hyperspace display to normal. When Jacob told me about the fix and how it involved changing a Citrix Receiver setting I kicked myself. Its the one part of the system I would never think to check. It was a good reminder that there’s a lot of complexity built into every part of the system that serves our patient records. While I spend most of my time thinking about other parts of the EHR this bug was a good reminder to not forget about the humble client. Erkin
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[Go ÖN Home](../../ P.S. There are some really cool physical properties that interplay with gauge size. One has to do with intermolecular forces (van Der Waals forces), which lead to a neat relationship between the gauge sizes, each gauge is about 11% thinner than preceding gauge. [1] The second has to do with the flow rate through a needle which is related to the quadratic power of the radius of a needle. [2] ## Bibliography 1. Pöll, J.S., The story of the gauge. Anaesthesia, 1999. 54(6): p. 575-581. 2. Verhoeff, K., et al., Ensuring adequate vascular access in patients with major trauma: a quality improvement initiative. BMJ Open Quality, 2018. 7(1): p. e000090. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Early identification of patients admitted to hospital for covid-19 at risk of clinical deterioration: model development and multisite external validation study" categories: - Blog - Research tags: - Blog - Research - covid - deterioration index - early warning system - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2184.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2184.JPG" --- British Medical Journal. Can be found [here]( [Download paper.]( ## Abstract ### Objective To create and validate a simple and transferable machine learning model from electronic health record data to accurately predict clinical deterioration in patients with covid-19 across institutions, through use of a novel paradigm for model development and code sharing. ### Design Retrospective cohort study. ### Setting One US hospital during 2015-21 was used for model training and internal validation. External validation was conducted on patients admitted to hospital with covid-19 at 12 other US medical centers during 2020-21. ### Participants 33,119 adults (≥18 years) admitted to hospital with respiratory distress or covid-19. ### Main outcome measures An ensemble of linear models was trained on the development cohort to predict a composite outcome of clinical deterioration within the first five days of hospital admission, defined as in-hospital mortality or any of three treatments indicating severe illness: mechanical ventilation, heated high flow nasal cannula, or intravenous vasopressors. The model was based on nine clinical and personal characteristic variables selected from 2686 variables available in the electronic health record. Internal and external validation performance was measured using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) and the expected calibration error—the difference between predicted risk and actual risk. Potential bed day savings were estimated by calculating how many bed days hospitals could save per patient if low risk patients identified by the model were discharged early. ### Results 9291 covid-19 related hospital admissions at 13 medical centers were used for model validation, of which 1510 (16.3%) were related to the primary outcome. When the model was applied to the internal validation cohort, it achieved an AUROC of 0.80 (95% confidence interval 0.77 to 0.84) and an expected calibration error of 0.01 (95% confidence interval 0.00 to 0.02). Performance was consistent when validated in the 12 external medical centers (AUROC range 0.77-0.84), across subgroups of sex, age, race, and ethnicity (AUROC range 0.78-0.84), and across quarters (AUROC range 0.73-0.83). Using the model to triage low risk patients could potentially save up to 7.8 bed days per patient resulting from early discharge. ### Conclusion A model to predict clinical deterioration was developed rapidly in response to the covid-19 pandemic at a single hospital, was applied externally without the sharing of data, and performed well across multiple medical centers, patient subgroups, and time periods, showing its potential as a tool for use in optimizing healthcare resources. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Why Doctors Should Contact Tech Support" categories: - Blog tags: - tech support - health IT - healthcare - medicine - enterprise software header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2025.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2025.JPG" --- > If you see something, say something. This post is a manifesto on reporting bad health information technology (HIT) problems. If you’re having HIT problems complain about ‘em! I know everyone in medicine is conditioned not to complain and to deal with the crappiness of the “system”. But HIT is an area of healthcare where you can make a difference just by complaining. While a lot of the problems in HIT run pretty deep (*cough* usability *cough*) there are many things that can be fixed if attention is brought to them. These are things like: changing the order of columns on the team patient sign-off/hand-off report, stopping a best practice alert that no longer matches your clinical practice, or improving the loading time of a patient’s chart. None of these are big changes that involve redesigning user-interfaces or re-factoring server-side code. They are simple changes that will make the task of using HIT less arduous. If you put in a help-desk ticket with your hospital’s HIT team its very likely that they can fix the issue quickly and slightly improve your experience. ![image]( You might say “well I don’t do that with any of the other software I use” and that’s true. I don’t think I’ve ever reached out to tech support for Microsoft Word, iOS, or Instagram. There’s a couple reasons for this, but the one most relevant to our discussion is feedback. The developers of most consumer software may actually USE their software on a daily basis. So there’s a very tight feedback loop. With healthcare IT this feedback loop is long and leaky. Let’s take the electronic health records (EHRs). Most EHR systems are sold to health systems as enterprise software. That is software that one company sells (or licenses) to another company (the health system). The health system then has their clinicians use the EHR. This setup means that there are several tiers of support for the software. Additionally the software company specializes in making software, not using it, so their developers may not have a good sense of how the software works “in the wild”. Contrast this with a developer at Slack, who may use Slack to interact with their coworkers. User feedback doesn’t naturally occur in the EHR development space. So what do we do? We use the system! There’s a feedback loop built in for us, but its not widely known. That feedback loop is initiated by reporting issues. When a doctor or nurse reports an issue to their health system’s HIT team that should kick-off the feedback process. Your issue ticket will be triaged and then sent to the people who can fix it, either the HIT team or the software vendor. Neither of those teams are going to do anything for you if you don’t tell them what’s wrong. So report your issues. Your HIT team might fix them. Your software vendor might make an improvement in the future. Your work tech life might get an iota better and your colleagues might thank you. Sure there’s a lot of “mights”. But these things won’t happen if you don’t say something first. Erkin
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P.S. while writing this I found myself mulling over the bad tech support experiences I’ve had in the past. As someone who was essentially in tech support I’ve developed some techniques that I can share in another post if people are interest. Additionally, tech support for HIT should not be a blackhole, if it is that’s a red flag and should be rectified. Stifling this feedback loop is a surefire way to miss critical safety issues. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Intro to Machine Learning Models for Physicians: Part I" categories: - Blog tags: - machine learning - artificial intelligence - operations research - statistics - healthcare - medicine header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1613.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1613.JPG" --- This a foundational post that has two aims. The first is to demystify machine learning which I believe is key to enabling physicians and other clinicians to become empowered users of the machine learning tools they use. There’s a bit of ground I want to cover, so this post will be broken into several parts. This part situates and introduces machine learning then discusses the important components of machine learning models. ![image]( ## An Introduction First a note on terminology. Machine learning (ML) can mean a lot of different things depending on who you ask. I personally view ML as a subset of artificial intelligence that has a strong focus on using data to build models. Additionally, ML has significant overlaps with operations research and statistics. One of my favorite definitions of ML models is presented by Tom Mitchell. [1] Paraphrased below: > A model is said to learn from experience if its performance at a task improves with experience. Quick note, the term _model_ will be more fully explained below. This set up lends itself well to analogy. One potential analogy is that of a small child learning how to stack blocks. The child may start from a point where it is unable to stack blocks, it will repeatedly attempt stacking, and eventually will master how to stack blocks in various situations. In this analogy stacking blocks is the task, the repeated attempts at stacking is the experience, and the performance is some criteria the child uses to assess how well they are stacking (e.g., height or stability). We will now discuss this general definition for the specific use case of ML for healthcare. To contextualize this discussion we will focus on the ML model types that are most widely used in healthcare, _supervised offline learning_.[^1] Let’s break it down bit by bit. First, _supervised learning_ constrains the learning process by introducing supervisory information, this information can be thought of as a teacher that tells the model if they got the task correct. This is very useful when trying to evaluate the performance of the model. In addition to being supervised the models used for healthcare are often developed in an _offline_ setting. Offline describes the manner in which the model gains experience. Instead of learning from direct interaction with their environment they gain their experience by using information that has already been collected. ![image]( ## What is an ML model? We’ve been talking about the concept of the model pretty abstractly, so let’s nail it down now. A model is a mathematical function, f, that operates on information, taking in input information and returning output information. This function f is the thing that “learns from experience”, however in our case the function has stopped learning by the time it is ready to be used. So when it is implemented in an EHR system f is usually fixed. We will discuss how f is created in the next blog post, but for now let’s treat it like a black box and discuss the information it interacts with. The input information is known as **x**. Unlike the **x** you were introduced to in algebra class it actually represents information that we know. This information can take different forms depending on what information represents, but it is common to see **x** represent a list (or vector) of numbers. For example, if we wanted to give a model my age and height as input information you could set **x**=[33, 183], where 33 is my age in years and 183 is my height in centimeters. The output of a model may vary based on use-case and may be a little opaque. I’ll present my notation (which may differ from what you see elsewhere), I believe this is notation is the easiest to understand. In healthcare we are often interested in risk stratification models that output risk estimates, denoted as (pronounced: p-hat). Risk estimates are estimates of the probability that an event will happen to a given patient. Let’s say we have a model that can assess a patient’s risk of developing diabetes in the next decade. If given information about me the model returns a we could then say that the model estimates my risk of developing diabetes in the next decade as 75%. Ultimately should be a value between 0 and 1. By returning a numerical value along a continuous scale this is a type of regression (just like linear regression from high school statistics). ![image]( Sometimes we want to use models to separate out different populations of patients, for example to tell us if a patient belongs to the high-risk or low-risk group. When we use the model to return this information we call that output the predicted label. We denote predicted labels as (y-hat). We will loop back on a discussion of labels, but for now you can think of them as a model assigned group. This is a type of classification, specifically binary classification, which splits patients into two groups. We can convert a regression model into a classification model by employing a decision threshold. The decision threshold, (tau), is a number between 0 and 1 that can be used to split the risk estimates into two discrete categories. For example we set could set for the diabetes model mentioned above and say that all risk estimates greater than correspond to a high-risk of developing diabetes (). So a decision threshold can be used to transform the risk estimates into predicted labels. Most of the ML systems used in clinical practice use a model, inputs, and outputs in a manner similar to what we’ve discussed. For example the Epic Sepsis Model can be thought of in these terms. Every 15 minutes the model receives input information, summarizing key fields from the EHR (such as vital signs, lab values, and medication orders). The model then does some basic math (you could do the math on a calculator if you were very patient) and returns a value between 0 and 100. These output values are then compared against a decision threshold and if the patient’s output is greater than the decision threshold (e.g., Michigan uses 6) then something happens (like paging a nurse about the patient being high risk). [2] Understanding the components of ML models is important because it helps to demystify the functioning of the models and the overall process. There may be black boxes involved, but the input and outputs flanking the model should be familiar to physicians. In the coming post we will discuss how ML models are built. This will then eventually be followed by a discussion of how ML models are deployed. Erkin
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[^1]: Note ML is not a monolith and there are many different techniques that fall under the general umbrella of ML and I may cover some of the different types of ML in another post (e.g. unsupervised and reinforcement learning). ## Bibliography 1. Mitchell, T.M., Machine Learning. McGraw-Hill series in computer science. 1997, New York: McGraw-Hill. xvii, 414 p. 2. Wong, A., et al., External Validation of a Widely Implemented Proprietary Sepsis Prediction Model in Hospitalized Patients. JAMA Internal Medicine, 2021. ### Footnotes ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Doctor’s Notes Software Prototype" categories: - Blog - Project tags: - health IT - doctor’s notes - electronic health records - software design - UI/UX - human factors engineering excerpt: "A project that was focused on examining and improving the way doctor’s notes are written." header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1087.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1087.JPG" --- We will return to the “Intro to ML for Physicians” series next week. In the intervening time here’s a short post about a prototype health IT app I made a two years ago. I made this app as part of a team project that was focused on examining and improving the way doctor’s notes are written. ![image]( Nominally this was a graduate project (holler at my HCI team[^1]) and the project specification called for making a low-functionality prototype using invision. [1], We did this and found it unsatisfying. The reason for this was that we wanted to incorporate a voice transcription interface into the note writing process. Although we could replicate some of the other functionality there was no way to build voice transcription and other key functionality in the prototyping software. So I took the logical nextstep[^2] and built out a minimal viable prototype using Apple’s development tools. This allowed me to incorporate on-device transcription. [2, 3] On-device transcription is a really cool technology for healthcare IT! Because you don’t have information flowing off the device back to Apple’s (or someone else’s) servers, it could enable HIPAA compliant voice interfaces in the future. Making a prototype app also enabled me to build several other features, such as saving and retrieving notes. These features are necessary when testing out a more complicated record keeping system, like this. If you are interested in learning more about this prototype check out this video: If you would like to take a look at my hacky Swift code check out the [Github project](
One thing that I didn’t have time to code up was the sharing of notes between physicians. This is a pain point in systems that are actually in use. The team had some cool ideas about collaborative editing and version control. I think these would be super useful from both a clinical perspective (making the sharing, editing, and co-signing easier) and also from a technical perspective. However that would involve a significant amount of back-end development (see: [Complicated Way You See Patient Data: EHR Front-Ends]( so it remains an item todo. One of my mantras is that there’s a lot of work to be done in healthcare IT. Developing prototypes and testing them out can help us advance the state of the field. Rapidly prototyping these systems is hard to do, but it could pay dividends in terms of physician happiness and productivity. Erkin ## P.S. Although I’ve made a couple other apps using Xcode and Swift this was my first time using SwiftUI, which was a pretty slick experience.[4] I really enjoyed programmatically creating the interface and not having to toggle back and forth between my view controller code and the Interface Builder. ## Acknowledgements I’d like to thank the team: [Sarah Jabbour](, [Meera Krishnamoorthy](, [Barbara Korycki](, and [Harry Rubin-Falcone]( Making wireframes with you guys was an absolute joy. ## Bibliography 1. Prototype | InVision. 2022; Available from: 2. Bolella, D. SpeechTranslatorSwiftUI Github Project. Available from: 3. Recognizing Speech in Live Audio | Apple Developer Documentation. 2022; Available from: 4. SwiftUI Tutorials | Apple Developer Documentation. 2022; Available from: ### Footnotes [^1]: Sarah Jabbour, Meera Krishnamoorthy, Barbara Korycki, and Harry Rubin-Falcone [^2]: kudos if you got the joke ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Augmented Reality Demo" categories: - Blog tags: - AR/VR/XR --- This is an augmented reality (AR) demo using Apple's Augmented Reality tools. The 3D asset is a USDZ file created by [Apple]( (they own all rights to it). It is hosted as file uploaded to this GitHub repository. [Click this link to check it out.]( It will download the file to your device. If it is an iOS device it should automatically open up the AR Quick Look functionality. Erkin
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------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Dynamic prediction of work status for workers with occupational injuries: assessing the value of longitudinal observations" categories: - Blog - Research tags: - Blog - Research - occupational health - return to work - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1609.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1609.JPG" --- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association manuscript, can be found [here]( Graphical abstract for JAMIA return to work manuscript. [Download abstract.]( ## Abstract ### Objective Occupational injuries (OIs) cause an immense burden on the US population. Prediction models help focus resources on those at greatest risk of a delayed return to work (RTW). RTW depends on factors that develop over time; however, existing methods only utilize information collected at the time of injury. We investigate the performance benefits of dynamically estimating RTW, using longitudinal observations of diagnoses and treatments collected beyond the time of initial injury. ### Materials and Methods We characterize the difference in predictive performance between an approach that uses information collected at the time of initial injury (baseline model) and a proposed approach that uses longitudinal information collected over the course of the patient’s recovery period (proposed model). To control the comparison, both models use the same deep learning architecture and differ only in the information used. We utilize a large longitudinal observation dataset of OI claims and compare the performance of the two approaches in terms of daily prediction of future work state (working vs not working). The performance of these two approaches was assessed in terms of the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUROC) and expected calibration error (ECE). ### Results After subsampling and applying inclusion criteria, our final dataset covered 294 103 OIs, which were split evenly between train, development, and test datasets (1/3, 1/3, 1/3). In terms of discriminative performance on the test dataset, the proposed model had an AUROC of 0.728 (90% confidence interval: 0.723, 0.734) versus the baseline’s 0.591 (0.585, 0.598). The proposed model had an ECE of 0.004 (0.003, 0.005) versus the baseline’s 0.016 (0.009, 0.018). ### Conclusion The longitudinal approach outperforms current practice and shows potential for leveraging observational data to dynamically update predictions of RTW in the setting of OI. This approach may enable physicians and workers’ compensation programs to manage large populations of injured workers more effectively. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Helping people get back to work using deep learning in the occupational health system" categories: - Blog - Press tags: - Blog - Press - occupational health - return to work - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1408.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1408.JPG" --- Discussed our recent [JAMIA paper on predicting return to work](/blog/research/Dynamic-prediction-of-work-status-for-workers-with-occupational-injuries/) with Jessalyn Tamez. Check out the news brief [here]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Prospective evaluation of data-driven models to predict daily risk of Clostridioides difficile infection at 2 large academic health centers" categories: - Blog - Research tags: - Blog - Research - Clostridioides difficile - infectious disease - early warning system - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1144.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1144.JPG" --- Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Can be found [here]( [Download paper.]( ## Abstract Many data-driven patient risk stratification models have not been evaluated prospectively. We performed and compared the prospective and retrospective evaluations of 2 Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) risk-prediction models at 2 large academic health centers, and we discuss the models’ robustness to data-set shifts. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "UMich IOE Promo Video" categories: - Blog tags: - Blog - industrial engineering - operations research --- Was featured in the University of Michigan Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering promotional video. > University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering graduates are in high demand and use mathematics, and data analytics to launch their careers and create solutions across the globe in business, consulting, energy, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, robotics, aerospace, transportation, supply chain and more. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Using natural language processing to determine factors associated with high‐quality feedback" categories: - Blog - Research tags: - Blog - Research - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - natural language processing - medical education - SIMPL header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0591.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0591.JPG" --- Global Surgical Education. Can be found [here]( [Download paper.]( ## Abstract ### Purpose Feedback is a cornerstone of medical education. However, not all feedback that residents receive is high-quality. Natural language processing (NLP) can be used to efficiently examine the quality of large amounts of feedback. We used a validated NLP model to examine factors associated with the quality of feedback that general surgery trainees received on 24,531 workplace-based assessments of operative performance. ### Methods We analyzed transcribed, dictated feedback from the Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning’s (SIMPL) smartphone-based app. We first applied a validated NLP model to all SIMPL evaluations that had dictated feedback, which resulted in a predicted probability that an instance of feedback was “relevant”, “specific”, and/or “corrective.” Higher predicted probabilities signaled an increased likelihood that feedback was high quality. We then used linear mixed-effects models to examine variation in predictive probabilities across programs, attending surgeons, trainees, procedures, autonomy granted, operative performance level, case complexity, and a trainee’s level of clinical training. ### Results Linear mixed-effects modeling demonstrated that predicted probabilities, i.e., a proxy for quality, were lower as operative autonomy increased (“Passive Help” B = − 1.29, p < .001; “Supervision Only” B = − 5.53, p < 0.001). Similarly, trainees who demonstrated “Exceptional Performance” received lower quality feedback (B = − 12.50, p < 0.001). The specific procedure or trainee did not have a large effect on quality, nor did the complexity of the case or the PGY level of a trainee. The individual faculty member providing the feedback, however, had a demonstrable impact on quality with approximately 36% of the variation in quality attributable to attending surgeons. ### Conclusions We were able to identify actionable items affecting resident feedback quality using an NLP model. Attending surgeons are the most influential factor in whether feedback is high quality. Faculty should be directly engaged in efforts to improve the overall quality of feedback that residents receive. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Teaching AI as a Fundamental Toolset of Medicine" categories: - Blog - Research tags: - Blog - Research - medical education - medical school - artificial intelligence - machine learning header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0440.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0440.JPG" --- New article out in Cell Reports Medicine. It is a [perspective paper on incorporating AI into medical education]( with Drs. Cornelius A. James, Kimberly D. Lomis, and James Woolliscroft. [Download paper.]( ## Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the practice of medicine. Systems assessing chest radiographs, pathology slides, and early warning systems embedded in electronic health records (EHRs) are becoming ubiquitous in medical practice. Despite this, medical students have minimal exposure to the concepts necessary to utilize and evaluate AI systems, leaving them under prepared for future clinical practice. We must work quickly to bolster undergraduate medical education around AI to remedy this. In this commentary, we propose that medical educators treat AI as a critical component of medical practice that is introduced early and integrated with the other core components of medical school curricula. Equipping graduating medical students with this knowledge will ensure they have the skills to solve challenges arising at the confluence of AI and medicine. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "STAT News: How medical schools are missing the mark on artificial intelligence" categories: - Blog - Press tags: - Blog - Press - artificial intelligence - machine learning - medical education - medical school - STAT News header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0388.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0388.JPG" --- Discussed my recent [perspective paper on incorporating AI into medical education]( with Dr. James Woolliscroft and Katie Palmer of STAT News. Check out the full discussion [here]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "RISE Virtual Talking Circle: Innovations in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Application in Education" categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - medicine - machine learning - artificial intelligence - medical educcation header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0302.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0302.JPG" --- University of Michigan Medical School RISE (Research. Innovation. Scholarship. Education) virtual talking circle discussion with Dr. Cornelius James. Discussed the need for integration of AI education into undergraduate medical education (medical school). Echoed some of the findings from our [Cell Reports Medicine paper]( [Link to presentation.]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "National Academy of Medicine: AI in Health Professions Education Workshop" categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - medicine - machine learning - artificial intelligence - medical education - national academies header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0212.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0212.JPG" --- Panel discussion on AI in health professions education. I joined a panel of learners to share our perspectives on how AI should be incorporated into health professions education. Moderated by Mollie Hobensack and Dr. Cornelius James. Panelists included: Noahlana Monzon, CPMA Nutrition Student, University of Oklahoma, Dallas Peoples, PhD Candidate in Sociology, Texas Woman's University, Winston Guo, MD Candidate, Weill Cornell Medical College, Gabrielle Robinson, PhD Student in Medical Clinical Psychology, Uniformed Services, University of the Health Sciences, Alonzo D. Turner, PhD Student, Counseling and Counselor Education, Syracuse University & 2022 NBCC Doctoral Minority Fellow and myself. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: HTML/SVG Experiment categories: - Blog tags: - Blog - HTML - SVG header: teaser: "/assets/images/random_gradient_hello.svg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/random_gradient_hello.svg" ---

Hello there! My name is Erkin

Click to see the source Based on a [tutorial by Nikola Đuza]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Collaborative for Human Factors, Cognitive Load, and Well-being: AI Overview" categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - medicine - machine learning - artificial intelligence - human factors engineering - industrial engineering - health systems engineering - chatGPT header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0045.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0045.JPG" excerpt: "Collaborative for Human Factors discussion on artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, and applicable research." --- I covered foundational information about AI, its use in other domains, and potential and its perils in medicine. The rapid uptake of AI motivates an [argument for increased AI training in medical school and interprofessional education between engineers and physicians]( Additionally briefly discussed how [ChatGPT]( functions and its potential limitations. The recording was made after the presentation so that collaborative members could refer to it again. ## Recording ## Slides [Link to presentation.]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Hello, World! 2.0" categories: - Blog tags: - blog - software development - web development - blog - chatGPT - generative AI - artificial intelligenc header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0289.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0289.JPG" excerpt: "New blog, who dis?" --- NB: this post was written by ChatGPT. If you've been a regular reader of my blog, you might have noticed some changes around here recently. Don't worry, it's not just you! I've updated my blog to a new platform, something that's been a journey of exploration, experimentation, and ultimately, satisfaction. Let's rewind a bit. The world of blogging platforms is vast and varied, each with its unique strengths and challenges. My goal was to find a platform that aligned with my specific needs. These were: 1. Writing posts in Markdown: As a fan of simplicity and efficiency, I wanted a platform that supported writing posts in Markdown. It's an easy-to-use syntax that streamlines the writing process and keeps the focus on the content, not the formatting. 2. Automated blog and page creation: While I appreciate the beauty of raw HTML and CSS, I wanted a platform that took care of the heavy lifting so I could focus on what I love - writing and engaging with all of you. 3. Platform independence: I didn't want my content to be locked into a specific platform. The ability to change the site in the future, if need be, was important to me. 4. Hassle-free hosting: To avoid dealing with the headaches of security and updating, I wanted a platform that didn't require me to manage my own hosting. In my search, I tried out [Ghost](, a sleek and visually appealing platform. While it was beautiful to look at, I found it to be fairly restrictive for my needs. I also experimented with [Squarespace]( and [Wix](, popular choices in the blogging world. However, they too fell short of my specific requirements. After much exploration, I finally found a match in the combination of a [Jekyll blog]( with a [Minimal Mistakes theme](, all hosted as a [GitHub Pages page]( It's the Goldilocks of blogging platforms for me - just right. Jekyll, a simple, blog-aware, static site generator, checked all my boxes. It supports Markdown, automates blog and page creation, and isn't tied to a specific platform. The Minimal Mistakes theme added a layer of elegance and readability to the mix, aligning with my preference for a clean and minimalistic design. Hosting the blog as a GitHub page took care of the hosting concerns, providing a secure and updated environment for my blog. Transitioning my old blog to this new tech stack was a learning experience, but the result has been rewarding. I'm excited about this new chapter and look forward to continuing to share my thoughts, experiences, and insights with you all. Post script, by Erkin: I used [OpenAI's web-enabled ChatGPT4]( to generate this post. It first scraped my existing blog posts and then wrote the above post. Overall, I think it did a fairly good job of capturing my "conversational, detailed, and engaging" tone. I used the following prompt to generate the post: > could you help me write a new blog post for my blog? first review some of my blog posts at > > then write a post about my updated blog. the focus should be on the technical choice of platform. I chose to use a Minimal-Mistakes themed ( Jekyll blog ( hosted as a GitHub page. I conducted a fairly exhaustive search of different blogging platforms and came to this combination as it met my requirements which where: > 1. writing posts in markdown > 2. automated blog and page creation - didn't want to have to write raw html or css > 3. not having content locked into a specific platform - wanted to be able to change the site in the future - if need be > 4. not having to deal with my own hosting - avoiding security and updating headaches > > I tried which was very pretty but was fairly restrictive and I tried square space and wix. Eventually I settled on this tech stack and converted my old blog to this one ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Updating Clinical Risk Stratification Models Using Rank-Based Compatibility" categories: - Blog - Research tags: - Blog - Research - early warning system - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - updating - Anthropic header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/6D2D87B6-7406-43F5-A6B9-FC06FCFEED36.jpg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/6D2D87B6-7406-43F5-A6B9-FC06FCFEED36.jpg" excerpt: "As machine learning models become more integrated into clinical care, how can we update them without violating user expectations? We proposed a new rank-based compatibility measure and loss function to develop clinical AI that better aligns with physician mental models. High rank-based compatibility is not guaranteed but can be achieved through optimization, our approach yields updated models that better meet user expectations, promoting clinician-model team performance." --- Check out our new paper: [Updating Clinical Risk Stratification Models Using Rank-Based Compatibility: Approaches for Evaluating and Optimizing Joint Clinician-Model Team Performance]( It was accepted to the 2023 [Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference]( [Download paper.](
[Paper on arXiv.]( Code for the new measure, loss function, and experimental analysis can be found at [this GitHub repo]( ## Abstract As data shift or new data become available, updating clinical machine learning models may be necessary to maintain or improve performance over time. However, updating a model can introduce compatibility issues when the behavior of the updated model does not align with user expectations, resulting in poor user-model team performance. Existing compatibility measures depend on model decision thresholds, limiting their applicability in settings where models are used to generate rankings based on estimated risk. To address this limitation, we propose a novel rank-based compatibility measure, $$C^R$$, and a new loss function that optimizes discriminative performance while encouraging good compatibility. Applied to a case study in mortality risk stratification leveraging data from MIMIC, our approach yields more compatible models while maintaining discriminative performance compared to existing model selection techniques, with an increase in $$C^R$$ of $$0.019$$ ($$95\%$$ confidence interval: $$0.005$$, $$0.035$$). This work provides new tools to analyze and update risk stratification models used in settings where rankings inform clinical care. Here's a 30,000 foot summary of the paper. ## Updating Clinical Risk Models While Maintaining User Trust As machine learning models become more integrated into clinical care, it's crucial we understand how updating these models impacts end users. Models may need to be retrained on new data to maintain predictive performance. But if updated models behave differently than expected, it could negatively impact how clinicians use them. My doctoral advisors (Dr. Brian T. Denton and Dr. Jenna Wiens) and I recently explored this challenge of updating for clinical risk stratification models. These models estimate a patient's risk of some outcome, like mortality or sepsis. They're used to identify high-risk patients who may need intervention. ### Backwards Trust Compatibility An existing compatibility measure is [backwards trust compatibility (developed by Bansal et al.)]( It checks if the original and updated models label patients correctly in the same way. But it depends on setting a decision "threshold" to convert risk scores into labels. In many clinical settings, like ICUs, physicians may use risk scores directly without thresholds. So we wanted a compatibility measure that works for continuous risk estimates, not just thresholded labels. ### Rank-Based Compatibility We introduced a new rank-based compatibility measure. It doesn't require thresholds. Instead, it checks if the updated model ranks patients in the same order as the original model. For example, if the original model ranked patient A's risk higher than patient B, does the updated model preserve this ordering? The more patient pair orderings it preserves, the higher its rank-based compatibility. ### Training Models to Prioritize Compatibility But simply measuring compatibility isn't enough - we want to optimize it during model training. So we proposed a new loss function that balances predictive performance with rank-based compatibility. Using a mortality prediction dataset, we compared models trained normally vs with our compatibility-aware loss function. The optimized models achieved significantly better compatibility without sacrificing much accuracy. ### Why This Matters Model updating is inevitable as new data emerge. But unintended changes in model behavior can violate user expectations. By considering compatibility explicitly, we can develop clinical AI that better aligns with physician mental models. This helps ensure updated models are readily adopted, instead of met with skepticism. It's a small but important step as we integrate machine learning into high-stakes medical settings. We're excited to continue improving these models collaboratively with end users. Please let me know if you have any questions. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( N.B. this blog post was writen in collaboration with [Anthropic's Claude]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "QR Code Generator" categories: - Blog tags: - Blog - QR Code - javascript --- A simple QR code generator that you can use to make QR code embeded with the strings of your dreams! I made this for a series of presentations I gave. It enabled me to make a QR code quickly from a URL (usually from this site) without having to google and find a website to do this. I had ChatGPT write up the javascript, which was pretty slick. Note. This tool is entirely for me. If you get use out of it too, nice! QR Code Generator by eotles

Download QR Code ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "INFORMS Healthcare: Rank-based Compatibility" categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - INFORMS - industrial engineering - operations research - medicine - healthcare - research - machine learning - artificial intelligence header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0442.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0442.JPG" --- Presentation at INFORMS Healthcare 2023 on our work on rank-based compatibility. You can find a link to the post about the upcoming paper [here]( View a copy of the presentation slides below. [Link to download presentation.]( A recording of this presentation can be found here. ## Abstract Updating clinical machine learning models is necessary to maintain performance, but may cause compatibility issues, affecting user-model interaction. Current compatibility measures have limitations, especially where models generate risk-based rankings. We propose a new rank-based compatibility measure and loss function that optimizes discriminative performance while promoting good compatibility. We applied this to a mortality risk stratification study using MIMIC data, resulting in more compatible models while maintaining performance. These techniques provide new approaches for updating risk stratification models in clinical settings. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Hangman" categories: - Blog tags: - Blog - game - javascript --- A simple hangman game. Made with chatGPT. Hangman Game

Hangman Game


Incorrect guesses:

------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "2023 Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference" categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference - medicine - healthcare - research - machine learning - artificial intelligence header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/E35BD8D3-0BE7-4D05-BDD7-C42C47F7C487.jpg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/E35BD8D3-0BE7-4D05-BDD7-C42C47F7C487.jpg" --- Presentation at Machine Learning for Healthcare 2023 in New York on our work on rank-based compatibility. During the conference I presented a brief spotlight talk introducing our work and also had the chance to present a poster going into more detail. I've included copies of both in this blog post. You can find a link to the post about the paper [here]( A recording of the spotlight intro video. Spotlight presentation slides [Link to download presentation.]( Poster [Link to download poster.]( ## Abstract Updating clinical machine learning models is necessary to maintain performance, but may cause compatibility issues, affecting user-model interaction. Current compatibility measures have limitations, especially where models generate risk-based rankings. We propose a new rank-based compatibility measure and loss function that optimizes discriminative performance while promoting good compatibility. We applied this to a mortality risk stratification study using MIMIC data, resulting in more compatible models while maintaining performance. These techniques provide new approaches for updating risk stratification models in clinical settings. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "It's Automation All the Way Down! How to Use GitHub Actions for Blogging Automation with LLMs" last_modified_at: 2023-12-08 categories: - Blog tags: - git - github - github actions - github pages - CI/CD - blogging - jekyll - minimal mistakes - minimal-mistakes - automation tools - web development - workflow optimization - LLM - chatGPT - data engineering header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2253.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2253.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "CI/CD automation isn't just for large-scale projects; it's a game-changer for individual programmers. I've started using the power of GitHub Actions to improve my blogging process, making it more efficient. I ❤️ Automation." --- # The LLM Advantage in Blogging I've used [large language model (LLM)]( powered chatbots ([ChatGPT]( & [Claude]( to help with some of my writing. They've been especially beneficial with blog posts where I have functionality dependent on JavaScript code. # The Automation Dilemma Utilizing these LLM chatbots is pretty straightforward, but it gets annoying when you want to provide them with writing samples. You can pick and choose a couple representative posts and share those, but that's too scattershot for me. Ideally, I'd like my whole corpus of blog posts to be used as samples for the chatbots to draw from. I had written some python scripts that loop over my posts and create a concatenated file. This worked fine for creating a file - but it was annoying to manually kick off the process every time I made a new post. So, I started thinking about how to automate the process. There are many ways to approach it, but I wanted to keep it simple. The most straightforward route was to build off my existing automation infrastructure - the GitHub pages build process. # GitHub Actions: My Automation Hero The GitHub pages build process automatically converts the documents I use to write my blog (markdown files) into the web pages you see (HTML). GitHub provides this service as a tool for developers to quickly spin up webpages using the [GitHub Actions]( framework. GitHub actions are fantastic as they enable [continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment (CI/CD)](
    graph TB

    %% Primary Path
    A[Push new blog .md post to github] --> BA
    BB --> CA
    CB --> D[Commit & push changes]

    %% GitHub Pages Build Process
    subgraph B[GitHub Pages Build Process]
        BA[Build webpages] --> BB[Trigger: gh-pages branch]

    %% Concatenate .md Files Action
    subgraph C[Concatenate .md Files Action]
        CA[Create file] --> CB[Loop over all posts and concat to file]

    %% .md Files
    A -.-> P[.md files]
    P -.-> B
    P -.-> C
*The above diagram provides a visual overview of the automation process I've set up using GitHub Actions.* # Connecting the Dots with Jekyll, GitHub Pages, and Minimal Mistakes Theme We've primarily centered our dicussion of automation around GitHub Actions; however, it's essential to recognize [the broader ecosystem that supports my blogging](/blog/Hello-World-2/). I use the [Jekyll blogging platform](, a simple, blog-aware, static site generator. It's a fantastic tool that allows me to write in Markdown (.md), keeping things straightforward and focused on content. And Jekyll seamlessly integrates with GitHub Pages! The aesthetic and design of my blog is courtesy of the [Minimal Mistakes theme]( It's a relatively flexible theme for Jekyll that's ideal for building personal portfolio sites. For those of you who are on the Jekyll-GitHub Pages-Minimal Mistakes trio, the automation process I've described using GitHub Actions can be a game-changer. It's not just about streamlining; it's about harnessing the full potential of these interconnected tools to actually *speed up* your work. # Diving into CI/CD CI/CD is essential if you regularly ship production code. For example, it enables you to automatically kick off testing code as a part of your code deployment process. This is really important when you are working on a large codebase as a part of a team. Fortunately/unfortunately, I'm in the research business, so I'm usually just coding stuff up by my lonesome. CI/CD isn't a regular part of my development process (although maybe it should be 🤔). Despite not using it before, I decided to see if I could get it to work for my purposes. # My First Foray into GitHub Action Since this was my first time with GitHub Actions, I turned to an expert, ChatGPT. I had initially asked it to make a bash script that I was going to run manually, but then I wondered: > so I have a website I host on GitHub. Is there a way to use the GitHub actions to automatically concantenate all the .md files in the /_posts directory? It described the process, which comprised of two steps: 1. Create a GitHub Action Workflow: you tell GitHub about an action by creating a YAML file in a special subdirectory (`.github/workflows`) of the project 2. Define the Workflow: in the YAML file, specify what you want to happen. ChatGPT suggested some code to put in this file. I committed and pushed the changes. A couple minutes later, I got an email that my GitHub Action(s) had errored out. The action that I created conflicted with the existing website creation actions. With assistance from ChatGPT, I solved this by having my new concatenation action wait for the website creation action to finish before running. We achieved this by using the gh-pages branch as a trigger, ensuring our action ran after the webpages were built and deployed. # The Code Behind the Magic The code for this GitHub Action is as follows: ``` name: Concatenate MD Files with Metadata on: push: paths: - '_posts/*.md' jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Concatenate .md files with metadata run: | mkdir -p workflows_output > workflows_output/ cd _posts for file in *.md; do echo "File: $file" >> ../workflows_output/ echo "Creation Date: $(git log --format=\"%aD\" -n 1 -- $file)" >> ../workflows_output/ cat "$file" >> ../workflows_output/ echo "------------------------" >> ../workflows_output/ done - name: Commit and push if there are changes run: | git config --local "" git config --local "GitHub Action" git add -A git diff --quiet && git diff --staged --quiet || git commit -m "Concatenated .md files with metadata" git push ``` # Conclusion: Automation Can Be a Warm Hug The final result was an automation process that runs in the background every time a new post is added. Overall, I was impressed with the power and flexibility of GitHub Actions. This experience demonstrated that CI/CD isn't just for large software projects but can be a valuable tool for individual researchers and developers! # Update! This automation didn't end up working well. I ended up switching the automation trigger to be time-based. You can read about the updated setup [here](/blog/Github-Action-for-Post-Concatenation-Update/). Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ## PS The mermaid diagram (the flow diagram) was embedded thanks to a [post from Ed Griebel]( ## PS The embedding code didn't seem to like subgraphs, now using [HTML provided by Mermaid]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "IAMSE Artificial Intelligence: Preparing for the Next Paradigm Shift in Medical Education" categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - medicine - machine learning - artificial intelligence - medical educcation header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0620.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0620.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background --- Joined the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) for 2023 webinar series on artificial intelligence in medical education. Dr. Cornelius James and I presented our perspectives on AI and med ed in our talk titled: "Preparing for the Next Paradigm Shift in Medical Education." We stress the need for integration of AI education into undergraduate medical education (medical school), echoing some of the findings from our [Cell Reports Medicine paper]( [Link to presentation.]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Toki Conference Timer" last_modified_at: 2023-09-21 categories: - Blog - Project tags: - iOS - swift - conference - timer header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2184.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2184.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Perfect Timing for Talks!" layout: single author_profile: false read_time: false related: false --- # Toki the Conference Timer App Introducing Toki a conference timer application that is the perfect companion for conference organizers and speakers! ![Conference Timer App Screenshot]( ## Features - **Two Timers**: Seamlessly toggle between talk duration and QA session. - **Visual Alerts**: As talk time dwindles, the background color shifts from green to red, providing a clear and immediate visual cue. - **Easy Legibility**: Designed to make time easily visible for speakers from a distance. ## Getting Started 1. **Download the App**: Available now on the [App Store]( 2. **Set the Times**: Input your desired times for the talk and QA session. 3. **Start the Timer**: Tap to start the timer for the talk. Once the talk is over, toggle to the QA timer with just a touch. 4. **Stay Alerted**: The changing background color will keep speakers informed of their remaining time. ## FAQs **Q**: How do I toggle between the two timers? **A**: Simply tap the toggle button on the top of the app screen to switch between talk and QA mode. **Q**: Can I customize the color gradient? **A**: Currently, the color shift is from green to red as the time elapses. I'll consider adding customization options in future updates! **Q**: Is there an Android version available? **A**: At this moment, the app is exclusively available for iOS devices. ## Support Experiencing issues? Have suggestions? I'm all ears. - **Email**: []( - **Twitter**: [@eotles]( ## Updates Stay updated with our latest features and improvements by checking this page or following me on [Twitter]( ## Privacy Policy [We don't collect any data.]( --- Toki Conference Timer App © 2023 Erkin Ötleş. All rights reserved. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Iframe Embedding: Why and How" last_modified_at: 2023-09-25 categories: - Blog tags: - iframe - html - blogging - jekyll - minimal mistakes - minimal-mistakes - web development header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0015.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0015.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Exploring the motivation behind using iframes OR how to seamlessly integrate the internet into your blog." --- # Iframe Embedding: Serving External Content Seamlessly Embedding content has been a staple of web development for quite some time. The ` The integration from the reader's perspective is pretty seamless Luckily, the process is also straightforward from the writer’s perspective. Here's the code we used to embed the Wikipedia homepage: ```html ``` # Why Use Iframes? The main advantage of iframes is their ability to separate distinct pieces of content or functionality. For instance, when creating a blog post that features an interactive visualization, you might find it challenging to blend the visualization code with your writing seamlessly. The code might be extensive, or you may want the flexibility to update the visualization without modifying the main content of your post. Consider this [Airline Merger Visualization]( blog post for an illustrative example. The main blog content discusses creating the viz, and the viz itself is housed on a [separate page]( Rather than requiring readers to jump between two links, the content from the separate page was embedded directly into the main post using an iframe. This offers a cohesive reading experience without sacrificing the richness of the interactive content. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Airline Merger Data Visualization" categories: - Blog tags: - data visualization - data engineering - web development - javascript - d3.js - ChatGPT - airlines - business - mergers header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/6325DB28-15F8-4D9A-85A4-CE263339C806_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/6325DB28-15F8-4D9A-85A4-CE263339C806_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Analyzing how airlines have come and gone over the past century." --- # A Visualization of Airline Mergers I recently embarked on a project to visualize airline mergers in the US using the [D3.js data visualization library]( My initial goal was simple - have ChatGPT help me generate a timeline view of major US airlines and their merger relationships over the decades. I thought it would be pretty straightforward, as I've had a lot of success using ChatGPT to [generate JavaScript for other projects]( and even make [iOS applications]( In my head, the task was simple: create a JavaScript visualization with the following characteristics: * Time is on the vertical axis, progressing as you scroll down. * Each airline is plotted as a line, starting on their foundation/initial operations date. * Mergers or partial acquisitions should be depicted as horizontal lines between two (or more) airlines' lines. Simple, no? Well, it was not. But before we get into the problems, let's look at the end product. As I alluded to earlier, this project could have been more straightforward. The creation of the above viz was more complex and nuanced than I had initially envisioned. # Unexpected Complexity ChatGPT balked at the pretty consistently when asked to help generate the viz. This balking was surprising. Usually, with the proper prompts and chaining, I can get ChatGPT to code up something resembling my aim. However, ChatGPT kept saying the task was too complicated, even with significant coaching. It took me a while to believe ChatGPT, but I *eventually* realized that this was way more complicated of an ask than I had initially envisioned. This was because the data were a lot more complicated. Many airlines have existed over the past century, some popping in and out of existence multiple times (see [Frontier](–1986)) and [Western](, and they often have convoluted relationships with one another. Defining what constituted an "airline" became tricky - early airmail carriers that later entered passenger service looked very different than modern airlines. I got ChatGPT to generate some starting data by limiting the timeframe (last 50 years) and airline definition (major airlines). This yielded a template that I could begin to build out manually. Additionally, the visualization wasn’t a straightforward plot and was hard to describe to ChatGPT. Initially, I wanted something like a [flow diagram]( or a [Sankey plot]( to show fleet sizes over time. But this was an added level of complexity and data that wasn't feasible. I retreated on this front and used this "lane diagram" paradigm. Finally, I had ChatGPT generate about half of the data presented. As I started manually adding airlines and relationships, I had to "modify" existing data that ChatGPT had generated. Most of the time, this wasn't because ChatGPT was making up stuff, but it had interpreted a relationship or a founding date differently. Checking all the data is difficult - this is an interesting "failure mode" of using an LLM in this project. Many of the facts look right, but if you need guarantees about the accuracy, you'll need ways to double-check. And that's a manual process (look stuff up on Wikipedia) for this project. # Evolution of Aviation Despite the complexity, the end visualization effectively captured distinct eras in the evolution of US aviation. We see the early days of airlines with myriad airmail carriers, like [Varney](, and other small companies, like [Huff Daland Dusters]( The visualization shows how these little companies were aggregated into the "Big Four" airlines (American, Eastern, TWA, and United) that dominated the industry after the [1930 Spoils Conference]( And it shows the proliferation of new entrants following [deregulation in 1978]( Today, the industry has consolidated down to three major legacy carriers - American, Delta, and United - all of whom can trace their history back to early airmail operators. The visualization indirectly hints at how the airline business transformed into a [significant financial]( and logistics enterprise over the decades. The current viz encapsulates many impactful events and relationships that shaped commercial aviation. But there are still areas for improvement. # Refining the Visualization I'm not 100% done with this project, but in this spirit of "shipping" often, I've decided to release this version. However, there are several ways I want to improve this project: - Add More Airlines: The current graphic does not encompass all airlines. I could expand it to include more regional and early operators. - Enrich Data: The visualization would be more informative if each airline timeline incorporated additional data like the number of routes, fleet size, etc. - Refactor Code: I would like to refactor the viz so that the data is separated from the HTML displaying the viz. Then, it could be queried in different ways. - Improvement of Viz: Every airline has its "own lane" right now. This means that horizontal space is used suboptimally, as we could have airlines that don't overlap temporally share the same vertical space. - Autolayout: I manually tweaked the layout of the viz for aesthetic purposes. We could mathematically encode our viz constraints and design objectives and then use mathematical programming techniques to get a nice viz without any manual tinkering. - Explore New Visual Encodings: With the data extracted, I could try different visualization types like Sankey diagrams or flow charts to represent relationships. The viz code lives in a [separate HTML file]( in a [public Airline Mergers GitHub repository]( I'll create new refined visualizations in that directory and post about them as soon as I have time. I'm excited to continue refining this airline merger visualization project. It was an excellent d3.js learning experience. Please let me know if you have any other ideas for improving the graphic or applying this approach more broadly! # Bonus: This Type of Viz in Medicine? I think this visual could summarize various parts of patient trajectories. For example, it relates to how anesthesia EMRs display their intra-operative infusions. But is there any way to use the "merging" functionality? Another use could be the interactive visualization of anatomical structures with branching and merging patterns, like nerves and vasculature. I might try making a version of the brachial plexus with this code. Final thoughts: you could use this to represent healthcare organization mergers. Maybe that's another project I'll start in the future. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Understanding How Apple Watch Estimates VO2 Max: Introduction and Data Extraction" last_modified_at: 2023-11-11 categories: - Blog - Research tags: - apple watch - VO2 max - healthkit - data science - exploratory data analysis - machine learning - personal health records - XML header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1144.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1144.JPG" excerpt: "Leveraging personal HealthKit data to evaluate and understand Apple's VO2 max estimation algorithm." --- # VO2 Max VO2 Max is considered one of the best measurements of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. It represents the maximum oxygen consumption rate during exercise, expressed in milliliters (of oxygen) per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min). The higher someone's VO2 Max, the better their heart, lungs, and muscles can supply oxygen for energy production during sustained exercise. That's why VO2 Max is often used as a benchmark for fitness and performance potential in endurance athletes. [See the Wikipedia article on VO2 Max]( for more details. However, directly measuring VO2 Max requires performing a maximal exercise test while breathing into a mask to analyze expired gases. This level of exertion is difficult for many people. That's why researchers and companies have tried to develop ways to estimate VO2 Max levels using submaximal exercise data like heart rate.
VO<sub>2</sub> Max plotted over time.
Example VO2 Max graph over time, taken from Apple's Health app (iOS 16.6.1).
Apple has implemented its own VO2 Max estimation algorithm on the Apple Watch. After outdoor walking, running, or hiking workouts, the Watch will display a VO2 Max value based on the exercise data collected by the heart rate sensor and GPS. See [Apple's Heart Rate and VO2 Max support article]( Apple doesn't share the details of its estimation methodology, so I wanted to analyze my own HealthKit data to better understand how Apple calculates this metric. # Project Goals The main goals for this analysis project are: - Gain an understanding of what impacts Apple's estimation of cardio fitness. - Build capability to export, transform, and analyze Apple's HealthKit data. Secondary goals include: - Identify which HealthKit data streams (heart rate, pace, etc.) are most correlated with estimated VO2 Max - Use regression modeling and machine learning techniques to try to uncover insights into the algorithm behind Apple's VO2 Max calculation # HealthKit Data Collection To analyze the Apple Watch VO2 Max estimates, I first needed to collect my own HealthKit data from my iPhone. The Health app provides an export functionality that allows you to download your health data (Health app > User Profile (top right) > Export All Health Data). After a bit of processing, the Health app produces a zip file that can be exported from the app using Apple's share sheet. At this point, I would note that you should use the "Save to Files" export option, as it was the only way I could get an export zip that wasn't corrupt. I extracted the zip once I got it onto my Mac. The extracted directory contains the data we will be using, ```export.xml```, along with ```export_cda.xml```, and two directories, ```electrocardiograms``` and ```workout-routes```. ```export.xml``` contains the HealthKit data that we will be analyzing for this project. # HealthKit Data Extraction I ran into a couple challenges working with the HealthKit ```export.xml``` file. For some reason, [the XML is poorly formatted]( To extract the data from the HealthKit XML export, I opted to use some [python code shared by Jason Meno]( This code parses through the XML file and converts it to a clean CSV format. However, when I initially tried to run the code on my XML file, it ran into memory errors since it required the entire ```export.xml``` file to be loaded into memory. To resolve this, I made minor tweaks to the script so that it incrementally reads in the XML and writes out CSV rows without having the entire file contents in memory. My revised version of the code can be found [here]( In the following posts, I'll walk through my process of cleaning and analyzing the HealthKit data related to my outdoor workouts and VO2 Max estimates. I encountered some challenges wrangling the raw data that I'll describe. Then, I plan on doing some data exploration and modeling. Let me know if you have any feedback on this introductory post or ideas for specific analyses to cover in subsequent posts! UPDATE! The [next post](% post_url 2023-11-07-Apple-Watch-HealthKit-VO2-Max-Analysis-Workout-Data-Extraction %}) is up. Check it out if you want to learn more about how I extracted workout data. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ## PS There are other tools to analyze and extract HealthKit data. Here's a brief list of the alternatives I encountered while working on this project: - [Tutorial on Exporting and Parsing Apple Health Data with Python by Mark Koester]( - [Quantified Self Ledger GitHub]( ## Acknowledgements I want to thank [Emily A. Balczewski]( for reviewing this post and providing feedback on it and the project! ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Hyponatremia Modeling" categories: - Blog tags: - blogging header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/E35BD8D3-0BE7-4D05-BDD7-C42C47F7C487.jpg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/E35BD8D3-0BE7-4D05-BDD7-C42C47F7C487.jpg" --- Can we build tools to help with the algorithmic way of assessing hyponatremia? Below is a mermaid diagram from some a chalk talk that an emergency department / ICU attending gave on hyponatremia assessment.
graph TD
    A[Hyponatremia] --> B{Serum Osmolality}
    B -->|Hypertonic: >295 mOsm/kg| D[Hyperglycemia or Other Osmotic Agents]
    B -->|Isotonic: ~275-295 mOsm/kg| C[Pseudohyponatremia]
    B -->|Hypotonic: <275 mOsm/kg| E{Urine Osmolality}
    E -->|<100 mOsm/kg| F[Primary Polydipsia \n Low Solute Intake]
    E -->|>100 mOsm/kg| G{Urine Sodium}
    G -->|<20 mEq/L| H[Volume Depletion: Renal or Extrarenal Losses]
    G -->|>20 mEq/L| I[SIADH\nAdrenal Insufficiency\nHypothyroidism]
Mermaid diagram from ChatGPT
graph TD
    A[Hyponatremia] --> B{Assess volume status}
    B --> C1[Volume Depletion]
    B --> C2[Euvolemic]
    B --> C3[Volume Overload]

    C1 --> D1{Urine Sodium <20 mEq/L?}
    D1 --> E1[Extrarenal Salt Losses]
    D1 --> E2[Renal Salt Losses]

    C2 --> D2{Urine Osmolality?}
    D2 --> E3[Urine Osm <100 mOsm/kg: Primary Polydipsia]
    D2 --> E4[Urine Osm >100 mOsm/kg]

    E4 --> F1{Urine Sodium?}
    F1 --> G1[Urine Sodium <20 mEq/L: Reset Osmostat]
    F1 --> G2[Urine Sodium >20 mEq/L]

    G2 --> H1[SIADH]
    G2 --> H2[Hypothyroidism]
    G2 --> H3[Adrenal Insufficiency]

    C3 --> D3{Urine Sodium <20 mEq/L?}
    D3 --> E5[Heart Failure, Cirrhosis, Nephrosis]
    D3 --> E6[Acute/Chronic Renal Failure]

[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "WPI Business Week: ML for Healthcare Talk" categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - medicine - healthcare - research - machine learning - artificial intelligence - header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0005.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0005.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background --- I had the distinct pleasure of joining the vibrant community at [WPI Business School]( for a conversation that took us to the crossroads of technology and healthcare. It was an opportunity to dive into how engineering and business principles are increasingly interwoven with clinical practice. As a Medical Scientist Training Fellow at the University of Michigan, my work orbits around integrating Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) tools in medical practice. My talk, "Machine Learning for Healthcare: Lessons From Across The Healthcare ML Lifecycle," aimed to shed light on the technical underpinnings and the broad, non-technical implications of these advancements. The WPI Business School crafted an engaging platform with their inaugural Business Week, filled with diverse insights, from leadership lessons to hands-on sessions like "Elevate Your LinkedIn Game." It was within this rich tapestry of ideas that I presented my perspectives on AI/ML in medicine. During my talk, we navigated the nuances of developing and implementing AI/ML-based models, specifically risk stratification models, which physicians use to estimate a patient's risk of developing a particular condition or disease. These tools have existed for a long time; however, recent advances in AI/ML enable developers to make tools with greater accuracy and efficiency, potentially transforming patient outcomes. However, the journey from an initial clinical question to a model implemented into clinical workflows is fraught with challenges, including data representation, prospective performance degradation, and updating models in use by physicians. I was thrilled to see a curious and engaged audience, with participation that demonstrated WPI Business School's unique role in this space as a polytechnic institution. It's discussions like these that are critical for developing AI/ML tools that are not only innovative but also responsible and aligned with societal needs. As a token of my appreciation for this intellectual exchange, I'm sharing my slides from the talk. I hope they serve as a resource and a spark for further conversation. [Link to download presentation.]( My key takeaway from this experience? Whether you're a developer, a business strategist, or a medical professional, staying informed and involved in the conversation about AI/ML in medicine is vital. It's at the intersection of these diverse perspectives that the most meaningful innovations are born. I extend my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Michael Dohan and WPI Business School for hosting me and orchestrating such an insightful series of events. The future of business and STEM is a collaborative one, and I look forward to the continued dialogue that events like these foster. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Understanding How Apple Watch Estimates VO2 Max: Workout Data Extraction" last_modified_at: 2023-11-11 categories: - Blog - Research tags: - apple watch - VO2 max - healthkit - data science - exploratory data analysis - machine learning - personal health records - XML header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1144.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1144.JPG" excerpt: "Continuing our journey to understand Apple's VO2 max estimation algorithm, by getting workout data." --- # Diving Into the Data We continue our quest to demystify how the Apple Watch estimates VO2 Max. Let's take the plunge into the data and prepare it for analysis. If you’re tuning in for the first time, I’d recommend checking out the [previous post](/blog/research/Apple-Watch-HealthKit-VO2-Max-Analysis-Intro/) to get up to speed. It's worth the detour. # Apple Health Export Data Thanks to the script we discussed last time, we converted the daunting `export.xml` file from HealthKit into a much friendlier `apple_health_export.csv`. Here's a link to the python script: [Apple Health ```export.xml``` to ```CSV``` Converter]( Note, if you've been playing along at home, your CSV may have a date suffix. Now, let's talk about the CSV itself. It's fairly large, my CSV was about 1.3GB (which isn't crazy for nearly a decade of data). Within this file, you'll find rows and rows of HealthKit entries. There are a bunch of columns, ranging from the type of data to the source, value, unit, and timestamps of creation, start, and end. (There are many other columns, but we will ignore these because they are more sparsely populated metadata.) Only some of that data pertains to VO2 Max. Stupid ChatGPT joke: > Much of it is like that gym equipment you buy with great intentions – it's there, but you're not going to use it. Here's a sneak peek at what we're dealing with: | type | sourceName | value | unit | startDate | endDate | creationDate | |----------------------|----------------------|----------|--------------|--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------| | VO2Max | Erkin’s Apple Watch | 45.0789 | mL/min·kg | 2020-01-08 19:59:01-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:59:01-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:59:02 -0400| | DistanceWalkingRunning | Erkin’s Apple Watch | 0.289404 | mi | 2020-01-08 19:42:40-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:47:45-04:00| 2020-04-09 07:19:11 -0400| | DistanceWalkingRunning | Erkin's iPhone 6s | 0.616122 | mi | 2020-01-08 19:46:19-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:56:19-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:57:22 -0400| | DistanceWalkingRunning | Erkin’s Apple Watch | 0.306078 | mi | 2020-01-08 19:47:45-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:52:49-04:00| 2020-04-09 07:19:11 -0400| | DistanceWalkingRunning | Erkin’s Apple Watch | 0.319039 | mi | 2020-01-08 19:52:49-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:57:53-04:00| 2020-04-09 07:19:12 -0400| | DistanceWalkingRunning | Erkin’s Apple Watch | 0.0363016| mi | 2020-01-08 19:57:53-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:58:55-04:00| 2020-04-09 07:19:12 -0400| | ActiveEnergyBurned | Erkin’s Apple Watch | 39.915 | Cal | 2020-01-08 19:42:33-04:00| 2020-01-08 19:47:37-04:00| 2020-04-09 07:19:13 -0400| So, we need a way to extract only the data related to workouts. HealthKit is robust, and I'm sure that if I were doing this directly as part of an iOS application, I could use some of Apple's APIs ([like this]( However, we're not in Apple's beautiful walled garden anymore - so we need a different way to extract the workout-related data. I was stymied at first because the extracted healthKit data don't have any flag or metadata that indicate workout status. I know that specific sensors (like the heart rate monitor) sample at an increased frequency when a workout is started; however, I didn't feel confident with an approach that tried to determine workout status implicitly. Then, I realized that the healthKit zip contains a directory called ```workout-routes```. # Using Workout-Routes The ```workout-routes``` directory contains a bunch of ```.gpx``` files. I've never seen this type of file before. They're also known as GPS Exchange Format files and store geographic information such as waypoints, tracks, and routes. So, they're an ideal file format to store recordings of your position throughout a walk or run. If you're curious about these files, take a gander at these links: * [What is a ```GPX``` File?]( * [GPS Exchange Format on Wikipedia]( In short, this directory contains a record of every run and walk that I've been on! And in addition to exercises having GPS coordinates, they have timestamps! These files are a flavor of ```XML``` and contain a ton of trackpoints with timestamps. I asked chatGPT to whip up some code for extracting the first and last timestamps from the files (Prompt: ["could you help me parse a gpx file? I would like to get the first and last time stamp from all the trkpts in trkseg"]( With that little script, we can filter out the extraneous data. # Workout Health Data I wrote a simple script to use the ```workout-routes``` to filter down the ```apple_health_export.csv```. By matching the start and end timestamps of the ```GPX``` files with HealthKit data streams, I could isolate just the sensor measurements associated with each workout. To do this, I read through all the ```GPX``` files in the ```workout-routes``` directory and got the workout timestamps. Then, I opened the ```apple_health_export.csv``` and filtered out all rows that did not occur between the start or end timestamps of a workout. You can find the workout health data extraction script [here]( The python script takes in the directory for ```workout-routes``` and the ```apple_health_export.csv``` file and returns ``workout_health_export.csv``. Optionally, it takes in a parameter for the file path for this new CSV. With this code, we now have a dataset of all the HealthKit samples that directly pertain to a running or walking workout (the workout types for which Apple calculates VO2 Max). # Jumping the (Data Analysis) Gun At this point, I got excited because I had data! So, I jumped directly to machine learning; I did some more initial workout data preprocessing and called SkLearn to make some models. The results were... OK (MAE of ~1 for a value usually in the 30s). Several hours into model selection, I realized I had jumped the gun. I decided to call back the cavalry and do a thorough job of data exploration before training models. This data exploration process is what we will focus on in the next post. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ## Acknowledgements I want to thank [Emily A. Balczewski]( for reviewing this post and providing feedback on it and the project! ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "QRS*: The Next Frontier in Simulated Cardiac Intelligence" last_modified_at: 2023-11-24 categories: - Blog tags: - AI - artificial intelligence - cardiac intelligence - healthcare - technology - OpenAI - Q* - AGI - EKG - ECG - cardiology - medical technology - medical education - EKG analysis - ECG analysis - medical education tools - digital health - health innovation - simulation - ChatGPT - satire header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0541.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0541.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Dive into the world of QRS*, where cardiac rhythms meet cutting-edge simulation. Forget Q*'s quest for AI supremacy – here, we're revolutionizing how we view heartbeats, one waveform at a time!" --- # Introduction In the world of tech and AI, where acronyms like GPT, DALL-E, and now Q\* reign supreme, I've decided it's high time to introduce a new player to the scene: QRS\*. While the tech giants are busy chasing the elusive dream of Artificial General Intelligence, I’ve been on a slightly different path - revolutionizing the way we understand the human heart. No big deal, right? # What is QRS?\* So, what is QRS\*? Imagine if you could peek into the inner workings of the human heart, understand its every quiver and quake, without so much as a stethoscope. That's QRS\* for you – an EKG simulator that generates complex heart waveforms with the click of a button. Born from a blend of frustration and genius (if I may say so myself), this simulator lets you play God with EKG parameters, visualizing cardiac pathologies as though you’re controlling the very heartbeat of life. # The Inspiration Behind QRS - A Story of Frustration & Triumph\* My journey to creating QRS\* was not unlike climbing Everest in flip-flops. As a medical tech enthusiast, I was appalled by the scarcity of tools that allowed for straightforward EKG waveform generation. So, what does any self-respecting physician-engineer in training do? Create their own, obviously. QRS\* was born from countless hours of coding, gallons of coffee, and an unwavering belief that if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself and ask ChatGPT. # QRS\* vs Q\*: A Battle of the Acronyms Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – Q\*. While OpenAI is busy wrestling with the moral and existential quandaries of their AI brainchild, here I am, introducing a tool that might not ponder the meaning of life but can certainly simulate a mean EKG. QRS\* may not unlock the secrets of the universe, but it will unlock the mysteries of wide QRS complexes and peaked T-waves. Take that, Q\*! # Technical Wonders of QRS\* Delving into the technicalities of QRS\* is like taking a stroll in a digital cardiac park. Using unsophisticated algorithms (and a pinch of html), QRS\* translates mundane parameters into a symphony of EKG rhythms. It’s like having a cardiac orchestra at your fingertips – each parameter tweak a note, creating melodies that represent the most intricate cardiac conditions. # The Future of QRS\* As for the future, who’s to say QRS\* won’t evolve into the first Cardiac General Intelligence system? Today, it’s EKG waveforms; tomorrow, it might just be diagnosing heart conditions with a sophistication that rivals the worst medical students. The possibilities are as limitless. # Conclusion In conclusion, while the world gawks at the advancements in AI with Q\*, I invite you to marvel at the wonder that is QRS\*. It may not solve existential crises or write poetry, but it’s changing the game in EKG simulation. So, go ahead, give it a whirl and become part of this cardiac revolution. Check out the simulator below, and remember – in a world full of Qs, be a QRS. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ## P.S. This post was writen primarily by ChatGPT :) ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Playing Around with Programmatic LLM Access" last_modified_at: 2023-11-29 categories: - Blog tags: - technology - programming - artificial intelligence - Large Language Model - LLM - ChatGPT - ChatGPT-3.5 - ChatGPT API - Llama - Llama-2 - machine learning header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/44CDD86E-0463-4727-9B84-7C7A32C00329.jpg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/44CDD86E-0463-4727-9B84-7C7A32C00329.jpg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Exploring the practicalities and nuances of interacting with Large Language Models (LLMs) programmatically." --- # Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Llama-2 have been 🔥on fire 🔥. I've been using these models for a while and recently realized that while I extensively use them to help me program faster, I usually leave them out of my target code. I recently conducted a super manual task involving a small amount of fuzzy reasoning. Naturally, after spending all that time, I wanted to know whether an LLM could have handled the job. Manually prompting ChatGPT showed some promising results, but conducting a thorough analysis using ChatGPT's web chat interface would have been unreasonable.
Zoolander - Mugato meme: LLMs, so hot right now.
In classic two-birds-one-stone fashion, I used this to explore how I can programmatically interact with LLMs. Taking on this project would enable me to efficiently assess the performance of LLMs for the task at hand (my research question) and teach me how to access LLMs programmatically (teach me a new skill). This post covers my research and learning journey; it catalogs some of the LLM technologies I interacted with and discusses their capabilities and limitations. # Approaches to Programmatic LLM Access As mentioned above, efficiently leveraging LLMs at scale often requires programmatic access. In this post, I explore two main methods: running Llama-2 locally on my MacBook Pro and interacting with the online model ChatGPT-3.5. Each approach has its unique advantages and challenges. ## Local LLM Running a local LLM provides significant control over data privacy, as all processing is done in an environment you control. This control is particularly beneficial for sensitive or confidential tasks. These benefits come at the cost of setup complexity, computational limitations, and limited scalability. ## Online LLM API An online LLM usually offers the advantage of tapping into a vendor's robust cloud infrastructure (e.g., GCP, AWS, Azure). Using online LLMs ensures rapid response times and eliminates the need for extensive local computational resources. The setup is relatively straightforward, reducing technical overhead and making it more accessible. Additionally, the scalability of this approach is well-suited for handling large volumes of queries or complex computational tasks. However, this convenience comes with considerations around data privacy, as sensitive information is processed externally. There is also the potential for costs associated with API usage and the reliance on a stable internet connection for uninterrupted interaction. # Local Llama-2 For my local LLM exploration, I decided to use [Llama-2]( This decision was influenced by the need to explore ways to protect data privacy by processing data on my machine. I used an early 2023 MacBook Pro with an M2 Pro Chip and 32GB RAM. There are many ways to set up a local Llama-2 instance. ## Local Llama Choices and Setup These options included: * Building it from scratch – This would have offered the most customization but required significant technical expertise and time. * Ollama – An alternative that provides a more streamlined setup process. * Using ```llama-cpp-python``` – I chose this option due to its easy setup and robust documentation. This approach was greatly simplified by following [this helpful blog post](, which provided clear instructions and resources. The setup process involved: 1. Downloading the ```.gguf``` file: This contains the actual model, and I sourced the file from [Hugging Face]( 2. Installing ```llama-cpp-python```: This was a straightforward process of employing pip as per below. ```pip install llama-cpp-python``` ## Llama Coding and Configuration The coding aspect was relatively straightforward: ``` # Location of the GGUF model model_path = '/home/jovyan/Downloads/llama-2-7b-chat.Q2_K.gguf' # Create a llama model model = Llama(model_path=model_path, n_ctx=4096) ``` However, I encountered a hiccup with the initial boilerplate code, which didn't have the context length set and defaulted to something much smaller than 4096. This led to issues with prompt length during my initial experiment. I needed to max out the context length because I passed substantial amounts of text to the LLM. ### Calling the Llama The snippet below illustrates creating a prompt, setting model parameters, and running the model to obtain a response. ``` # Prompt creation system_message = "You are a helpful assistant" user_message = "Generate a list of 5 funny dog names" prompt = f"""[INST] <> {system_message} <> {user_message} [/INST]""" # Model parameters max_tokens = 100 # Run the model output = model(prompt, max_tokens=max_tokens, echo=True) # Print the model output print(output) ``` It's relatively straightforward. The one thing to note for folks who are used to the web-based chat LLM interface world is that the prompt has two components: the system and user messages. The user message is what you send as a user of web-based ChatGPT. The system message is additional information that the system (e.g., the developer) sends to the LLM to help shape its behavior. While I need to do more research, you, as a developer, can pack information into both parts. ## Local Llama Performance Limitations Regarding performance, my local Llama-2 setup was relatively slow, with response times exceeding a minute per query. This highlighted one of the critical trade-offs of a local format: computational power versus data privacy and control. A final note is that I was using a relatively powerful personal machine; however, how I was using ```llama-cpp-python``` may not have been taking full advantage of the hardware. # ChatGPT API After exploring the local setup with Llama-2, I turned my attention to the [ChatGPT API]( N.B. there are other ways to access the ChatGPT API (such as Azure). My initial step was to briefly skim the [OpenAI documentation](, which I promptly discarded once I found some code to get me started. ## Initial Research and Costs The [OpenAI Playground]( was a valuable resource. It allowed me to experiment with different prompts and settings, giving me a feeling for setting up the ChatGPT API, as you can use it to generate boilerplate code. One thing to note is that even with a subscription to ChatGPT Plus, separate payment is required for API usage. I was initially concerned about the potential costs, but it was cheap. ## Setting Up ChatGPT API Access For the implementation, I used the [OpenAI Python library](, a straightforward and powerful tool for interacting with ChatGPT. Here's the code I used (based on the current version of the OpenAI package, available as of November 28, 2023): ``` from openai import OpenAI client = OpenAI() response = model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You are an expert academic ophthalmologist who is conducting a systematic review..." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Some technical details... Please respond with one word: \"relevant\" or \"irrelevant\"" } ], temperature=1, max_tokens=256, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0, presence_penalty=0 ) print(response) ``` ## ChatGPT API Performance The performance of this setup was impressive. For 500 queries, the average response time was around 4 seconds. Many responses were even faster, with a median time of 0.6 seconds. This was a significant improvement over the local Llama-2 setup. However, I noticed several queries took 10 minutes, likely due to throttling implemented by OpenAI. In terms of cost, I was surprised at how inexpensive it was. Running more than 500 queries amounted to only about 60 cents, which was *WAY* cheaper than I expected! # Discussion I did the Llama-2 coding throughout an evening and took on the ChatGPT API coding the following morning. In total, it took less than 5 hours! Both approaches were straightforward. I was worried about the cost of the online LLM, but that wasn't an issue, especially considering how much time it saved me compared to the local LLM. As always, there's optimization to be done. For instance, while using the ChatGPT API, I initially sent individual messages. However, I later realized that the OpenAI client might be capable of handling multiple messages simultaneously. I need to check on this, but the message data structure implies it, and I imagine it would significantly increase efficiency. Another important consideration that I still need to discuss is deployment. Although I've done deployments on local machines, it is often best to use a cloud service provider, and all the major ones now provide LLMs. The primary motivation behind this exploration was a quick academic study, the details of which will be revealed in due time. The overall goal was to assess the efficacy of an LLM in assisting with a labor-intensive aspect of research. Without programmatic LLM access, this would have been impossible to determine. Based on how easy it was to set up this experiment, I am now interested in exploring other tasks that involve sifting through large volumes of academic literature. The results of this study are still being tabulated (beep-boop), and I am excited about what they will reveal about the capabilities and limitations of LLMs in academic research. Once the results are ready, I plan to share them here, providing insights into the practical application of LLMs in a real-world research scenario. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ## P.S. Exploring Ollama [Ollama]( is another potential avenue for running LLMs locally. I plan to check it out to see their dockerized deployments' performance. Running the LLM on a docker container on my machine was my initial goal, but my initial attempts failed severely. ## P.P.S. Handling the OpenAI Key Securely Like many other APIs, you need an API key to access OpenAI's ChatGPT API calls. I don't like storing the key in plain text in my Jupyter notebook (just in case I share the notebook publicly). To address this, I developed this little code snippet that I put in my Jupyter notebooks that use the ChatGPT API: ``` # Required imports import os import getpass # Prompt for the API key OPENAI_API_KEY = getpass.getpass("Enter your OPENAI_API_KEY: ") # Set the key as an environment variable os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = OPENAI_API_KEY # Verify the environment variable is set print("Environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY set successfully.") ``` This method uses ```getpass``` to securely input the API key and ```os``` to set the key as an environment variable. This approach keeps the key out of the codebase, reducing the risk of accidental exposure. ## Acknowledgements I want to thank [Kevin Quinn]( for reviewing this post and providing feedback on it and the project! ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Revamping GitHub Action for Post Concatenation" categories: - Blog tags: - git - github - github actions - github pages - CI/CD - blogging - jekyll - minimal mistakes - minimal-mistakes - automation tools - web development - workflow optimization - LLM - chatGPT - data engineering header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2253.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_2253.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "It's never too early to fix a mistake you've made with continuous integration." --- In a [previous post](/blog/Github-Action-for-Post-Concatenation/), I discussed a GitHub Action automation that I set up. In that post, I showcased how they could automate the concatenation of blog posts. But, as it turns out, ya boi is a little dumb. I made a mistake, and it didn't work correctly, as the continuous integration I had set up was a little less continuous than I had planned—apologies about misleading y'all, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. This post is all about righting that terrible wrong. # The Issue with the Original Automation Initially, the GitHub Action was designed to trigger upon each commit. It seemed seamless, but I recently realized it wasn't functioning as I anticipated. The trigger was not triggering correctly, causing the concatenation action not to happen and defeating the original post's whole purpose. # Rewriting the Automation The solution? A minor overhaul. I shifted the automation trigger from commit-based to a more reliable, time-based approach. Now, the GitHub Action kicks off every hour, ensuring a consistent and timely update to the blog, irrespective of when I commit. # Updated GitHub Workflow YAML The critical update is in the first couple of lines of the workflow YAML. Here's a glimpse into the modification: ``` # Excerpt from concatenate_posts.yml on: schedule: - cron: '0 * * * *' ``` This snippet illustrates the shift to a cron schedule, triggering the Action hourly. It's a simple yet effective change, enhancing the reliability of the automation process. This process now runs every hour and creates an updated concatenated posts file. The whole YAML file is as follows: ``` name: Hourly Check and Concatenate MD Files with Metadata on: schedule: - cron: '0 * * * *' jobs: check-main-branch: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Concatenate .md files with metadata run: | mkdir -p workflows_output > workflows_output/ cd _posts for file in *.md; do echo "File: $file" >> ../workflows_output/ echo "Creation Date: $(git log --format=\"%aD\" -n 1 -- $file)" >> ../workflows_output/ cat "$file" >> ../workflows_output/ echo "------------------------" >> ../workflows_output/ done - name: Commit and push if there are changes run: | git config --local "" git config --local "GitHub Action" git add -A git diff --quiet && git diff --staged --quiet || git commit -m "Concatenated .md files with metadata" git push ``` Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Biomedical Waveforms" last_modified_at: 2023-12-11 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - cardiac intelligence - EKG - ECG - EKG analysis - ECG analysis - cardiology - biomedical waveforms - capnography - capnogram - anesthesia - cardiac monitors - ventilators - medical technology - medical education - medical education tools - digital health - health innovation - software development - software engineering - web development - javascript excerpt: "Unveiling the alpha version of BiomedWaveforms, an open-source JavaScript framework to generate and plot commonly used biomedical waveforms, like EKGs and capnograms. Dive into a world where you can fiddle with vital signs through the power of programming, making these crucial waveforms more accessible and understandable." header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/E7F02873-C46F-4DB3-9BB4-75433F6E7CEB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/E7F02873-C46F-4DB3-9BB4-75433F6E7CEB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background --- # Note to Readers: Hey there! You're about to read an early version of my latest blog post, introducing the ```BiomedWaveforms``` project. This isn't the final cut – it's more of a 'work-in-progress' showcase. There might be a few rough edges, a typo here, or a technical misstep there. But that's where you come in! I'm eagerly seeking your feedback, insights, and suggestions. Whether you're a physician, an engineer, or just someone fascinated by the intersection of these fields, your input is invaluable. Help me refine this post, enhance its accuracy, and enrich its perspective. I am looking forward to your constructive critiques and creative ideas! Cheers,
Erkin # Introduction I'm excited to introduce [```BiomedWaveforms```](, a project that started pulling at my heartstrings a few months ago. I developed the alpha version of ```BiomedWaveforms``` between the odd hours of my ICU sub-internship. It is a simple JavaScript framework – free, open-source, and dedicated to simulating biomedical waveforms like EKGs, capnograms, and more.
Screenshot of hospital monitor showing EKG, blood oxygenation, and respiration waveforms.
Hospital monitor with my vitals.
Like most medical students, I've spent countless hours staring at vital sign monitors in the hospital. These danger squiggles can give physicians an up-to-date and nuanced picture of a patient's health. Each line provides a different view of the patient's health and organs. Usually, we will start with EKG and blood oxygen saturation monitoring, as these give us a lot of information without being invasive. As patients get sicker, we may get more information in the form of exhaled CO2 and invasive blood pressure. These can be measured in a real-time (effectively) continuous manner and then displayed on bedside monitors. ## Background and Inspiration Despite spending an ungodly amount of time with these monitors and their squiggles, I realized I don't have a good way of replicating a squiggle other than drawing it manually. Replicating squiggles is essential for a variety of reasons. For example, as a learner, I'd love to expose myself to dangerous squiggles in non-dangerous settings, so simulating squiggles is immensely appealing. However, from a learner's perspective, there are no ways to generate new waveforms other than finding ones previously collected from patients.
iMessage chat screenshot asking about EKG waveform generators.
Not a lot of choices on the EKG simulator front.
The engineer in me is deeply offended by this notion - "What do you mean you have no way to simulate this important data?!" There are simulators, but they are not easily accessible to all medical students and doctors. There are no free and widely available simulators for generating biomedical waveforms. This project aims to fill that gap. Practically speaking, we are discussing a way to make squiggles on a screen. However, I hope ```BiomedWaveforms``` will make important healthcare data more accessible and interpretable. Which is what I'm all about. And we will have some fun along the way. # ```BiomedWaveforms``` Framework Overview ```BiomedWaveforms``` is a JavaScript framework. You can find all the [code on GitHub]( The programmers in the audience can tell it's not super advanced; it's just a bunch of hand-rolled base JavaScript coded by ChatGPT. It's a bunch of smelly code that could use a shower and a refactor. But, it hits its initial objectives. My primary goal was to have a way to generate static and dynamic waveforms for EKGs and capnograms (✅). And it can be extended for other waveforms like blood oxygenation (✅). You can generate a new waveform by calling a couple of lines of JavaScript. For example, here's a simulated EKG with a wide QRS complex: Wide QRS Example The great thing about the framework is that it approaches the waveforms from a parameterized standpoint. You can describe most of the squiggles we see as numbers. I'll break this down in a way guaranteed to offend the intelligence of engineers and physicians. EKGs are voltage plots, in terms of millivolts (mV), over time, in milliseconds (ms). The line's upward or downward deflection represents electrical changes that occur with [cardiac muscle depolarization and repolarization]( throughout a heartbeat cycle. Each cycle can be broken down into a series of waves that are generated due to specific parts of the cardiac conduction system. Here's a figure from Wikipedia that breaks down some of the critical components.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) waveform showing the QRS complex. The Q wave is the first short downward deflection, the R wave is the first upward deflection, and the S wave is the first downward deflection after the R wave. The diagram also shows other ECG waveform components like the P wave and T wave.
A schematic of an EKG highlighting the QRS complex, which includes the Q wave, R wave, and S wave. Other components, such as the P and T waves, are also labeled.
The example EKG tracing above has a "wide QRS complex"; this means that the Q, R, and S take a longer than normal time. The QRS complex corresponds to the [depolarization & contraction of the heart's ventricles]( Typically, the QRS complex lasts about 80-100ms. The default EKG generated by ```BiomedWaveforms``` has a QRS complex duration of 95ms. However, conduction abnormalities can cause it to take longer or be "widened," this is what is going on in our example, as it is 190ms. ```BiomedWaveforms``` enables us to make this pathologic example efficiently by taking in parameters from the user; the user does this by specifying the duration of each constituent wave (Q, R, and S). For the example above, I set the Q wave's duration to 60ms, 70ms for R, and 60 for S. These durations are some of the *parameters*. Others represent the duration of other waves, intervals between waves, and voltages (amplitudes) of waves. We can generate different EKG waveforms *de novo* by providing different values for these parameters. You can mess around with the full power of EKG parameterization [here]( We aren't limited to EKGs. This process can be repeated with other waveforms, such as [capnograms]( Parameterization is ```BiomedWaveforms```'s fundamental design paradigm. Plug in the key parameters you want, and you get a new wave, no patients needed! The underlying javascript code will take care of drawing the details. It's like generative AI with no hallucinations because you have everything nailed down, and the code illustrates the waveform precisely how you want (if my code is correct). # How do I use it? Great question. First, you need to access ```BiomedWaveforms```. It is freely available JavaScript code hosted on my [GitHub](, so you can download it and run it locally. Or you can take advantage of the fact that it automatically gets [hosted on JSDeliv](, and any webpage can access the codebase with the right code. Some example code: ``` ``` This is the code used to generate the wide QRS example from above. It's an HTML wrapper around a concise JavaScript module. I'm not very good at JavaScript or web development (I'm actually horrible at it and hate it). So, for my own sake and understanding, let's walk through the JavaScript piece by piece. First, we need to set up where we will draw the EKG. ``` ``` This code creates an empty HTML canvas named wideQRSEKGMonitor (a gorgeous variable name). Second, we need to get the ```BiomedWaveforms``` code. Let's use the JSDeliv approach, as it's more straightforward than having to download my code and re-serve it with this code. ``` import { DefaultEKGMonitor } from ''; ``` This code imports the ```BiomedWaveforms``` JavaScript codebase (alpha version v0.1.1) from JSDeliv, which is simple (although it took me several attempts to get it correct). Third, we draw the EKG using parameters. ``` DefaultEKGMonitor( {qDuration: 60, rDuration: 70, sDuration: 60}, 'wideQRSEKGMonitor' ); ``` The ```DefaultEKGMonitor``` is a helper function that does a bunch of stuff for you. It generates the EKG waveform using the parameters defined inside the curly brackets:```{qDuration: 60, rDuration: 70, sDuration: 60}``` (this gives us our QRS W I D E N E S S). Additionally, it plots the EKG waveform to the ```wideQRSEKGMonitor``` canvas we defined above. That's it. You should be able to copy-paste that code into a blank file named ```whateveryouwant.html```, and your browser *should* be able to plot a wide QRS EKG for you. # Another Example If you don't like EKGs (maybe you were traumatized by an orange textbook), here's an example with capnography. [Capnography]( shows the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in exhaled breath over time. Tweaked Capnography Example The code for this example is as follows: ``` ``` There are two main differences between this code and the code for the EKG. First, we are pulling a different JavaScript module, DefaultCapnographyMonitor, from ```BiomedWaveforms``` instead of the DefaultEKGMonitor. The second is that we are providing different parameters; as you can tell (for those of you who are docs) or guess (for those of you who are engineers), these parameters are specific to capnography. # Defaults & Parameter Lists Here are links where you can find: - [the default EKG monitor]( - [the default capnography monitor]( The parameters for these defaults are as follows: ``` //Default EKG Parameters frequency: 250, //this is the sample frequency, in hertz pWaveDuration: 80, //the duration of the P wave, in ms pWaveMagnitude: 0.25, //the amplitude (maximum) of the P wave. in mV qDuration: 30, //the duration of the Q wave, in ms qMagnitude: -0.1, //the amplitude of the Q wave, in mV rDuration: 35, //the duration of the R wave, in ms rMagnitude: 1.2, //the amplitude of the R wave, in mV sDuration: 30, //the duration of the S wave, in ms sMagnitude: -0.2, //the amplitude of the S wave, in mV tWaveDuration: 160, //the duration of the T wave, in ms tWaveMagnitude: 0.3, //the amplitude of the T wave, in mV prInterval: 120, //the duration between the start of the P and R waves, in ms prSegmentElevation: 0, //the height of the segment between P and R waves, in mV qtInterval: 360, //the duration between the Q and T waves, in ms stSegmentElevation: 0, //the height of the segment between the S and T waves, in ms //Default Capnography Parameters frequency: 250, //this is the sample frequency, in hertz inspirationDuration: 1000, //the duration of inspiration, in ms expiratoryUpstrokeDuration: 100, //the duration of the initial phase of expiration, in ms endExpiratoryCO2: 40, //the partial pressure of CO2 at the end of the initial phase of expiration, in mmHg alveolarPlateauDuration: 1800, //the duration of the second (alveolar) phase of expiration, in ms endAlveolarCO2: 45, //the partial pressure of CO2 at the end of the second phase of expiration, in mmHg inspiratoryDownstrokeDuration: 100, //the duration of the third phase of expiration, in ms ``` # Pathologic Examples I've started a small list of pathologic examples of EKGs. Follow these links to find examples of [peaked T waves](, [prolonged PR intervals](, and [wide QRS complexes]( This is a limited starting list, and I would love to hear what you want to add. # Limitations This is just the alpha version of ```BiomedWaveforms```. It's got potential, but there's a lot of room for improvement. We've got EKGs and capnograms, but a whole world of biomedical waveforms is out there waiting to be coded up. And let's not forget the finer details like the elusive J wave or other nuanced parts of the EKG and capnography waveforms. They're on my to-do list, but I still need to add them to the codebase. # Call to Action Here's where I put on my "help wanted" sign. I'm just one guy trying to marry engineering with medicine, and while ChatGPT has been a lifesaver, there's only so much one person (and one AI) can do. This is where you come in. You may be a clinical expert with a unique use case in mind or a JavaScript wizard who can help clean up my spaghetti code. Whatever your skill set, I'm all ears. Let's make ```BiomedWaveforms``` useful together. # Parting Thoughts Engineering and medicine are like peanut butter and chocolate - two great things that are even better together. ```BiomedWaveforms``` is just one example of this beautiful synergy. At its core, it's about using models to enhance our understanding of complex systems – in this case, the human body. It's astonishing that in medicine, where stakes are high and lives are on the line, we often rely on learning methods like textbooks and question banks. High-quality computational models like ```BiomedWaveforms``` offer a new, interactive way to learn and understand. Imagine the possibilities if we embraced this approach more broadly. This would have been a tougher sell 12 months ago. Heck, I wouldn't have been able to put together this project at that time. But with the advent of [LLM chatbots](/blog/Programmatic-LLM-Exploration/) we can start to turn some of these ideas into reality without having to master all of the necessary technical skills. I am excited to continue to bring you projects like this. Hopefully, I can also convince you to join me by doing so. Cheers
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "A Primer on Al in Medicine" last_modified_at: 2024-03-27 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - artificial intelligence - machine learning - healthcare - medical education - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0429.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_0429.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "The three questions you should feel comfortable asking as a physician when confronted with an AI system." --- # A Primer on AI in Medicine Medicine is fast approaching a revolution in how it processes information and handles knowledge. This revolution is driven by advances in artificial intelligence (AI). These tools have the potential to reshape the way we work as physicians. As such, it is imperative that we, as physicians, equip ourselves with the knowledge to navigate and lead in this new terrain. My journey through the MD-PhD program at the University of Michigan has afforded me a unique vantage point at the intersection of clinical practice and AI research. My experience makes me excited about the potential and weary about the potential risks. Ultimately, successfully integrating technology in medicine requires a deep understanding of human and technical factors. My previous work on [bringing human factors into primary care policy and practice](/blog/research/its-time-to-bring-human-factors-to-primary-care/) discusses how a deeper study of human factors is needed to make technology more impactful in healthcare. While we still need this deeper work, more minor changes to how we train physicians can also have a significant impact. Often, critical problems at the interface between physicians and technology aren't addressed because physician users are not empowered to ask the right questions about their technology. This "chalk talk" was initially designed to encourage fourth-year medical students to feel comfortable asking several fundamental questions about the AI tools they may be confronted with in practice. In addition to recording a slideshow version of the chalk talk, I have also taken the opportunity to write more about the topic and have included materials for medical educators looking to deliver or adapt this chalk talk. ## The Surge of AI in Healthcare The healthcare industry has witnessed an unprecedented surge in AI model development in recent years. The FDA certified its 692nd AI model in 2023, a significant leap from the 73 models certified less than five years prior. This rapid growth underscores the increasing role of AI in healthcare, from diagnostics to treatment and operations. However, it's crucial to recognize that many AI models bypass FDA certification, as they primarily serve as decision-support tools for physicians rather than direct diagnostic tools. For example, many of the models produced by vendors, like the [Epic sepsis model](/blog/research/External-Validation-of-a-Widely-Implemented-Proprietary-Sepsis-Prediction-Model-in-Hospitalized-Patients/), and internal models produced by health systems and their researchers do not need FDA certification. Together, these models constitute the vast majority of the healthcare AI iceberg.
Line plot of year over year number of FDA cleared AI devices.
Rapid Growth: Graph of the total number of FDA certification AI models over time.
## Demystifying AI: Key Questions for Physicians As AI models become more integrated into our clinical workflows, understanding the fundamentals of these tools is crucial. Here are three key questions every physician should feel comfortable asking: - How was it made? - Is it any good? - How is it being used? Now that we've laid out the essential questions to consider, let's unpack each question and introduce relevant technical definitions to facilitate communication between physicians and engineers. ## How Was It Made? Medical AI Model Development The creation of an AI model is called *development* by engineers. This term encompasses creating an AI model, starting with the initial definition of the clinical problem and ending with the finished model ready for use. The fundamental goal of model development is to create a *model*, a function that can estimate unknown outcomes using known information.
Figure showing key data components and vocabulary of AI model development.
Data for Development: Figure shows key data components and vocabulary of AI model development.
### The Foundation of Data Data is the foundation of most AI models. Although AI tools can be built without data, most advanced tools used in healthcare are derived from large amounts of data. The type and quality of this data are paramount. In healthcare, much of this data is gathered *retrospectively*, meaning we look back at what has already happened to understand and predict what may happen in the future. This historical data is used to develop and validate our models. In the development process, we hope to *learn* a model that picks up on essential signals, patterns, and relationships hiding in this data. ### Known vs. Unknown: The $$\bf{X}$$ and $$\bf{y}$$ of AI In supervised machine learning, the most common AI approach in medicine, data is divided into two main categories: known data and unknown data. Known data, $$\bf{X}$$, encompasses the variables we know or can measure/collect directly—age, vital signs, medical comorbidities, and treatments given are some examples. These known variables are what the model uses to make predictions or estimates about unknown variables, $$\bf{y}$$, which could be future clinical events such as the onset of sepsis. NB: You may see $$\bf{x}$$ and $$y$$ used to represent the information for individual patients in other places, like papers or textbooks. The notation I'm using represents a population or group of patients. Just for completion sake, the model is a function that maps these to one another, $$f(\bf{X}) \to \bf{y}$$. Don't sweat the notation details; save that for my forthcoming textbook. :p ### The Crucial Role of Clinical Insight Clinical perspective is essential during model development to ensure relevance and utility. Clinicians provide the context that is critical for interpreting data correctly. Without their input, a model might include variables that, while statistically significant, could lead to incorrect or late predictions. For example, consider a sepsis prediction model that uses fluid and antibiotic administration data. These factors are indicators of resuscitation efforts already in progress. If the model relies too heavily on these markers, its alerts would only confirm what clinicians have already recognized rather than providing an early warning. This reinforces a critical point in model development: if a model inadvertently includes data directly tied to the outcome it's predicting, it can lead to a decrease in clinical utility. There's evidence of AI models in healthcare that, unintentionally, have relied on such information, thus [reducing their effectiveness in real-world settings](/blog/research/External-Validation-of-a-Widely-Implemented-Proprietary-Sepsis-Prediction-Model-in-Hospitalized-Patients/). As physicians, it's part of our responsibility to probe these models, ask the right questions, and ensure they provide the maximum clinical benefit. ## Is It Any Good? Validation of Healthcare AI The question of clinical benefit naturally brings us to the second question: are the models any good? There are many dimensions to measure if an AI model is any good. However, the first place to start is from a technical/statistical point of view. Engineers often refer to this assessment as *validation*. In the validation phase we typically scrutinize the model's performance on fresh data, data it hasn't previously 'seen.' Some of the ideas underpinning validation should be familiar to physicians as we apply concepts from evidence-based medicine and biostatistics to measure the performance of AI models. Validation involves testing the AI model against a data set that was neither used in its training nor influenced its development process. This could include data deliberately set aside for testing (a *test* dataset) or new data encountered during the model's actual use in clinical settings (data collected during prospective use). ### Why Validate with Unseen Data? The reason behind using unseen data is simple: to avoid the trap of *overfitting*. Overfitting occurs when a model, much like a student who crams for a test, 'memorizes' the training data so well that it fails to apply its knowledge to new, unseen situations.
Reciever operating characteristic curve graph showing the performance of the AI model on different datasets/populations.
Measuring Performance: Hypothetical ROC curves demonstrating the performance of an AI model across training, testing, prospective usage, and a patient subpopulation.
### Performance Across Different Populations Another aspect of validation is assessing model performance across various populations. Models optimized for one group may not perform as well with others, especially vulnerable subpopulations. These groups may not be represented adequately in the training data, leading to poorer outcomes when the model is applied to them. Even [subtle differences in populations can lead to degradation in AI model performance](/blog/research/Development-and-Validation-of-Models-to-Predict-Pathological-Outcomes-of-Radical-Prostatectomy-in-Regional-and-National-Cohorts/). ### The Metrics That Matter As mentioned above, validation mirrors evidence-based medicine/biostatics. Measures from those fields, like sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), number needed to treat (NNT), and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), along with measures of calibration are often used to measure AI model performance formally. ### Ongoing Validation: A Continuous Commitment Validation shouldn't be viewed as a one-time event. It's a continuous process that should accompany the AI model throughout its existence, from development to integration into care processes. Most importantly, AI models should continually be assessed throughout their use in patient care. We can adjust and refine the model's performance by continually reassessing it, ensuring it remains a reliable tool in a clinician's arsenal. If it no longer meets clinical needs or performs safely, we can swiftly remove or replace it. The validation of an AI model in healthcare is more than a technical requirement—it's a commitment to patient safety and delivering high-quality care. By rigorously evaluating AI tools against these standards, we can ensure that these technologies serve their intended purpose: supporting and enhancing the medical decisions that affect our patients' lives. ## How Is It Being Used? Implementation into Clinical Workflows The final aspect you should consider asking about a medical AI system concerns its application — how is the AI system utilized in clinical settings? *Implementation* is the phase where the model is transitioned from bench to bedside. It involves connecting the theoretical capabilities of AI models to the practical day-to-day operations in healthcare environments.
Figure showing the potential implementation architectures.
From Data to Care: A schematic representation of how AI models process data from electronic health records (EHRs) to provide actionable scores and alerts to physicians.
### The Integration of AI with Clinical Workflows AI's integration into clinical workflows should be designed with the following objective: to provide timely, relevant information to the right healthcare provider. Let's consider a typical workflow involving AI. It begins with electronic health records (EHRs) supplying the raw data. This data is then processed into input variables, $$\bf{X}$$, which feed into the AI model. The model processes these inputs and outputs a prediction, $$\bf{y}$$, which could relate to patient risk factors, potential diagnoses, or treatment outcomes. ### From Data to Decision: The Role of AI-Generated Scores and Alerts The scores generated by the model can be channeled back into the EHR system, presenting as risk scores for a list of patients that clinicians can review and sort by. Alternatively, they can be directed straight to the physicians in the form of alerts — perhaps as a page or a prompt within the EHR system. These alerts are intended to be actionable insights that aid medical decision-making. ### The Crucial Feedback Loop with Clinicians Acknowledging that AI developers may not have an intricate understanding of clinical workflows is imperative. This gap can lead to alerts that, despite their good intentions, may add little value or disrupt clinical processes. If alerts are poorly timed or irrelevant, they risk becoming just another beep in a cacophony of alarms, [potentially leading to alert fatigue among clinicians](/blog/research/Quantification-of-Sepsis-Model-Alerts-in-24-US-Hospitals-Before-and-During-the-COVID-19-Pandemic/). ### The Empowerment of Physicians in Implementation As physicians, it is within our purview — indeed, our responsibility — to demand improvements when AI tools fall short. With a deep understanding of the nuances of patient care, we are in a prime position to guide the refinement of these tools. If an AI-generated alert does not contribute to medical decision-making or interrupts workflows unnecessarily, we should not hesitate to call for enhancements. The successful implementation of AI in medicine is not a one-way street where developers dictate the use of technology. It is a collaborative process that thrives on feedback from clinicians. By actively engaging with the development and application of AI tools, we ensure they serve as a beneficial adjunct to the art and science of medicine rather than a hindrance. ## AI in Medical Education: Fostering AI Literacy Its not a question of if we need to teach AI in medicine, its is a question of when (NOW!) and how. I believe incorporating discussions on AI into medical education is imperative for preparing future physicians. Educators should strive to create an environment that encourages critical thinking about the role of technology in medicine. This includes understanding how AI models are built and validated and contemplating their ethical implications and potential biases. We can start a more meaningful dialogue between physicians and engineers by equipping all physicians with these three questions. If you are a medical educator, consider adding this content to your curriculum. You can directly assign the video or give your rendition of the chalk talk live. Here's a teaching script you can use directly or adapt. [Download teaching script.]( ## Looking Ahead As we navigate the AI-driven healthcare transformation, our approach must be guided by enthusiasm for innovation and a rigorous commitment to patient care. By fostering a deep understanding of AI among medical professionals and integrating these discussions into medical education, we can ensure that the future of healthcare is both technologically sound and fundamentally human-centered. I invite you to engage in this vital conversation, share your thoughts, and explore how we can collectively harness the power of AI to improve patient outcomes. For further discussions or inquiries, feel free to connect by email. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "An Introduction to the Healthcare AI Lifecycle" last_modified_at: 2024-07-05 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - health IT - IT header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Meet the healthcare AI lifecycle. This post provides an overview of the complexities of developing and implementing AI models in medicine." --- # The Healthcare AI Lifecycle At the heart of modern healthcare is evidence-based medicine (EBM). EBM is a data-driven decision-making approach, utilizing data from clinical trials and observational studies to guide clinical decisions. This approach to guiding diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making requires synthesizing multiple loosely connected pieces of scientific literature and assessing whether a patient's presentation aligns with findings or criteria from previously published studies. Consistently applying EBM decision-making in a busy clinical environment, especially one that caters to a wide range of patient conditions and acuity levels, can be daunting.  Additionally, the current EBM scientific study system leads to a long time between when data are collected and when findings are applied to clinical practice. Enter artificial intelligence. Although artificial intelligence has become a loaded term with many different meanings, my working definition is relatively simple: > *Artificial Intelligence* (AI) is intelligence, perceiving, synthesizing, or inferring information demonstrated by machines (non-human/non-living entities).[^1] We can use AI tools, also called models, to encode existing knowledge gathered from clinical trials or medical experts. Additionally, many of the recent advances in AI have been driven by a set of tools known as machine learning. > *Machine learning* (ML) techniques seek to build models that *learn* or improve performance on a task given more data.[^2] ML offers powerful techniques to create data-driven prediction models that align well with the objectives of EBM. ML methods can be used to rapidly develop models that learn the relationship between patient attributes (age, heart rate, etc.) and the patient's future outcomes (e.g., risk of developing diabetes). By leveraging AI and ML, we can significantly improve our ability to predict outcomes, personalize treatments, and ultimately enhance patient care. [^1]: I adapted this definition from [Wikipedia]( [^2]: Another definition adapted from [Wikipedia]( ML models are already in clinical use, aiding the synthesis of complex medical information. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved [over 600 AI systems for various medical tasks](, ranging from analyzing electrocardiograms to detecting breast cancer through mammograms. Beyond these certified applications, health systems and health information technology (HIT) players, like electronic medical record (EMR) vendors, are developing and deploying AI systems that don't require FDA certification. These tools are designed to assist physicians by providing risk estimates. The goal is to integrate these tools into medical decision-making processes and enhance the precision and effectiveness of patient care. The landscape of healthcare AI systems is incredibly diverse. AI tools can enhance or inform patient care, clinical decision-making, or operational efficiency. Despite their variety, these systems fundamentally operate the same way as information processing tools. So, whether used by patients, clinicians, or health systems, these tools share commonalities in their development and utilization. Ensuring the safety and effectiveness of these systems requires a standard series of steps, collectively referred to as the *healthcare AI lifecycle*. This lifecycle encompasses all the necessary phases to bring a healthcare AI system from conception to practical medical application. ## Understanding the Healthcare AI Lifecycle The healthcare AI lifecycle can be divided into two principal phases: * Development, when AI tools are created * Implementation, when AI tools are used in practice It's crucial to recognize that the journey of developing healthcare AI is continuous and doesn't conclude once a model is deployed. This ongoing commitment is vital to the success of AI in healthcare. Like all other software development, healthcare AI requires refinement and iteration to adapt to new data, evolving medical knowledge, and changing clinical needs. The distinction between development and implementation is somewhat artificial. Effective AI integration into healthcare systems necessitates a blend of these phases, mirroring the principles of software engineering best practices. Feedback loops between development and implementation ensure that AI tools remain relevant, accurate, and beneficial. This iterative process, akin to agile methodologies in software engineering, is vital for maintaining the safety, efficacy, and utility of AI systems in a dynamic healthcare environment. We can foster a more holistic approach by aligning AI development and implementation with established software engineering best practices. This perspective encourages ongoing collaboration between developers and healthcare professionals, ensuring that AI tools evolve with medical advancements and real-world clinical experiences. Bridging these phases can enhance the robustness and reliability of healthcare AI systems, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and more efficient clinical workflows.
Healthcare AI development & implementation lifecycle. Development is the creation of models and involves predictive task selection, data access, data preparation, model training, and model validation. Implementation is the integration of models into clinical care and involves technical integration, prospective validation, workflow integration, monitoring, and updating.
Healthcare AI Development & Implementation Lifecycle. The development phase focuses on creating AI models, encompassing task selection, data access, data preparation, model training, and validation. The implementation phase involves integrating these models into clinical care, including technical integration, prospective validation, workflow integration, monitoring, and continuous updating. This lifecycle highlights the iterative and interconnected nature of AI development and implementation in healthcare, ensuring models remain effective and reliable in real-world clinical settings.
### Overview of Development *Development* encompasses the multifaceted processes involved in creating an AI model; it can be broken down into several key steps: 1. *Task Selection*: Model development should begin with a process where experts identify the specific task or clinical problem an AI model should aim to address. This step involves a collaborative effort between clinicians and data scientists, ensuring the model's relevance and potential impact. Your expertise is crucial in this process. 2. *Data Access*: Securing necessary datasets is often a significant hurdle. Healthcare data, being highly sensitive and complex, requires careful handling and usually involves navigating regulatory and privacy constraints. 3. *Data Preparation*: Once data are obtained, they must be processed and transformed to be suitable for model development. This step demands a unique blend of clinical and technical expertise to handle the intricacies of healthcare data, including cleaning, normalizing, and annotating the data. 4. *Model Training*: Once data are prepared, the actual development of an AI model can begin. This involves selecting appropriate algorithms, training the model, and fine-tuning it to optimize performance. This step is iterative and often requires multiple adjustments to achieve desired performance characteristics (e.g., the targeted accuracy and reliability). 5. *Validation:* After training, the model must undergo rigorous evaluation, where we assess its performance in different ways. There are several related ways to do evaluation; these include internal validation within the development environment and external validation, which tries to replicate other real-world settings.[^3]  The goal is to ensure the model's effectiveness and reliability in clinical practice. External validation can be particularly challenging due to data-sharing restrictions, but it is essential for assessing the model's real-world applicability. [^3]: There's some disagreement regarding where the border between internal and external validation lies. The details don't matter too much right now; suffice it to say it's often contingent on where the data came from: here or there. Each of these steps is crucial in creating robust and reliable AI models. By methodically addressing task selection, data access, data preparation, model training, and validation, we can craft tools that significantly enhance medical decision-making and patient outcomes. Many of these steps may be viewed as the purview of developers and engineers; however, physicians should be actively involved in every part of the journey. Clinical expertise ensures that the AI tools are technically and clinically sound, yielding tools that are performant, practical, and aligned with patient care realities. ### Overview of Implementation *Implementation* involves integrating and utilizing an AI model within clinical care settings. Although the use of AI models in clinical care should only commence once a model has been thoroughly validated, some of these steps may begin in parallel to development.[^4] Additionally, implementation introduces many challenges that cannot be addressed during development. [^4]: This has been the traditional healthcare AI/ML development and implementation model. There is some evidence that this approach might need to be revised shortly. The necessary steps of the implementation phase include: 1. *Technical Integration*: Implementing AI models requires connecting them to disparate HIT systems, including databases, web services, and EMR interfaces. This technical work often involves complex interoperability issues and necessitates a deep understanding of AI models and HIT infrastructure. 2. *Prospective Validation*: The model needs to be validated in real-world settings after technical integration. Prospective validation ensures the model performs well with real patient data and under actual clinical conditions. Before full-scale deployment, it is [essential to confirm model utility and reliability]( 3. *Workflow Integration*: It is crucial to ensure that AI tools are seamlessly integrated into clinical workflows. This involves tailoring the AI model outputs to be easily interpretable and actionable by healthcare professionals. The goal is to support clinical decision-making without adding unnecessary complexity or cognitive load. 4. *Monitoring*: Once deployed, AI systems require continuous monitoring to ensure they perform as expected. Over time, changes in patient populations, medical practices, and healthcare systems can lead to performance degradation. Continuous monitoring helps identify when a model's predictions may no longer be reliable, prompting the need for an [update]( or recalibration. 5. *Updating*: The dynamic nature of healthcare necessitates periodic updates to AI models. Developers must engage with end-users to understand their needs and challenges, ensuring that the AI tools enhance rather than disrupt clinical practice. This ongoing maintenance is vital for keeping AI tools accurate, relevant, and effective in delivering high-quality patient care. In addition to these steps, successful implementation requires special attention to human factors and systems design. AI models are not used in a vacuum; they must fit into healthcare providers' existing workflows. Developers must engage with end-users to understand their needs and challenges, ensuring that the AI tools enhance rather than disrupt clinical practice. Despite their promise, successfully developing, implementing, and periodically updating AI models for healthcare is a challenging engineering task. It requires a collaborative approach, with active involvement from technical experts and healthcare professionals. Development teams can ensure that AI models enhance clinical care and patient outcomes by addressing the technical, human, and workflow considerations. ## Where to go from here? Congratulations! You've just completed the *10 super easy steps* of developing and implementing AI in healthcare! Well, they may not be *super easy*, but they are essential and *fun* (at least, I think they are fun). This post is the first in a series that catalogs the elements of the AI lifecycle and the relevant infrastructure necessary to support it. Keep an eye out for upcoming posts that cover development and implementation individually in greater detail. We will also discuss the HIT infrastructure required to support the creation and deployment of healthcare AI tools. By the end of this series, you should have a comprehensive understanding of the lifecycle of AI in medicine and the infrastructure and best practices needed to make these systems work effectively. Some of this content was adapted from the introductory chapter of my doctoral thesis, [*Machine Learning for Healthcare: Model Development and Implementation in Longitudinal Settings*]( Hopefully, this series will pique your curiosity and equip you with the knowledge to guide the use of AI in healthcare. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Healthcare AI Lifecycle: Model Development" last_modified_at: 2024-07-05 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "A discussion of healthcare AI model development." --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. # Healthcare AI Development Welcome to the second post in our series on the healthcare AI lifecycle. To start at the beginning, go to the [overview post on the healthcare AI lifecycle](/blog/Healthcare-AI-Lifecycle/). Having established a general framework for the healthcare AI lifecycle, it's time to cover some specifics. Without a better starting point[^1], this post focuses on what I perceive to be the "beginning" of the AI lifecycle: the development phase. *Development* encompasses the various processes involved in creating an AI model. This phase is foundational, as the quality and success of the AI system largely depend on the quality of the development process. Each step, from selecting the right task to training a model and validating its performance, is crucial for ensuring that the AI tool will be effective and reliable in real-world clinical settings. By the end of this post, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the critical steps in developing healthcare AI models and the challenges and considerations associated with each step.
    Healthcare AI development portion of the lifecycle. Development is the creation of models and involves predictive task selection, data access, data preparation, model training, and model validation.    
    Healthcare AI Development Portion of the Lifecycle.     The development phase encompasses all the steps necessary to create an AI model: task selection, data access, data preparation, model training, and culminating in model validation. This phase is crucial for building robust and effective AI tools that will be used in clinical care.    
## Development Steps The development phase of healthcare AI is a multifaceted process that starts with a target task and ends with a (hopefully 🤞🏽) robust and effective AI model. To provide a clear structure, I break down this phase into five discrete steps: * Task Selection * Data Access * Data Preparation * Model Training * Model Validation As depicted in the figure above, it's easiest to illustrate these steps as discrete and chronological. However, this linear representation is disingenuous and doesn't fully capture the reality of the development process. These steps are semi-continuous and often non-linear. Model developers frequently jump back and forth between these steps or work on them concurrently. Despite this fluidity, these steps are generally present in all model development projects and tend to be finalized in the order presented. This breakdown reflects my approach to structuring the development phase, providing a framework for understanding and navigating the complexities. Each step is crucial for building robust and effective AI models that will be used in clinical care. By understanding and addressing the nuances of these steps, we can ensure that the models developed are technically sound, clinically relevant, and reliable. We will briefly discuss each development step, covering their key objectives and challenges. ### Task Selection  Choosing the right problem for AI to tackle is crucial. The journey begins with identifying the specific task or clinical problem we aim to address with an AI model. This step involves collaboration between clinicians and data scientists to ensure the model's relevance and potential impact. It's not just about finding a gap; it’s about making sure the AI solution can significantly improve outcomes or efficiency in a meaningful way. We're looking for problems where AI can provide insights or automation that weren't previously feasible. Conducting thorough discussions with clinicians is essential to pinpoint where they feel the most pain or pressure and where they think AI could benefit them. Their firsthand experience and insights are invaluable in identifying tasks that truly matter. Caution should always be exercised when someone says, "I just want an AI to predict/do X." There may be deeper or related problems that should be uncovered before jumping directly in the initial direction. An excellent approach for overcoming this issue is to ask a series of probing questions. Some of my favorite lines of inquiry are: * **Sequential "Why?"** Asking "why?" (or "how?") repeatedly is often a fast way of understanding the existing problem or system. This iterative questioning can uncover underlying issues that might not be immediately apparent. * **Would magic help?** Asking how a "perfect solution" would help (e.g., "If I could give you Y information with 100% accuracy, how would that help?") gives you a sense of the maximum possible benefit of a solution. This helps us understand the potential impact and feasibility of the AI model. * **Do you have data?** If the answer is no, consider whether this project is feasible. Data availability is a fundamental prerequisite for any AI development, and its absence can significantly hinder progress. In addition to these considerations, it's essential to be mindful of potential biases in task selection. Suppose we choose a task such as predicting clinic no-shows (patients who do not attend a scheduled appointment). In that case, we must recognize that this could be problematic due to inherent systemic biases. Structural issues often prevent specific subpopulations from having consistent access to healthcare and building a model for this task might inadvertently propagate these biases. Instead of developing an AI model for predicting no-shows, it might be more beneficial to investigate other ways to address the root causes, such as creating programs to improve access to healthcare. In this case, the best AI model may be no AI model at all. By selecting the right task and thoroughly understanding the problem, we set a solid foundation for the subsequent steps in the AI development lifecycle. This ensures that the AI model developed is technically sound, highly relevant, and impactful in real-world clinical settings. ### Data Access Getting the correct data is often the first big hurdle of AI development. The data needs to be comprehensive, clean(able), and relevant. This step frequently involves negotiating access to sensitive data, like medical records, while ensuring patient privacy and data security. You must consider the following: * Provenance: where is the data coming from? Who's going to get it for you? * Protection: how will you ensure that the data are adequately protected? I recommend working directly in hospital IT systems or working with them to spec out compliant environments. * Prospective use: will you have this data available when using this system prospectively in the real world?   ### Data Preparation Having obtained data, model developers may realize that healthcare data, like healthcare itself, is complicated. Processing and transforming data for AI model development requires a unique mix of clinical and technical expertise. Preparing this data for AI involves: * Cleaning it. * Dealing with missing values. * Transforming it into a format that algorithms can work with. This step is usually labor-intensive; 90% of the engineering time will be dedicated to data preparation. Tools can help automate data preparation. I made a tool called [TemporalTransformer]( that can help you quickly convert EMR or claims data into a format ready for processing with neural networks/foundation models. I discuss it in the [supplement of my paper on predicting return to work](/blog/research/Dynamic-prediction-of-work-status-for-workers-with-occupational-injuries/). ### Model Training Training the model may be the most exciting step for the technical folks. But it's often one of the shortest parts of the project (in terms of wall time, not CPU/GPU time). In this step, We select algorithms, tune parameters, and iteratively improve the model based on its performance. This step is a mix of science, art, and a bit of luck. The goal is to develop a model that's both performant and generalizable. There are many resources dedicated to model training, so I won't cover the details here. ### Model Validation After being developed, models must be validated to assess whether they benefit patients, physicians, or healthcare systems. Validation means testing the model on new, unseen data to ensure it performs well in settings representative of intended real-world usage. Ultimately, it's about making sure the model doesn't just memorize the data it's seen but can also make good predictions when used in practice. This step often involves internal and external validation to ensure robustness. There are varying definitions for internal and external validation, but the distinction I like to use is based on the system generating the underlying data. If the data comes from the same system (e.g., the same hospital, just a different time span), then I would consider it internal validation data. A well-conducted external validation is a great way to assess whether a model will work in a given environment.  However, external validation may be challenging due to data-sharing restrictions. Despite this challenge, it is often a great place to engage with healthcare AI systems, especially for physicians. Here are some examples of external validation studies that I've worked on: * [Assessing the Epic sepsis model](/blog/research/External-Validation-of-a-Widely-Implemented-Proprietary-Sepsis-Prediction-Model-in-Hospitalized-Patients/),  * [External validation of the Epic deterioration index on inpatients with COVID-19](/blog/research/Early-identification-of-patients-admitted-to-hospital-for-covid-19-at-risk-of-clinical-deterioration/),  * [Evaluation and development of radical prostatectomy outcome prediction models](/blog/research/Development-and-Validation-of-Models-to-Predict-Pathological-Outcomes-of-Radical-Prostatectomy-in-Regional-and-National-Cohorts/). ## Wrapping Up We've taken a closer look at the development phase of healthcare AI. Each step is filled with unique challenges and requires a blend of clinical insight and data science expertise. While we've covered a lot of ground here, each development step could merit a more detailed post; please let me know if that's something you would be interested in reading. The discussions here have been intentionally brief to provide an overview and establish a foundation.  Thank you for joining me on this exploration of healthcare AI development. The following post will cover the steps necessary for implementation. Some of this content was adapted from the introductory chapter of my doctoral thesis, [*Machine Learning for Healthcare: Model Development and Implementation in Longitudinal Settings*]( Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( [^1]: "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Healthcare AI Lifecycle: Model Implementation" last_modified_at: 2024-04-11 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - implementation - implementation science header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Implementing AI models in medicine." --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. # Implementing Healthcare AI This post builds off of a [previous introduction to the healthcare AI lifecycle](/blog/Healthcare-AI-Lifecycle/) and a discussion on healthcare [AI development](/blog/Healthcare-AI-Development/). These are not necessary pre-reading, but they provide a good background for the main focus of this post: Implementation  *Implementation* is the work of integrating and utilizing an AI model into clinical care. In this post, we will first cover some of the key implementation steps and then some of the general challenges associated with implementing AI tools in healthcare.
 Healthcare AI implementation portion of the lifecycle. Implementation is the creation of models and involves predictive task selection, data access, data preparation, model training, and model validation.  
Healthcare AI implementation portion of the lifecycle. Implementation is the integration of models into workflows and generally has the following steps: technical integration, prospective validation, workflow integration, monitoring, and updating.
## Implementation Steps Like the development process, I break down implementation into five steps. * Technical Integration * Prospective Validation * Workflow Integration * Monitoring * Updating Although the same caveats about distinction and non-linearity apply to these steps, I tend to think there's a bit more structure to this process. That's because there's more "on the line" the further along the lifecycle you get. So, it's best to be sure you've perfected a step before moving on to the next. ### Technical Integration Technical integration is the first step where the rubber meets the road. It's about getting the AI model to communicate effectively with existing healthcare IT systems. This often involves working closely with IT departments to ensure data flows smoothly and securely from electronic medical records (EMRs) to the AI model and back. This step is crucial for silent prospective validation, where the model's predictions are tested in a live clinical data environment without affecting clinical decisions. ### Prospective Validation Prospective validation is the first high-fidelity test of the model. It's about running the model in the real world but in a controlled manner. The aim is to see how the model performs with live data without directly impacting patient care. This step is critical for assessing the model's readiness for full-scale implementation and identifying any unforeseen issues that might not have been apparent during development. Prospective validation is sometimes the only way to assess if your model development and technical integration worked correctly. We did a deep dive into an AI model we developed and implemented for the health system. This work is cataloged in the [Mind the Performance Gap: Dataset Shift During Prospective Validation paper](/blog/research/Mind-the-Performance-Gap/). In addition to discussing prospective validation, it also uncovered a new type of dataset shift driven primarily by issues in our health IT infrastructure. The difference between the data our model saw during development and implementation environments caused a noticeable degradation in performance. So, we needed to rework our model and the technical integration in order to ameliorate this performance degradation. ### Workflow Integration Integrating an AI model into clinical workflows is more art than science. It's about understanding how healthcare professionals work and how the AI tool can fit into their routines without causing disruption. This might involve designing intuitive user interfaces for clinicians or setting up alert systems that provide actionable insights without overwhelming the user. ### Monitoring The job isn't over once an AI model is up and running. Continuous monitoring ensures the model remains performant and relevant over time. This involves tracking the model's performance, identifying any drifts in accuracy, and being alert to changes in clinical practices that might affect how the model should be used. ### Updating You don't "set it and forget it" with AI models in healthcare. Models in use must be maintained as medical knowledge advances and patient populations change. Updating models might involve: * retraining with new data, * incorporating feedback from users, or * Redesigning the model to accommodate new clinical guidelines or technologies.  Ensuring models remain current and relevant involves more than just routine retraining with new datasets. It demands a thoughtful approach, considering how updates might impact the user's trust and the model's usability in clinical settings. This is where our recent work on [Updating Clinical Risk Stratification Models Using Rank-Based Compatibility](/blog/research/Updating-Clinical-Risk-Stratification-Models-Using-Rank-Based-Compatibility/) comes into play. We developed mathematical techniques to ensure that updated models maintain the correct behavior of previous models that physicians may have come to depend on.  Updating models to maintain or enhance their performance is crucial, especially as new data become available or when data shifts occur. However, these updates must maintain the user's expectations and the established workflow. Our research introduced a novel rank-based compatibility measure that allows us to evaluate and ensure that the updated model's rankings align with those of the original model, preserving the clinician's trust in the AI tool. ## Challenges Implementing AI models into clinical care can be challenging. During model implementation, the goal is to use models to estimate unknown information that can be used to guide various healthcare processes. This exposes models to the transient behaviors of the healthcare system. Over time, we expect the model’s performance to change. Even though the model in use may not be changing, the healthcare system is, and these changes in the healthcare system may reflect new patterns that the model was not trained to identify. Contrasting this with the fact that the model may also change over time is essential. Although we often talk about static models (which may be updated occasionally by model developers), it is important to note that some are inherently dynamic. These models change their behavior over time. Employing updating and dynamic models produces a second set of factors impacting how a model's performance could change over time. Thus, it could be hard to disentangle issues arising from new model behaviors or changes in the healthcare system. To make things more concrete, here are some examples: * A model flags patients based on their risk of developing sepsis. There is an increase in the population of patients admitted with respiratory complaints due to a viral pandemic. This change in patient population leads to a massive increase in the number of patients the model flags, and the overall model performance drops because these patients do not end up experiencing sepsis. This is [an example]( of a static model being impacted by the changes in the healthcare system over time. * A model identifies physicians who could benefit from additional training. The model uses a limited set of specially collected information.  Model developers create a new model version that utilizes EHR data. After implementation, the updated model identifies physicians with better accuracy. This is an example of a static model being updated to improve performance over time. ### Transition from Bench-to-Bedside Implementation into clinical care requires the model to be connected to systems that can present it with real-time data. We refer to these systems as infrastructure. Infrastructure are the systems (primarily IT systems) needed to take data recorded during clinical care operations and present it in a format accessible to ML models. This infrastructure determines the availability, format, and content of information. Although data may be collected in the same source HIT system (e.g., an EHR system), the data may be passed through a different series of extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes (sometimes referred to as pipelines) depending on the data use target. Once connected to clinical care, ML models need monitoring and updating. For example, developers may want to incorporate knowledge about a new biomarker that changes how a disease is diagnosed and managed. Model developers may thus consider updating models as a part of their regular maintenance. ### Physician-AI Teams This maintenance is complicated because models do not operate in a vacuum. In many application areas, users interact with models and learn about their behavior over time. In safety-critical applications, like healthcare, models and users may function as a team. The user and model each individually assess patients. The decision maker, usually the user, considers both assessments (their own and the model’s) and then decides based on all available information. The performance of this decision is the user-model team performance. ## A Note on *Deployment* vs *Integration* vs *Implementation* As we finish, I want to make a quick note on terminology. We often use the terms implementation, deployment, and integration interchangeably; however, there are subtle but important distinctions between them. Precision in language between these three terms is crucial when discussing connecting AI tools to care processes. * Deployment—This one has a heavy-handed vibe; it may conjure up images of a military operation. In the tech realm, it's about pushing out code or updates from one side (developers) without much say from the other side (users). I view it as a one-way street, with the developers calling the shots. But in healthcare, where the stakes are high and workflow and subject matter expertise are paramount, this mindset doesn't yield great results. We can deploy code, but we should be wary of deploying workflows. Instead, we should co-develop workflows with all the necessary stakeholders. * Integration—This is the process of getting an AI model to work with the existing tech stack, like fitting a new piece into a complex puzzle. But just because the piece fits doesn't mean it will be used effectively or at all. Integration focuses on the technical handshake between systems, but it can miss the bigger picture – workflow needs and human factors. * Implementation – This is where the magic happens. It's not just about the technical melding of AI into healthcare systems; it's about weaving it into the fabric of clinical workflows and practices. It's a two-way street, a dialogue between developers and end-users (clinicians and sometimes patients). Implementation is a collaborative evolving process that treats users as partners in the socio-technical development of an AI system. It acknowledges that for AI to make a difference, it needs to be embraced and utilized by those on the front lines of patient care. So, when discussing AI in healthcare, let's lean more towards implementation. It's about more than just getting the tech right; it's about fostering a collaborative ecosystem where we can make tools that genuinely contribute to better health outcomes by meeting the needs of clinical users and workflows. ## Wrapping Up We’ve traversed through the steps of technical integration, prospective validation, workflow integration, monitoring, and updating, each with its challenges and nuances. We've also untangled some jargon—implementation, deployment, integration—words that might seem interchangeable but have different implications in healthcare AI. Implementation is more than just a technical task; it’s a collaborative endeavor that requires developers and clinicians to collaborate, ensuring AI tools not only fit into healthcare workflows but also genuinely enhance patient care. This post wraps up our overview of the healthcare AI lifecycle. In the next few posts, we will discuss the infrastructure necessary to power all this. Some of this content was adapted from the introductory chapter of my doctoral thesis, [*Machine Learning for Healthcare: Model Development and Implementation in Longitudinal Settings*]( Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Healthcare AI Infrastructure - To be deprecated" last_modified_at: 2024-04-11 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - implementation - implementation science header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Infrastructure is king." --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. # Healthcare AI Infrastructure This post started as a brief overview of healthcare AI infrastructure and then grew into an unwieldy saga incorporating my perspectives on building and implementing these tools. As such, I split the post into a couple parts. This part provides a general introduction, aiming to ground the discussion in the existing HIT landscape and setting up the general approaches for development and implementation. This post is followed by detailed posts on development and implementation. In addition to providing more technical details these posts also walk through a couple projects that I've taken through the AI lifecycle. Discussing these projects will make the concepts a bit more concrete. ## Basic Healthcare IT Infrastructure Its important to ground our conversation in the basic healthcare information technology (HIT) infrastructure, primarily focusing on electronic medical records systems (EMRs). The reason for this is that the EMR is usually the source and destination of information processed by healthcare AI systems. Having a solid understanding of the parts of the EMR is the foundation to good healthcare AI infrastructure.
Generic EMR architecture diagram backend database serves data to users via a client frontend.
Generic EMR architecture diagram. The EMR backend has an operational database which serve data to clinical users via a client frontend user interface.
You can think of an EMR system as having two main components a database and client. The database's primary job is to store the underlying data of the EMR - patient names, demographics, vitals, labs, all the good stuff. The client's job is to present the user the information in a way that a human can understand. There's a whole bunch of additional code, configuration, and data that we aren't going to directly discuss, but we may obliquely refer to the amalgamation of that stuff along with our friends the database and client. The term *front end* refers to the client and all of its supporting code, configuration, and data handling mechanisms. *Back end* refers to the database and all of its supporting configuration and communication code along with any other code that drives the logic and behavior of the EMR.
EMR architecture diagram backend database, Chronicles, serves data to users via a client frontend, Hyperspace.
High-level Epic architecture diagram. Epic has server running a database called Chronicles, which serves data to a front end interface called Hyperspace.
To make things more concrete I'll briefly discuss the Epic specific names for these components. ### Back end: Chronicles Epic has a large back end written in a programming language called [MUMPS]( (it is also known as M or Caché, which is a popular implementation of the language). MUMPS is a pretty **interesting** language for a variety of reasons (integrated key-value database, compact syntax, permissive scoping) - so I might write about it more in the future. The database management system that holds all of the operational real-time clinical data is called [Chronicles](, it is implemented using MUMPS for both the data storage and code controlling database logic, schema, indexing, etc. ### Front end: Hyperspace There are several distinct front ends for Epic; however there's one that's by far the most important - Hyperspace. *Hyperspace* is the big daddy interface that is found on all the computers in clinic and the hospital. It started out as Visual Basic application (I once heard a rumor that it was the largest piece of software ever made with VB); however, it is now mostly a .NET application. If you're a doctor you may also interact with Epic's other client software, like *Haiku* (client for mobile phone) and *Canto* (client for iPad). Hyperspace is the primary place that clinical work is done, notes are written, orders are placed, and lab values are reviewed here. These workflows are the primary places where additional contextual information would be helpful or where you would want to serve a best practice alert. Thus, since Hyperspace is the most likely end-target for most of our healthcare AI efforts. There are a couple of ways to get information into Hyperspace. The first is to put stuff into the underlying database, Chronicles, and have the information integrated into the underlying mechanics of the EMR. The second is to have Hyperspace display a view of the information, but have it served from a different source (like your own web server). This is usually done through a [iframe]([^1] These options are not limited to Epic EMRs, you should be able to take either approach with any type of modern EMR system. Now that we have discussed the basic healthcare IT landscape we can start to talk about the specifics of making AI tools for healthcare. ## AI Development Infrastructure Now we can start to dig into the fun stuff - the actual building of healthcare AI models. At the most basic level you need two things to start building an AI model: data and development environment (a computer). Data often comes in the form of a report or extract from a database (often the EMR's database). This data are then used to train a model using a computing environment that is set up for training models. These environments tend to be computers that are configured with special software and hardware that allow model developers to write code that can be used to develop and evaluate a model. The data report out of underlying clinical systems can take a variety of forms. Their most basic embodiment is that of a simple table of data, where each patient is a row and columns represent different types of info about that patient. Once you have research or QI access it is pretty straightforward to get extracts of data from the EMR, when working with your local Epic analysts (employed by the hospital) they will probably give you data in the form of an excel or CSV file. You can also get data from other sources, like collaborative institutions (where you have a shared IRB or BAA) or open source datasets like those available on [PhysioNet]( Healthcare AI model development has typically taken place on premises servers that were maintained by the health system or engineering departments capable of attaining HIPAA compliance. Privacy is super important - worthy of its own set of posts - but we won't be able to it justice here - so make sure to work with your compliance people to do the right thing. In terms of software tts fairly standard to use a linux or windows operating system with a python development environment, you usually want to be able to allow python packages to be downloaded as there's a lot of great open source software out there for this type of work (e.g., scikit-learn , pytorch, tensorflow). You'll want to make sure that you have a fairly capable machine (lots of RAM and CPU cores), ideally having access to GPUs will make your life easier as well. Maintaining all this infrastructure can be pretty difficult, as such there's been a growing consideration for using cloud-based computing environments.[^2]
Development overview.
Development overview.
The above figure depicts the generic data flow for model development. Generally the data will flow linearly from a source clinical system towards our model development environment. To help make the owners of the different components I have employed a consistent color scheme throughout this post. Everything that is made and maintained by the EMR vendor (or their proxies) is red ![#B85450]( Components owned by AI model developers are colored green ![#82B366]( Components represent shared research infrastructure that may be owned by the health system or research enterprise are blue ![#B85450]( Elements that don't fit directly in one of these buckets are outlined in black ![#000000]( ### Research Infrastructure Now we can start to talk about the specific infrastructure that you may have to deal with. This infrastructure is often a shared resource that supports multiple different types of data driven research, like health services research, epidemiology, and multi-omics.
Architecture diagram for typical healthcare organization research infrastructure. Several clinical databases, like the laboratory information system (LIS), EMR (Chronicles and Clarity), along with many other sources may get fed into a central research data warehouse (RDW). This is then queried to get reports that can be used to develop models.
Research infrastructure architecture diagram. Several clinical systems, like the laboratory information system (LIS), EMR, and other sources may get fed into a central research data warehouse (RDW). This is then queried to get reports that can be used to develop models.
If your institution uses Epic your research IT set up may be similar to what we have at Michigan (depicted above). Our data makes several stops before it gets to model developers. These stops are known as *ETLs* (*short for extract, transform, load*), processes that take data in certain format and convert to another format for entry into a database. There are two ETLs, the first of which is pretty much mandatory. ### Chronicles → Clarity Chronicles is a database meant to support healthcare operations, but its not optimized for massive queries on large populations of patients. To offload and optimize these types of analytical queries Epic created *Clarity* a SQL database (its built using Microsoft SQL Server) that is a transformation of the data stored in Chronicles. There is an ETL that runs every day that pulls data out of Chronicles and into Clarity. ### Clarity → RDW Some institutions allow researchers to directly access data from Clarity. That's not the case at Michigan, instead there is a database that is specifically designed for researchers, known as *research data warehouse* (*RDW*). RDW is also a SQL database and is built on top of [CareEvolution's Orchestrate]( tooling. This additional layer imposes some additional transformations but also allows other types of data, such as information from wearables or insurers, to be merged alongside the EMR data. Data are then queried from RDW and then passed to the model development infrastructure. The engineers can then work diligently to produce a model. ### A note on ETLs We have found that ETLs may impact the performance of AI models. There may be subtle differences between the data that come out of an ETL process and the underlying real-time data. This is a type of dataset shift that we termed *infrastructure shift* and it means that you can expect slightly worse model performance in these situations. For more information check out our [Mind the Performance Gap paper](/blog/research/Mind-the-Performance-Gap/). ### Transitioning from Development to Implementation As we start to finalize models we end up at the interface between development and implementation. This interstitial space is tricky because it not only spans a couple steps of the lifecycle, but it also spans different types of infrastructure as well. I use the arbitrary distinction of technical integration as the demarcating line. If the model does not yet receive prospective data (not technically integrated) then its still in development. Much of the discussion from here on out hinges on how the model developer is choosing to implement the model. We will talk extensively about the choices and the implications in a little bit, but we've got to set up the last bit of development for one of these avenues. ### Epic Development Infrastructure If you choose to implementation using Epic's tooling (or any other vendor's) you will have to get your model to work on their infrastructure. This is a wonky space that will likely get better over time. But in order to do technical integration with Epic you need to test and package your model using a custom development environment that they provide. I won't go into a ton of details here, as you're best served by going to [Epic Galaxy]( to see the latest and greatest documentation. As a part of model development Epic provides a Python environment with a load of standard Python AI/ML libraries (...list) They also provide a couple custom Python libraries that help you interact with the data interfaces. - You can receive tabular data in a JSON structure that is parsed by their libraries You can then pre-process the data and pass it to your model - Once you have your predictions you packaged up the data using another set of Epic's Python calls. Although the development environment is sandboxed, you are not overly constrained in terms of the code you want to include. You can include additional python and data files in the model package Additionally you can call external APIs from within this environment if they are whitelisted. This means that you could include information from other sources or do data processing via another service. You can take an existing model that was developed in and as long as you use epic approved list of libraries, you can use epic bundling tools to then convert it into a package that can be run on their ECP instance the way that the model receives, data is through a reporting workmen report so you’ll work with your epic analyst to set up a report essentially is the tabular data you want your models received so you specify all the columns and have this done you’ll also have an epic analyst.
Architecture diagram for developing models inside of an EMR vendor's system. Clinical database generates reports that are then sent to the model development environment, where developers write code for model development and validation which then lead to a model being created. This model is then tested and packaged using the vendor's software. Once tested the model can then be packaged and is ready for implementation.
Architecture diagram for developing models inside of an EMR vendor's system. Clinical database generates reports that are then sent to the model development environment, where developers write code for model development and validation which then lead to a model being created. This model is then tested and packaged using the vendor's software. Once tested the model can then be packaged and is ready for implementation.
In this workflow you assess and convert a model that you made with your own infrastructure into a package that can be run on Epic's implementation infrastructure. What's crucial about the workflow depicted above is that there's a data report that comes directly out of Chronicles (not Clarity) that you use as a part of this packaging workflow. This is report is often a small extract representing current patients in the health system. Thus, despite being small it is a very good representation of what the data will look like prospectively, as its generated by the prospective infrastructure. I think its a really good opportunity to address infrastructure shift, if the model developer uses this data in additional to a larger retrospectively collected research dataset for development. Maybe I'll do some research in this direction... ## AI Implementation Infrastructure Now we turn our attention to connecting models into care processes, *implementation*. As discussed in the [previous post, implementation goes beyond the technology](/blog/Healthcare-AI-Implementation/), however, the primary focus of this section will be on the implementation step of *technical integration*, the nuts-and-bolts of connecting AI models to existing HIT systems. ## Overview There are two primary ways to integrate a model into existing HIT systems and they are delineated by the relationship to the EMR: internal and external. *Internal integration* of models means that developers rely exclusively on the tooling provided by the EMR vendor to do the hosting of the model along with all of the logic around running it and filling the results.
Implementation overview using Epic.
Implementation overview using Epic.
*External integration* of models means that developers choose to own some of parts of the hosting, running, or filing (usually its the hosting piece).
Implementation overview using self-hosting.
Implementation overview using self-hosting.
In both scenarios data ends up flowing from the EMR database to the model, however the path that these data take can be drastically different and significant thought should be put into security of the data and the match between the infrastructure and model's capabilities. It is important to note that these approaches delegate the display of model results to the EMR system. They do this by passing model results to the EMR and using EMR tools to display the results to users. ## Internal Integration The infrastructure choices of internal integration are fairly straightforward, as its all dictated by the EMR vendor so you may not have many options. In the past this would have meant re-programming your model so that it could be called by code in the EMR (e.g., for Epic you would need to have it be a custom MUMPS routine). Luckily now EMR vendors are building out tools that enable (relatively) easy integration of models. ### Limitations However, there are some major restrictions, because these are not servers that are totally under your control. Instead they are platforms that are designed to be safe and effective for a variety of use cases. Thus, they tend to have a couple attributes that may be problematic. The first is sandboxing, the model code runs in a special environment that has a pre-specified library of code available. As long as you only use code from that library your model code should function fine, however if you have an additional dependence outside that library you may run into significant issues. The second is conforming to existing software architectures. Expanding enterprise software often means grafting existing components together in order to create new functionality. For example, existing reporting functionality may be used as the starting point for an AI hosting application. While this makes sense (reporting gets you the input data for your model), it means that you maybe stuck with a framework that wasn't explicitly designed for AI. The sandboxing and working with existing design patterns means that square pegs (AI models) may need to be hammered into round holes (vendor infrastructure). Together this means that you seed a significant amount of control and flexibility. While this could be viewed as procrustean, it may actually be a good thing as it does force AI models to adhere to certain standards and ensures that there's a uniform data security floor. ### Example Generally, for this setup you have to a model package and some additional configuration. The model package contains your model and the code necessary to package your model in a manner that can be run on the hosting service and that you have additional configuration that determines the data passed to the model We set up our MCURES project using an internal integration approach. MCURES was an in-hospital deterioration index tailored for patients admitted to the hospital for acute respiratory failure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since we were trying to get this model developed and implemented as fast a possible I chose to go down the internal integration pathway. Additionally, we started doing the technical integration work in parallel to model development. At the time we started the MCURES project Epic they offered two options for internal integration: - Epic Cognitive Computing Platform (ECCP) and - [Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML)]( Epic's PMML approach is interesting because you essentially specify the model via configuration (using the PMML standard) and Epic builds a copy of the model based on their implementations of different model architectures. I have not built anything using this approach; however, based on my research at the time it seemed fairly limited, as it supported a small handful of simple model architectures. Because of the model architecture limitations of PMML we decided to go with ECCP for MCURES. ECCP enables you to run models in you've developed in Python using a proprietary model serving infrastructure. This model serving infrastructure is essentially a sandboxed Python AI environment hosted using Microsoft Azure. At a high level data are passed from Chronicles to this special Azure instance, the model produces predictions, which are then passed back to Chronicles. ECCP takes care of the data transitions and AI developers primarily need to worry about their AI code. Model input data is passed out of chronicles using reporting workbench. Reporting workbench is designed for different types of EMR reports. You can configure special versions of these reports that would pull the necessary data for patients that could be used for an AI model. Data are in a tabular structure, where rows represent patients or encounters, and columns represent attributes like age, current heart rate, etc.. I won’t go into a ton of details here, but this is the place where you can run into significant limitations, because the underlying data in Chronicles isn’t actually tabular, and the best representation of longitudinal health data is often also not tabular as well so there’s lots of engineering that needs to be done in order to get a good representation of the patients. Data will then be passed and secure manner to the model, which is running on the special Azure instance. We talked a little bit about model packaging so we won’t go into that here. But there is some configuration that is needed when running the model in real time, in addition to the model we need a couple items: * input data report, and * model run information. We need to explicitly connect the reporting workbench model discussed above to our configuration. Additionally, we need to instantiate the logic that controls the frequency at which the model runs. For this one creates a special Epic batch job that will run with a specified frequency. This job runs the reporting workbench reports and passes that data to the model process that then calculated predictions. The predictions computed by the model are then passed back to Chronicles. These end up in special in a special part of the database that’s designed to store predictive model results The kind of information that you can pass back are a little bit limited because the database is expecting certain types of information. When the data is back in Chronicles you serve it to users in many different ways. For example, you could use it to fire best practice alerts or have it be highlighted as an additional column in a list of patients stratify patients based on a risk score. This is all fairly easy to do because you’ve already been working with your epic analysts to get the data directly into the status structure, and then they can work with their colleagues to set up the best practice alert, or column display. Despite a couple technical limitations, the entire flow data from Chronicles to ECP and back to Chronicles controlled, unless you have pretty good guarantees about Safety and reliability. One thing major limitation of this integration approach is that a significant amount of the model run configuration is controlled by health system analysts as opposed to model developers. This is fine if there is really good communication between the two parties, but there’s often a big disconnect, because analysts sort of sit in a siloed place inside of health system IT And developers tend to be outside of direct health IT and structure. Usually this ends up devolving into a big game of telephone, as these parties that don’t normally talk to one another or have good relationships. So, as always, we need to work on this so part of our sociotechnical system.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
This decision to do technical integration simultaneously with model development turned out to be fairly important. The learnings from technical integration directly impacted our choices for model development. For example, we realized that building the reporting workbench report was a relatively laborious process. Each column in the report took a good amount of time to build and validate. These columns corresponded to a variable (also known as a feature) that the model took as input. So the integration effort scaled linearly with the number of features we wanted to include in the model. During early parts of development we were exploring models with thousands of features, as we had access to the features from RDW and had code to easily manage these features. However, once we learned more about integration effort we decided to cap the number of features being used to a fairly small number (around 10). We felt comfortable with this decision because we felt like we hit a good balance between performance and implementation time. Our early experiments indicated that we wouldn't lose a ton of performance going from thousands of features to ten (something on the order of less than 10% relative decrease in AUROC) and we were fairly sure that we could implement and test the report with the allocated Epic analyst built time. ## External Integration External integration is the other side of the coin. Model developers can pick out exactly how they want their model to be hosted and run as well as how they would like it to interface with the EMR. This additional flexibility is great if you are working on cutting edge research, but it carries a significant burden in terms of guaranteeing that data are handled in a safe and secure manner. External integration offers a path where innovation can meet clinical applications, allowing for a bespoke approach to deploying AI models. This flexibility, however, comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, particularly in the realms of security, interoperability, and sustainability of the AI solutions. ### Limitations Below are key considerations and strategies for effective external integration of AI in healthcare: * Security and Compliance When hosting AI models externally, ensuring the security of patient data and compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA in the United States is paramount. It is essential to employ robust encryption methods for data in transit and at rest, implement strict access controls, and regularly conduct security audits and vulnerability assessments. Utilizing cloud services that are compliant with healthcare standards can mitigate some of these concerns, but it requires diligent vendor assessment and continuous monitoring. * Interoperability and Data Standards The AI model must interact with the EMR system to receive input data and return predictions. Adopting interoperability standards such as HL7 FHIR can facilitate this communication, enabling the AI system to parse and understand data from diverse EMR systems and ensuring that the AI-generated outputs are usable within the clinical workflow. An alternative is to use a data integration service, like [Redox]( * Scalability and Performance External AI solutions must be designed to scale efficiently with usage demands of a healthcare organization. This includes considerations (that some may consider boring) for load balancing, high availability, and the ability to update the AI models without disrupting the clinical workflow. Performance metrics such as response time and accuracy under load should be continuously monitored to ensure that the AI integration does not negatively impact clinical operations. * Support and Maintenance External AI solutions require a commitment to ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues, update models based on new data or clinical guidelines, and adapt to changes in the IT infrastructure. Establishing clear service level agreements (SLAs) with vendors or internal teams responsible for the AI solution is crucial to ensure timely support and updates. ### Example I’ll detail the external integration of one of our models. This is the model that we developed to integrated for *C. difficile* infection risk stratification. Data for this model comes from our research data warehouse then travels to the model posted on a Windows virtual machine. The predictions from the model are then passed back to the EMR using web services. We have a report that runs daily from the research state warehouse. It’s a stored SQL procedure that runs at a set time very early in the morning about 5 AM. This is essentially a large table of data for each of the patients that were interested in producing a prediction on rows our patients and columns are the various features that were interested in. Stored procedures update information in a view inside of RDW. The research data at warehouse and this view are accessible by a Windows machine that we have inside of the health IT secure computing environment. This windows machine has a scheduled job that runs every morning about at about 6 AM. This job pull the data down from the database runs a series of python files that you data pre-processing and apply the model to the data to the transform data, and then save the output, model predictions to a shared secured directory on the internal health system network. We then returned the predictions to Chronicles, using infrastructure that our health IT colleagues helped to develop. This infrastructure involves a scheduled job written in C# that reads the file that we have saved the shared directory does date of validation and then passes data into chronicles using epics web services framework. These data end up as flow sheet values for each patient. We then worked with our epic analyst colleagues to use the flow sheet data to trigger as practice alerts, and also to populate port. The best practice alerts fire based off of some configuration that’s done inside of epic in order to be able to adjust the alerting threshold outside of Epic what we did was we modified the score such that the alerting information with someone distinct from the actual score so what we did is we packed an alert flag and the score together into a single decimal separated value and this is essentially a number however it’s unique and that it contains two pieces of information so we could take a patient to Oehlert on and we would say 1.56 a patient that we didn’t alert on would be zero point
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Model predictions are passed to the EMR system using web services. Predictions are then filed as either flowsheet rows (inpatient encounters) or smart data elements (outpatient encounters). You have to build your own infrastructure to push the predictions to the EMR environment. ## Bonus: Another Approach to External "Integration" A great deal of the effort involved in external integration is assuring that the data travels between the EMR and your hosted AI model in a safe and secure manner. Setting up all the plumbing between the EMR and your system can take the vast majority of your development time. Let's say you didn't want to go through the hassle, but still wanted to enable clinical users to interact with your model. Well you could provide them with a (secure) way to access your model online and have them be the information intermediaries.
Implementation overview using self-hosting.
Implementation overview using self-hosting with the user as the intermediary.
This is exactly what [MDCalc]( does. They have lots of models that physicians can go and input data directly into. They are super useful clinically, but they're not integrated into the EMR. If the amount of data that your model uses is small (a handful of simple data elements), then this could be a viable approach. And if you don't collect PHI/PII then you could set up your own MDCalc like interface to your hosted model. We won't talk about this architecture in depth, but I think its a potentially interesting way to make tools directly for clinicians. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( [^1]: This can be complicated to do because you need to maintain you own application server and also deal with passing authentication between the EMR session and your application. [^2]: I've never done a cost break-down analysis for on-premises vs. cloud for healthcare AI research, but I'd love to see results if anyone has some handy. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "AI in Clinical Care: Stanford EM Faculty Development Series" last_modified_at: 2024-04-03 categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - generative artificial intelligence - healthcare AI - digital health header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1408.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1408.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background --- # AI in Clinical Care I am excited to be presenting at the upcoming Stanford EM Faculty Development series on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The talk, titled "AI in Clinical Care," is slated to be a wide ranging exploration into how AI is reshaping the landscape of clinical care. ## What to Expect - **Understanding AI in Medicine:** We'll peel back the layers of AI, machine learning, and deep learning, and how these technologies intersect with fields like operations research and statistics. - **From Predictive to Generative AI:** Discover how predictive models used for tasks like weather forecasting can inspire generative models in healthcare, predicting patient outcomes and optimizing care pathways. - **The Clinical Application of AI:** Learn about the real-world applications and challenges of non-generative AI tools, from development to implementation, and the crucial role of continuous evaluation. - **Venturing into Generative AI:** We'll delve into the realm of generative AI, including automated documentation, chart summarization, and the potential for clinical foundation models. [Link to download presentation.]( I plan on updating this post with a summary after I give the talk. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Healthcare AI Infrastructure" last_modified_at: 2024-04-11 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - implementation - implementation science header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Infrastructure is king." --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. # Healthcare AI Infrastructure This post started as a brief overview of healthcare AI infrastructure and then grew into an unwieldy saga incorporating my perspectives on building and implementing these tools. As such, I split the post into a couple parts. This part provides a general introduction, aiming to ground the discussion in the existing HIT landscape and setting up the general approaches for development and implementation. This post is followed by detailed posts on development and implementation. In addition to providing more technical details these posts also walk through a couple projects that I've taken through the AI lifecycle. I hope that discussing these projects will make the concepts a bit more concrete. Additionally, I'd like to note that the primary focus will be on AI models that interact with the electronic medical record (EMR) and related enterprise IT systems used by health systems. This is partly due to the fact that this is my area of expertise - I've built and deployed several models in this setting. However, it is also the area where it makes the most sense to connect AI models, as these software systems are the ones most closely tied to care delivery. Given this framing, we will now lay out the major components. ## Basic Healthcare IT Infrastructure Its important to ground our conversation in the basic healthcare information technology (HIT) infrastructure, primarily focusing on electronic medical records systems (EMRs). The reason for this is that the EMR is usually the source and destination of information processed by healthcare AI systems. Having a solid understanding of the parts of the EMR is the foundation to good healthcare AI infrastructure.
Generic EMR architecture diagram backend database serves data to users via a client frontend.
Generic EMR architecture diagram. The EMR backend has an operational database which serve data to clinical users via a client frontend user interface.
You can think of an EMR system as having two main components a database and client. The database's primary job is to store the underlying data of the EMR - patient names, demographics, vitals, labs, all the good stuff. The client's job is to present the user the information in a way that a human can understand. There's a whole bunch of additional code, configuration, and data that we aren't going to directly discuss, but we may obliquely refer to the amalgamation of that stuff along with our friends the database and client. The term *front end* refers to the client and all of its supporting code, configuration, and data handling mechanisms. *Back end* refers to the database and all of its supporting configuration and communication code along with any other code that drives the logic and behavior of the EMR.
EMR architecture diagram backend database, Chronicles, serves data to users via a client frontend, Hyperspace.
High-level Epic architecture diagram. Epic has server running a database called Chronicles, which serves data to a front end interface called Hyperspace.
To make things more concrete I'll briefly discuss the Epic specific names for these components. ### Back end: Chronicles Epic has a large back end written in a programming language called [MUMPS]( (it is also known as M or Caché, which is a popular implementation of the language). MUMPS is a pretty **interesting** language for a variety of reasons (integrated key-value database, compact syntax, permissive scoping) - so I might write about it more in the future. The database management system that holds all of the operational real-time clinical data is called [Chronicles](, it is implemented using MUMPS for both the data storage and code controlling database logic, schema, indexing, etc. ### Front end: Hyperspace There are several distinct front ends for Epic; however there's one that's by far the most important - Hyperspace. *Hyperspace* is the big daddy interface that is found on all the computers in clinic and the hospital. It started out as Visual Basic application (I once heard a rumor that it was the largest Visual Basic application ever made); however, it is now mostly a .NET application. If you're a doctor you may also interact with Epic's other client software, like *Haiku* (client for mobile phone) and *Canto* (client for iPad). There's also *MyChart*, which is a front end that enables patients to review their records and communicate with their healthcare team. Hyperspace is the primary place that clinical work is done. It is where notes are written, orders are placed, and lab values are reviewed. These workflows are the primary places where additional contextual information would be helpful or where you would want to serve a best practice alert. Thus, since Hyperspace is the most likely end-target for most of our healthcare AI efforts. There are a couple of ways to get information into Hyperspace. The first is to put stuff into the underlying database, Chronicles, and have the information integrated into the underlying mechanics of the EMR. The second is to have Hyperspace display a view of the information, but have it served from a different source (like your own web server). This is usually done through a [iframe]([^1] These options are not limited to Epic EMRs, you should be able to take either approach with any type of modern EMR system. Now that we have discussed the basic healthcare IT landscape we can start to talk about the specifics of making AI tools for healthcare. ## AI Development Infrastructure Now we can start to dig into the fun stuff - the actual building of healthcare AI models. At the most basic level you need two things to start building an AI model: data and development environment (a computer). Data often comes in the form of a report or extract from a database (often the EMR's database). This data are then used to train a model using a computing environment that is set up for training models. These environments tend to be computers that are configured with special software and hardware that allow model developers to write code that can be used to develop and evaluate a model.
Development overview.
Development overview.
The above figure depicts the generic data flow for model development. Generally the data will flow linearly from a source clinical system towards our model development environment. ## AI Implementation Infrastructure Now we turn our attention to connecting models into care processes, *implementation*. As discussed in the [previous post, implementation goes beyond the technology](/blog/Healthcare-AI-Implementation/), however, the primary focus of this section will be on the implementation step of *technical integration*, the nuts-and-bolts of connecting AI models to existing HIT systems. There are two primary ways to integrate a model into existing HIT systems and they are delineated by the relationship to the EMR: internal and external. *Internal integration* of models means that developers rely exclusively on the tooling provided by the EMR vendor to do the hosting of the model along with all of the logic around running it and filling the results.
Implementation overview using Epic.
Implementation overview using Epic.
*External integration* of models means that developers choose to own some of parts of the hosting, running, or filing (usually its the hosting piece).
Implementation overview using self-hosting.
Implementation overview using self-hosting.
In both scenarios data ends up flowing from the EMR database to the model, however the path that these data take can be drastically different and significant thought should be put into security of the data and the match between the infrastructure and model's capabilities. It is important to note that these approaches delegate the display of model results to the EMR system. They do this by passing model results to the EMR and using EMR tools to display the results to users. ## A Note on Color Coding Throughout this series I have tried to employ a consistent color coding scheme to delineate the owners of different HIT components. Everything that is made and maintained by the EMR vendor (or their proxies) is red ![#B85450]( Components owned by AI model developers are colored green ![#82B366]( Components represent shared research infrastructure that may be owned by the health system or research enterprise are blue ![#B85450]( Elements that don't fit directly in one of these buckets are outlined in black ![#000000]( ## What's next? Because its a shiny new toy, healthcare AI can sometime seem like it should be in a class of its own compared to existing technologies. This is absolutely not the case, good healthcare AI is good HIT. In my mind, there is no real distinction between HIT and healthcare AI, because they interact with the same data and users. A comprehensive understanding of EMRs and associated clinical care systems is paramount in the development and implementation of healthcare AI models. In the next post we will cover some of the tooling surrounding model development. That will then be followed by a post focused on implementation. Finally there will be short post with some related miscellany (covering some of my favorite hacks). Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( [^1]: This can be complicated to do because you need to maintain you own application server and also deal with passing authentication between the EMR session and your application. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Healthcare AI Development Infrastructure" last_modified_at: 2024-04-11 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - implementation - implementation science header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "The tools needed to make an AI model that will eventually impact clinical care." --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. # Healthcare AI Development Infrastructure This post is a part of the healthcare AI infrastructure series. For a general overview and introduction check out the introduction post. This post aims to introduce some of the tools available for making healthcare AI models that will eventually end up impacting clinical care. Although AI models can be developed and then attention can be turned to implementation I find that its best to think of these processes as closely linked. Implementation is the step in which most healthcare AI projects die. This often occurs because development occurred without confronting some of the constraints that will be imposed by implementation. If you seriously understand implementation limitations and design accordingly during development, then you'll have a greater chance of success up when you get to that implementation. So even though this post is focused on development, it is written with a perspective of someone who's gone downstream several times. And you can take the time to read through the post on implementation so you can understand the whole lifecycle before your start your journey. ## Overview As we briefly discussed in the last post, you need two things to build a model: data and development environment (a computer). Data often comes in the form of a report or extract from a clinical database, like the database of an EMR or another clinical system. This data are then transferred to computing environments that are set up for developing models. These environments tend to be configured with special software and hardware.
Overview of model development. Data are extracted clinical systems, like the EMR. These data are then transferred to model development environments, where developers can write code that develop and validate AI models.
Overview of model development. Data are extracted from clinical systems, like the EMR. These data are then transferred to model development environments, where developers can write code that develop and validate AI models.
The above figure depicts the environments and data flows between them for model development. Generally, its fairly straightforward with data being extracted from clinical system and then being moved into a model development environment, where most of the development work is done. ### Data The data report out of underlying clinical systems can take a variety of forms. Their most basic embodiment is that of a simple table of data, where each patient is a row and columns represent different types of info about that patient. Once you have research or QI access it is pretty straightforward to get extracts of data from the EMR, when working with your local Epic analysts (employed by the hospital) they will probably give you data in the form of an excel or CSV file. You can also get data from other sources, like collaborative institutions (where you have a shared IRB or BAA) or open source datasets like those available on [PhysioNet]( ### Development Environments Healthcare AI model development has typically taken place on premises servers that were maintained by the health system or engineering departments capable of attaining HIPAA compliance. Privacy is super important - worthy of its own set of posts - but we won't be able to it justice here - so make sure to work with your compliance people to do the right thing. In terms of software tts fairly standard to use a linux or windows operating system with a python development environment, you usually want to be able to allow python packages to be downloaded as there's a lot of great open source software out there for this type of work (e.g., scikit-learn , pytorch, tensorflow). You'll want to make sure that you have a fairly capable machine (lots of RAM and CPU cores), ideally having access to GPUs will make your life easier as well. Maintaining all this infrastructure can be pretty difficult, as such there's been a growing consideration for using cloud-based computing environments.[^1] ## Research Infrastructure Now we can start to talk about the specific infrastructure that you may have to deal with. This infrastructure is often a shared resource that supports multiple different types of data driven research, like health services research, epidemiology, and multi-omics.
Architecture diagram for typical healthcare organization research infrastructure. Several clinical databases, like the laboratory information system (LIS), EMR (Chronicles and Clarity), along with many other sources may get fed into a central research data warehouse (RDW). This is then queried to get reports that can be used to develop models.
Research infrastructure architecture diagram. Several clinical systems, like the laboratory information system (LIS), EMR, and other sources may get fed into a central research data warehouse (RDW). This is then queried to get reports that can be used to develop models.
If your institution uses Epic your research IT set up may be similar to what we have at Michigan (depicted above). Our data makes several stops before it gets to model developers. These stops are known as *ETLs* (*short for extract, transform, load*), processes that take data in certain format and convert to another format for entry into a database. There are two ETLs, the first of which is pretty much mandatory. ### Chronicles → Clarity Chronicles is a database meant to support healthcare operations, but its not optimized for massive queries on large populations of patients. To offload and optimize these types of analytical queries Epic created *Clarity* a SQL database (its built using Microsoft SQL Server) that is a transformation of the data stored in Chronicles. There is an ETL that runs every day that pulls data out of Chronicles and into Clarity. ### Clarity → RDW Some institutions allow researchers to directly access data from Clarity. That's not the case at Michigan, instead there is a database that is specifically designed for researchers, known as *research data warehouse* (*RDW*). RDW is also a SQL database and is built on top of [CareEvolution's Orchestrate]( tooling. This additional layer imposes some additional transformations but also allows other types of data, such as information from wearables or insurers, to be merged alongside the EMR data. Data are then queried from RDW and then passed to the model development infrastructure. The engineers can then work diligently to produce a model. ### A note on ETLs We have found that ETLs may impact the performance of AI models. There may be subtle differences between the data that come out of an ETL process and the underlying real-time data. This is a type of dataset shift that we termed *infrastructure shift* and it means that you can expect slightly worse model performance in these situations. For more information check out our [Mind the Performance Gap paper](/blog/research/Mind-the-Performance-Gap/). ## The Interface Between Development and Implementation As we start to finalize models we end up at the interface between development and implementation. This interstitial space is tricky because it not only spans a couple steps of the lifecycle, but it also spans different types of infrastructure as well. I use the arbitrary distinction of technical integration as the demarcating line. If the model does not yet receive prospective data (not technically integrated) then its still in development. Much of the discussion from here on out hinges on how the model developer is choosing to implement the model. We will talk extensively about the choices and the implications in a little bit, but we've got to set up the last bit of development for one of these avenues. ### Epic Development Infrastructure If you choose to implementation using Epic's tooling (or any other vendor's) you will have to get your model to work on their infrastructure. This is a wonky space that will likely get better over time. But in order to do technical integration with Epic you need to test and package your model using a custom development environment that they provide. I won't go into a ton of details here, as you're best served by going to [Epic Galaxy]( to see the latest and greatest documentation. As a part of model development Epic provides a Python environment with a load of standard Python AI/ML libraries (...list) They also provide a couple custom Python libraries that help you interact with the data interfaces. - You can receive tabular data in a JSON structure that is parsed by their libraries You can then pre-process the data and pass it to your model - Once you have your predictions you packaged up the data using another set of Epic's Python calls. Although the development environment is sandboxed, you are not overly constrained in terms of the code you want to include. You can include additional python and data files in the model package Additionally you can call external APIs from within this environment if they are whitelisted. This means that you could include information from other sources or do data processing via another service. You can take an existing model that was developed in and as long as you use epic approved list of libraries, you can use epic bundling tools to then convert it into a package that can be run on their ECCP instance the way that the model receives, data is through a reporting workmen report so you’ll work with your epic analyst to set up a report essentially is the tabular data you want your models received so you specify all the columns and have this done you’ll also have an epic analyst.
Architecture diagram for developing models inside of an EMR vendor's system. Clinical database generates reports that are then sent to the model development environment, where developers write code for model development and validation which then lead to a model being created. This model is then tested and packaged using the vendor's software. Once tested the model can then be packaged and is ready for implementation.
Architecture diagram for developing models inside of an EMR vendor's system. Clinical database generates reports that are then sent to the model development environment, where developers write code for model development and validation which then lead to a model being created. This model is then tested and packaged using the vendor's software. Once tested the model can then be packaged and is ready for implementation.
In this workflow you assess and convert a model that you made with your own infrastructure into a package that can be run on Epic's implementation infrastructure. What's crucial about the workflow depicted above is that there's a data report that comes directly out of Chronicles (not Clarity) that you use as a part of this packaging workflow. This is report is often a small extract representing current patients in the health system. Thus, despite being small it is a very good representation of what the data will look like prospectively, as its generated by the prospective infrastructure. I think its a really good opportunity to address infrastructure shift, if the model developer uses this data in additional to a larger retrospectively collected research dataset for development. Maybe I'll do some research in this direction... ## Wrapping Up In this post we've covered the foundational aspects of healthcare AI model development, briefly touching on from data acquisition and development environment setup. Looking ahead, our next post will detail the infrastructure needed to support AI implementation. The brief discussion on the intersection of development and implementation prepares us for this discussion and underscores a crucial recurring theme: the need for foresight and integrated planning for these types of projects. By understanding the detailed processes of how data is handled, transformed, and utilized, developers can better anticipate the practical challenges that arise during model implementation. This anticipatory approach not only streamlines the transition from development to use but also enhances the adaptability and effectiveness of the solutions we create. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( [^1]: I've never done a cost break-down analysis for on-premises vs. cloud for healthcare AI research, but I'd love to see results if anyone has some handy. ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "Healthcare AI Implementation Infrastructure" last_modified_at: 2024-04-11 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - implementation - implementation science header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "The tools needed to make connect an existing AI model into software and processes that impact clinical care." --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. This is the third part in our series on healthcare AI infrastructure. We've already covered the general healthcare IT landscape and the infrastructure pertaining to healthcare AI development. # Healthcare AI Implementation Infrastructure We now turn our attention to connecting models into care processes, which is known as *implementation*. I'd argue that healthcare AI implementation tools and processes are often under-discussed and under-studied compared to how important and complicated they are. Hopefully, this post will help to remedy that mismatch a little bit. A couple notes before we start. Although this might not seem that important to the engineers who are on the AI research and development side of things I would argue that understanding the downstream will not only increase your success of projects eventually making a clinical impact but also that there are interesting and cool research ideas that can come out of thinking about development. I discussed in the [implementation goes beyond the technology](/blog/Healthcare-AI-Implementation/), however, the primary focus of this section will be on the implementation step of *technical integration*, the nuts-and-bolts of connecting AI models to existing HIT systems. ## Two Approaches to Implementation There are two primary ways to integrate a model into existing HIT systems and they are delineated by the relationship to the EMR: internal and external. *Internal integration* of models means that developers rely exclusively on the tooling provided by the EMR vendor to do the hosting of the model along with all of the logic around running it and filling the results.
Implementation overview using Epic.
Implementation overview using Epic.
*External integration* of models means that developers choose to own some of parts of the hosting, running, or filing (usually its the hosting piece).
Implementation overview using self-hosting.
Implementation overview using self-hosting.
In both scenarios data ends up flowing from the EMR database to the model, however the path that these data take can be drastically different and significant thought should be put into security of the data and the match between the infrastructure and model's capabilities. It is important to note that these approaches delegate the display of model results to the EMR system. They do this by passing model results to the EMR and using EMR tools to display the results to users. ## Internal Integration The infrastructure choices of internal integration are fairly straightforward, as its all dictated by the EMR vendor so you may not have many options. In the past this would have meant re-programming your model so that it could be called by code in the EMR (e.g., for Epic you would need to have it be a custom MUMPS routine). Luckily now EMR vendors are building out tools that enable (relatively) easy integration of models.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
### Limitations However, there are some major restrictions, because these are not servers that are totally under your control. Instead they are platforms that are designed to be safe and effective for a variety of use cases. Thus, they tend to have a couple attributes that may be problematic. The first is sandboxing, the model code runs in a special environment that has a pre-specified library of code available. As long as you only use code from that library your model code should function fine, however if you have an additional dependence outside that library you may run into significant issues. The second is conforming to existing software architectures. Expanding enterprise software often means grafting existing components together in order to create new functionality. For example, existing reporting functionality may be used as the starting point for an AI hosting application. While this makes sense (reporting gets you the input data for your model), it means that you maybe stuck with a framework that wasn't explicitly designed for AI. The sandboxing and working with existing design patterns means that square pegs (AI models) may need to be hammered into round holes (vendor infrastructure). Together this means that you seed a significant amount of control and flexibility. While this could be viewed as procrustean, it may actually be a good thing as it does force AI models to adhere to certain standards and ensures that there's a uniform data security floor. ## External Integration External integration is the other side of the coin. Model developers can pick out exactly how they want their model to be hosted and run as well as how they would like it to interface with the EMR. This additional flexibility is great if you are working on cutting edge research, but it carries a significant burden in terms of guaranteeing that data are handled in a safe and secure manner. External integration offers a path where innovation can meet clinical applications, allowing for a bespoke approach to deploying AI models. This flexibility, however, comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, particularly in the realms of security, interoperability, and sustainability of the AI solutions.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
### Limitations Below are key considerations and strategies for effective external integration of AI in healthcare: * Security and Compliance When hosting AI models externally, ensuring the security of patient data and compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA in the United States is paramount. It is essential to employ robust encryption methods for data in transit and at rest, implement strict access controls, and regularly conduct security audits and vulnerability assessments. Utilizing cloud services that are compliant with healthcare standards can mitigate some of these concerns, but it requires diligent vendor assessment and continuous monitoring. * Interoperability and Data Standards The AI model must interact with the EMR system to receive input data and return predictions. Adopting interoperability standards such as HL7 FHIR can facilitate this communication, enabling the AI system to parse and understand data from diverse EMR systems and ensuring that the AI-generated outputs are usable within the clinical workflow. An alternative is to use a data integration service, like [Redox]( * Scalability and Performance External AI solutions must be designed to scale efficiently with usage demands of a healthcare organization. This includes considerations (that some may consider boring) for load balancing, high availability, and the ability to update the AI models without disrupting the clinical workflow. Performance metrics such as response time and accuracy under load should be continuously monitored to ensure that the AI integration does not negatively impact clinical operations. * Support and Maintenance External AI solutions require a commitment to ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues, update models based on new data or clinical guidelines, and adapt to changes in the IT infrastructure. Establishing clear service level agreements (SLAs) with vendors or internal teams responsible for the AI solution is crucial to ensure timely support and updates. ## Bonus: Another Approach to External "Integration" A great deal of the effort involved in external integration is assuring that the data travels between the EMR and your hosted AI model in a safe and secure manner. Setting up all the plumbing between the EMR and your system can take the vast majority of your development time. Let's say you didn't want to go through the hassle, but still wanted to enable clinical users to interact with your model. Well you could provide them with a (secure) way to access your model online and have them be the information intermediaries.
Implementation overview using self-hosting.
Implementation overview using self-hosting with the user as the intermediary.
This is exactly what [MDCalc]( does. They have lots of models that physicians can go and input data directly into. They are super useful clinically, but they're not integrated into the EMR. If the amount of data that your model uses is small (a handful of simple data elements), then this could be a viable approach. And if you don't collect PHI/PII then you could set up your own MDCalc like interface to your hosted model. We won't talk about this architecture in depth, but I think its a potentially interesting way to make tools directly for clinicians. ## Parting Thoughts Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "AI Infrastructure Example: *C. difficile* Infection Risk" last_modified_at: 2024-04-12 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - implementation - implementation science header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Discussion of the technical integration for an in-hospital infection risk stratification model." --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. This post builds off of our previous discussions on healthcare AI infrastructure. It may be helpful to review the posts that cover the general lay of healthcare IT land, development infrastructure, and implementation infrastructure. # *C. difficile* Infection Model We will be discussing the technical integration of a model that we have running at the University of Michigan. We developed this model with the intent to *C. difficile* infection risk stratification This is the model that we developed to integrated for *C. difficile* infection risk stratification.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Data for this model comes from our research data warehouse then travels to the model posted on a Windows virtual machine. The predictions from the model are then passed back to the EMR using web services. We have a report that runs daily from the research state warehouse. It’s a stored SQL procedure that runs at a set time very early in the morning about 5 AM. This is essentially a large table of data for each of the patients that were interested in producing a prediction on rows our patients and columns are the various features that were interested in. Stored procedures update information in a view inside of RDW. The research data at warehouse and this view are accessible by a Windows machine that we have inside of the health IT secure computing environment. This windows machine has a scheduled job that runs every morning about at about 6 AM. This job pull the data down from the database runs a series of python files that you data pre-processing and apply the model to the data to the transform data, and then save the output, model predictions to a shared secured directory on the internal health system network. We then returned the predictions to Chronicles, using infrastructure that our health IT colleagues helped to develop. This infrastructure involves a scheduled job written in C# that reads the file that we have saved the shared directory does date of validation and then passes data into chronicles using epics web services framework. These data end up as flow sheet values for each patient. We then worked with our epic analyst colleagues to use the flow sheet data to trigger as practice alerts, and also to populate port. The best practice alerts fire based off of some configuration that’s done inside of epic in order to be able to adjust the alerting threshold outside of Epic what we did was we modified the score such that the alerting information with someone distinct from the actual score so what we did is we packed an alert flag and the score together into a single decimal separated value and this is essentially a number however it’s unique and that it contains two pieces of information so we could take a patient to Oehlert on and we would say 1.56 a patient that we didn’t alert on would be zero point Model predictions are passed to the EMR system using web services. Predictions are then filed as either flowsheet rows (inpatient encounters) or smart data elements (outpatient encounters). You have to build your own infrastructure to push the predictions to the EMR environment. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "AI Infrastructure Example: COVID-19 In-Hospital Deterioration" last_modified_at: 2024-05-08 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - implementation - implementation science header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "How we built and implemented the M-CURES model for in-hospital deterioration." --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. This post builds off of our previous discussions on healthcare AI infrastructure. If you are unfamiliar with that infrastructure, reviewing the posts that cover the AI lifecycle or the general infrastructure landscape may be helpful. # Overview In this post, we'll discuss the technical side of the Michigan Critical Care Utilization and Risk Evaluation System (M-CURES) project We developed M-CURES as an in-hospital deterioration prediction system for patients admitted to the hospital for acute respiratory failure during the initial onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the early days of the pandemic, everyone was concerned with quickly triaging patients between different levels of care. We expected to see a massive influx of patients and wanted to be able to place them in the correct care setting (e.g., home, field hospital, regular hospital, ICU). To meet this anticipated need, Michigan Medicine leadership asked us to develop and implement a predictive model to help with triage. The development of the model and external validation are covered in a [paper we published in the BMJ]( We discussed implementation exceptionally early in the project to speed up the process. Within the first week, we decided to implement the model we developed using Epic's tools (internal integration). Although it was our first time using Epic's tooling, we felt it would give us the best chance at the fastest integration process. After we decided to go with Epic's tooling, we started technical integration immediately. We did this work in parallel with model development to speed up the process as much as possible. ## Epic's Internal Integration Approaches As mentioned in the development infrastructure post, Epic provides tooling to facilitate internal technical integration. At the time we started the M-CURES project, Epic offered two options for internal integration: - Epic Cognitive Computing Platform (ECCP) and - Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML). Epic's [PMML]( aapproach is interesting because you implement the model by specifying a model configuration (using the [PMML standard]( Epic builds/hosts a copy of the model based on their implementations of different model architectures. I have not built anything using this approach; however, my research at the time indicated that it was the more limited option, as only a handful of simple model architectures were supported. Because of the model architecture limitations of PMML, we decided to go with ECCP for M-CURES. ECCP enables you to host custom Python models using Epic's model serving infrastructure. This model serving infrastructure is a sandboxed Python AI environment hosted using Microsoft Azure. At a high level, data are passed from Chronicles to this Azure instance; the model runs and produces predictions, which are then passed back to Chronicles. ECCP takes care of the data transitions, and AI developers primarily only need to worry about their AI code. ## Overview of ECCP
Architecture diagram for implementing custom models served outside of an EMR vendor's system. Research data warehouse generates reports that are then sent to the external model implementation environment, the model generates predictions which are then passed to the EMR system.
Epic's ECCP Implementation Architecture. AI Model serving is closely tied yo the EMR functionality. Data transits between two different environments (Epic's regular backend and the Azure environment), but the tight integration between them enables high levels of reliability and makes serving information to users easy.
This infrastructure tightly integrates Epic's various systems so that data can flow fairly seamlessly from Chronicles to the model and the end user. Model input data is passed out of Chronicles using Reporting Workbench. Reporting Workbench is designed for different types of EMR reporting. Analysts can configure these reports to pull patient data that can be fed to AI models. Data are in a tabular structure[^1] where rows represent patients or encounters, and columns represent attributes like age, current heart rate, etc. [^1]: This is where the non-tabular structure of healthcare data can cause issues for healthcare AI novices. Because the underlying data in Chronicles isn't actually tabular (and the best representation of longitudinal health data is also not tabular), a lot of engineering needs to be done to get a good representation of the patients. These data are then passed securely to the model, which runs on the Azure instance. The model developer can then include various code and outside data to produce model outputs and related metadata (like explainability scores). This information is passed back to Chronicles and ends up in a particular part of the database designed to store predictive model results.[^2] [^2]: TThe information you can pass back is limited because the database only expects certain types of information (e.g., integer or float). When the data is back in Chronicles, it can be served to users in several ways. For example, the information could be used to trigger best practice alerts, or it could be used to rank and order a patient list in terms of increasing risk. Building alerts and patient lists using the predictions is easy because we are working directly with Epic's tools. Throughout the integration process, developers should liaise with health system analysts who are experts in configuring Epic's systems. These analysts work with data directly into Chronicles and then can work with their colleagues to set up the best practice alert or column display. The entire flow of data from Chronicles to ECCP and back to Chronicles is tightly integrated and controlled, which yields good safety and reliability. ### Chronicles Not Clarity What's crucial about the workflow described above is that there's a data report that comes directly out of Chronicles (not Clarity) that you use as a part of this packaging workflow. This report often represents patients currently interacting with the health system (i.e., admitted patients). By definition, this set of patients/encounters will be much smaller than Clarity's and other data warehouses' corpus of retrospective patients/encounters. However, despite being smaller, it is a nearly perfect representation of what the data will look like prospectively, as the prospective infrastructure generates it and does not undergo any additional transformations. ### Sandboxing ECCP provides a Python environment with a load of standard Python AI/ML libraries (Numpy, Pandas, SKLearn, etc.) They also offer custom Python functions that help you interact with the data interfaces. These functions help with: - Receiving inputs: They provide function calls to receive input data exported from Chronicles and parse it into a dataframe. - Returning outputs: After you have model predictions, you can use their function calls to package results and send them back to Chronicles. These functions help to bookend your model code and help developers automate data flow. Although the ECCP environment is sandboxed, developers are not constrained in terms of the code they can include, as they can include additional Python and data files in the package. Additionally, developers can call external APIs within this environment (if the health system's IT teams safelist them). This means developers could include information from other sources or process data via another service. Thus, converting an existing Python model for use with ECCP is relatively easy. ## Model Development We will now discuss the technical side of how we developed M-CURES using ECCP. You can find many model development and validation details in our [BMJ paper]( The short version is that model development primarily used [Michigan Medicine's research infrastructure](). Although we got the majority of training and internal validation data from Michigan Medicine's Research Data Warehouse (RDW), Epic's implementation infrastructure reshaped our model development approach.
Architecture diagram for developing models inside of ECCP.
Architecture diagram for developing models capable of running on ECCP. A crucial part of model development and implementation using ECCP depends on setting up a Reporting Workbench report. This report can improve model development and should be used for validation and packaging.
### Reporting Workbench Report Differences in data pipelines led to a shift in how we built the model. The research data pipeline we were familiar with for model development gave us a lot of control regarding pulling a wide array of features per patient. However, this control came at the cost of accessing very low-level data. We had to put significant development effort into getting the data in the right representational state. For example, we could easily pull all the meds and vitals for a patient encounter. But then, it was up to us to figure out how to filter and aggregate these data before feeding it into the model. The reporting infrastructure that Epic uses for ECCP can be thought of as "higher level," where the choice-preparation trade-off was flipped. The choices of available data available are Reporting Workbench reports is slightly restricted. This limitation is counterbalanced by the benefit of automatically filtering and aggregating data. We could specify that we would like the last set of vitals or if the patient had received a beta-blocker medication. An additional "pro" of this approach is that these data elements are shared across the health systems's Epic reporting infrastructure, so analysts only need to build a column/feature once. On the whole, this is a great benefit. However, it does limit the choices available to developers. Initially, we chafed at this a little. But this was because we were so used to "rolling our own." Having standard data components that can be re-used and maintained by the health system is the way of the future. We just weren't used to it. We were assigned a small amount of analyst time for the M-CURES project to help build out the Reporting Workbench report we would be using Because this was so limited, we included minimal features in the model. We did a bunch of experiments with the training data (from RDW) to do feature selection and then routinely checked with our analyst colleague to ensure that we could get the selected features in the report. Through this iterative process, we ended up with the logistic regression model we wanted to use. ### Epic Model Development Environment At this point, we had model weights and Python code. To run the model in ECCP, developers must package these in a format that the sandboxed Azure instance can handle. This is where Epic's model development environment, Slate, comes in. The Slate tooling enables model developers to test and package their Python code. It's an Epic-developed docker container replicating the Azure hosting environment. This environment has a battery of Python libraries commonly used for AI, like Numpy, Pandas, and SKLearn. It also has custom Epic functions that enable you to test and package the model. After setting up Slate on our development servers we ported our logistic regression model to it. Alongside the code, we also brought in an example report produced by our analyst. This enabled us to use Epic's tools to do test runs, where the model was passed this example report, which is data representative of what it would see in production. These testing tools enabled us to understand how ECCP worked and debug our model and preprocessing code. I will describe one of the most valuable tests we conducted in a separate post on technical integration. Once we were happy with how the model worked in the Slate testing environment, we used Epic's tools to package the model and all the associated code. ## Epic Implementation Environment We then shared the packaged model with our Epic analyst colleague. In addition to the model package, there is some configuration that is needed when running the model in real-time: * Reporting Workbench report and * model run information. We connected the Reporting Workbench model discussed above to our configuration. Additionally, we instantiated the logic that controls the frequency at which the model runs. Our analysts created an Epic batch job that ran at a specified frequency.[^3] This job runs the Reporting Workbench reports and passes that data to the model process. [^3]: Care must be exercised with run frequency. I recommend thorough testing before changing the run frequency of a model. Once you have everything configured, you should be able to monitor the status of previous prediction jobs using Epic's ECCP management dashboard. Additionally, analysts can kick off a one-time run of the model. This is very helpful for debugging, as errors in the Python runtime are displayed in the management dashboard.[^4] [^4]: This was a helpful avenue to improve the way my Python code ran in ECCP. As I was able to write custom exceptions that passed back information about who my code was running. ## Workflow After all the setup, our model began producing scores for all the eligible patients in the hospital every couple of hours. The predictions were filed to Chronicles and displayed as a risk score column for Michigan Medicine's rapid response team. This team used the scores to screen patients at higher risk for deterioration. ## Final Considerations Our decision to do technical integration simultaneously with model development was significant. The learnings from technical integration directly impacted our choices for model development. For example, we realized that building the Reporting Workbench report was relatively laborious. Each column in the report took a reasonable amount of time to develop and validate. These columns corresponded to a variable (also known as a feature) that the model took as input. So, the integration effort scaled linearly with the number of features we wanted to include in the model. During the early stages of development, we explored models with thousands of features, as we had access to the features from RDW and had code to manage these features easily. However, once we learned more about the integration effort, we decided to cap the number of features used to a small number (around 10). We felt comfortable with this decision because we could balance performance and implementation time. Our early experiments indicated that we wouldn't lose a ton of performance going from thousands of features to ten (something on the order of less than a 10% relative decrease in AUROC), and we were sure that we could implement and test the report with the allocated Epic analyst built time. One final consideration of the internal integration approach is that a significant amount of the model configuration is outside the direct control of the AI developers. Instead, a substantial portion of the configuration is under the purview of health system analysts. This division could be great if there is good communication between the two parties. However, there’s often a big disconnect. This disconnect is due to the siloed nature of healthcare IT and AI R&D. Analysts are in a siloed place inside health system IT, and developers tend to be outside of direct health IT and structure. Usually, this devolves into a big game of telephone, as these parties don't usually talk to one another or have good relationships. So, as always, we need to work on our sociotechnical system. We can start by improving communication and tearing down silos. Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "AI Infrastructure: Technical Integration Testing" last_modified_at: 2024-05-08 categories: - Blog tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - data science - FDA - clinical decision support - technology in medicine - implementation - implementation science header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/785385DC-5E5C-47B4-987D-E89D8DCBF9CB_1_105_c.jpeg" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "How do we ensure what we built actually works in production?" --- NB: this series is still a work in progress. This post builds off of our previous discussions on healthcare AI infrastructure. If you are unfamiliar with that infrastructure, it may be helpful to review the posts that cover the AI lifecycle or the general infrastructure landscape. # Overview ## Technical Integration Testing Although I've alluded to it, we haven't formally discussed testing side of integration yet. Testing all the components needed to technically implement the system is something that I refer to as *technical integration testing*. After careful consideration of clinical workflow it is one of the most important steps in the implementation process, imo. The basic premise of technical integration testing is to double check that you get the expected results from implementation components and that the system functions correct. This can be tricky because you need a good end-to-end understanding of the system and should approach each of the components from several different perspectives (software engineer, data engineer, ML engineer). Additionally, we don't have a standard toolbox to use when we are conducting technical integration testing. Although I didn't have a guide book, I tried to approach this process in a systematic manner through the course of the M-CURES project. I ended up creating several techniques that can be ... [TODO: transition] A couple of the techniques were simply around getting more information from the integration system. These involved closely examining the way data was being passed to and from the model. This is crucial because small changes in data format coming in can have big downstream consequences. As such we developed some techniques that allowed us to debug how our model was receiving and processing data. These techniques utilized the Python error console that Epic provided in the ECCP management dashboard. We built custom errors that helped assure that we were receiving and processing data in the correct manner. This process helped us refine our mental model of ECCP to align with the way it actually works. Part of the ECCP production debugging was inspired by another line of testing that we had conducted, which was diffing predictions. Diffing predictions grew out of a technique we had developed for [analyzing prospective performance degradation]( The basic premise is straightforward. Run the same information through two different implementations of the same These techniques were: * ECCP Production Debugging * Diffing PatientLevel Predictions ECCP Production Debuggin During this implementation process I developed 2 techniques that could ev some approaches for That being said, I did take a shot at doing a systematic This is an area I'm particularly interested in and hopefully I can convince some peer reviewers that It would be Its tricky as you have to you need to approach the system from a c During this process - slate vs. manually running the model - production debugging Cheers,
[Go ÖN Home]( ------------------------ File: Creation Date: "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:14:01 +0000" --- title: "OUWB Med Education Week: Intro to AI for Medicine" last_modified_at: 2024-05-14 categories: - Blog - Talk tags: - medicine - healthcare - artificial intelligence - machine learning - generative artificial intelligence - healthcare AI - digital health header: teaser: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1408.JPG" overlay_image: "/assets/images/insta/IMG_1408.JPG" overlay_filter: 0.5 # same as adding an opacity of 0.5 to a black background excerpt: "Lessons from Across the Healthcare AI Lifecycle." --- # Reimagining Medical Education - Harnessing AI I am excited to present at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine's medical education week. The week's theme is "Reimagining Medical Education," I'll contribute to the discussion on artificial intelligence (AI) in health professions. My talk, titled "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Medicine: Lessons from Across the Healthcare AI Lifecycle," aims to be a wide-ranging primer on how AI works and how it could positively reshape medicine under the guidance of clinicians. ## What to Expect - **Introduce, define, and contextualize Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).** We will unpack the concepts of AI, machine learning, deep learning, and generative AI. - **Motivate the usage of AI systems in medicine.** I'll provide examples of how well-thought-out AI could improve clinical care. - **Provide a fundamental grounding for how AI systems work.** Throughout this discussion, I'll share insights into how these systems function and equip learners with the perspective to evaluate clinical AI tools. - **Discuss the current state and limitations of medical AI systems.** By exploring specific AI applications in medicine, I'll highlight some key issues to consider when integrating AI tools into clinical care. - **Motivate students to learn more about AI/ML.** At the end of this talk, audience members will feel empowered to learn more about healthcare AI to shape its future development. [Link to download presentation.]( I plan on updating this post with recordings or notable discussion points. Cheers,
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